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? As I said before, you really do not know what you are doing do you.
As I said and your ilk are being used like tools and you're too blind and stupid to see and know it.

OHHHHH the irony.

I understand the situation very well. I understand it well enough to know that the location of refugees be them here of on the other side of the world doesn't make you, me or anyone any more or less safe.

So potential terrorists are as dangerous across the world as they are next door? OK...

Nor do I judge people solely on their religion or country of origin.

Noone here is making such judgments. We simply want to make sure the people coming into our country are vetted and safe. These same posters have advocated the same thing to apply to illegal immigrants too.
My bad you must have me in the camp of people that believes everything I'm told by our lying untrustworthy govt.

For shits and giggles where to do you currently stand on whether Benghazi was a terrorist attack like Hiliary says or just some youtuber, also coincidentally what Hiliary says?

Do not take that as Repubs are honest to their core either, anything posted seemingly to sway a mass of people against popular belief is just too coincidental to me, especially coming from those trained to lie because the truth is always easier to deal with later.

It's almost comical that anyone doesn't trust information promulgated by the Department Of Defense. I'm willing to bet you would totally agree with anything published by the DOD website if it agreed with your agenda.

So here's a question since you apparently do not believe in the number of sorties or attacks that have been made against ISIS as documented by the DOD what information source are you relaying that makes you believe something different? I'm just curious as to what information source you regard as more credible than DOD? Everyone gets their info from somewhere so please tell us your source(s). I have a feeling it's probably a Hannity type that's just talking out his a$$.

Concerning Benghazi there were three issues.

1. Could we have prevented this attack? - out of the 8 investigations that have been made the answer is most probably NO.

2. Was it a planned terrorist attack or a spontaneous response to a video? The answer from what I've heard is a planned attacked that was exacerbated by the video. The investigations did discover that the video explanation was documented in the official CIA report that the Whitehouse received, so it wasn't a made up political story, but the terrorist plot component was probably conveniently ignored at first for political expediency.

3. What can we do to prevent future attacks or how can we better defend our embassies abroad? Unfortunately the politi-turds that conducted these investigations seem to have little interest in this one, so the question remains unanswered so far as I can see.

How I rate the importance of these 3 questions on a scale of 1-10. The most important question is #3 which was never answered - I rate it a 10. The second most important question which was somewhat answered is #1 - rate it an 8. The least most important question, was it planned or spontaneous has been mostly answered. I rate it a 1.

Anyone who continues to obsess over this video vs. plot issue, but never mentions the larger issues, is obviously much more concerned with political posturing than the safety and security of our foreign diplomats.
Terrorists: "hey, I think we should attack the US embassy and kill the ambassador and anyone who tries to stop us".

Terrorists after seeing YouTube video: "hey, did you see that shit? Well that does it. We are gonna really attack the shit outta them now. Kill'em real hard. I mean, that really exacerbates things!"

Only thing missing in that ridiculous post was a reference to Ted Nugent's metaphor.
It's almost comical that anyone doesn't trust information promulgated by the Department Of Defense. I'm willing to bet you would totally agree with anything published by the DOD website if it agreed with your agenda.

So here's a question since you apparently do not believe in the number of sorties or attacks that have been made against ISIS as documented by the DOD what information source are you relaying that makes you believe something different? I'm just curious as to what information source you regard as more credible than DOD? Everyone gets their info from somewhere so please tell us your source(s). I have a feeling it's probably a Hannity type that's just talking out his a$$.

Concerning Benghazi there were three issues.

1. Could we have prevented this attack? - out of the 8 investigations that have been made the answer is most probably NO.

2. Was it a planned terrorist attack or a spontaneous response to a video? The answer from what I've heard is a planned attacked that was exacerbated by the video. The investigations did discover that the video explanation was documented in the official CIA report that the Whitehouse received, so it wasn't a made up political story, but the terrorist plot component was probably conveniently ignored at first for political expediency.

3. What can we do to prevent future attacks or how can we better defend our embassies abroad? Unfortunately the politi-turds that conducted these investigations seem to have little interest in this one, so the question remains unanswered so far as I can see.

How I rate the importance of these 3 questions on a scale of 1-10. The most important question is #3 which was never answered - I rate it a 10. The second most important question which was somewhat answered is #1 - rate it an 8. The least most important question, was it planned or spontaneous has been mostly answered. I rate it a 1.

Anyone who continues to obsess over this video vs. plot issue, but never mentions the larger issues, is obviously much more concerned with political posturing than the safety and security of our foreign diplomats.
This forums talking head for Obama and Hillary's far left looney agenda^^^^^^^^^^
Albany and a few others are their cheerleaders.
Dee, I wasn't asking you to explain Be ghazi but thanks. I was asking you to pick one of Hiliary's two stories as to what it was as an example of why I don't believe jack from this govt, and yes that includes info reported within a few days after a major terrorist attack when our president is being drug through the mud on many topics. So the report is just more propaganda reporting IMHO.

I'm not saying it hasn't happened I just don't trust the first thing reported by our govt period!

I don't got sources nor do I have info.
Did fuzzy ever realize he posted a chart that proved himself wrong? Similar to the Brady bet only then he created another username to give himself support (against about 200 telling him he was wrong).

And deee's Benghazi breakdown....shew. Both guys really on their game.

TN is blocking immigrants, fuzzy should channel that passion and make himself immortal by taking his bike down to one of those hills outside the capitol and dousing himself in gas while reading his ME rants from catpaw. And right before striking the match, adding "and share the road"!.
POTUS says ISIS is "contained" hours before the attack in Paris
Email published of top aide to the odds-on next POTUS, who has had health issues, as being "often confused".

Barely of ripple, if that, in the media.
I'm pretty torn on the refugee question. On the one hand, I think we are all pretty emotionally outraged about what happened in Paris and understand the absolute need to ensure that a similar attack can't happen here.

On the other hand, I understand the need to stay the course on the refugee plan to promote a longer term strategy in this war on terror and ideology. I think the U.S. remaining that - and I hate this phrase but I don't know how else to put it - "beacon of freedom" to those in the Middle East who are fed up with what's happening in their countries is important. It's part of the propoganda war against ISIL and other terrorist organizations whose life blood is recruitment. I also ask whether getting the Western world to refuse the refugees might not have been something ISIL hoped to gain from its attack for its own propoganda benefit.

I guess it comes down to how strong our current intelligence on ISIL and this situation is, and how much we trust our intelligence community to sniff out any potential attacks well before they're allowed to materialize.

I have to believe we'll be keeping some pretty tight intelligence tabs on every refugee who is coming in.
I guess it comes down to how strong our current intelligence on ISIL and this situation is, and how much we trust our intelligence community to sniff out any potential attacks well before they're allowed to materialize.

I have to believe we'll be keeping some pretty tight intelligence tabs on every refugee who is coming in.
I have posted some info on the last couple of pages that speaks to this. The FBI has said bluntly that they do not have good data or processes for Syrians, much worse in their view than those coming from Iraq. And that was in response to the proposal for 10k not 75k.
I also posted a story from Sept where our intelligence community is accusing senior leaders of sugarcoating ISIS reports to make it appear better than what is being promoted. Diane Feinstein, of all people, publicly broke with the WH yesterday and said ISIS is growing and certainly not "contained".
And deee's Benghazi breakdown....shew. Both guys really on their game.

Pretty obvious the Dems have asked their disciples to work overtime to try and sell this to the public.

POTUS says ISIS is "contained" hours before the attack in Paris
Email published of top aide to the odds-on next POTUS, who has had health issues, as being "often confused".

Barely of ripple, if that, in the media.

Can you imagine if a GOP president said such a thing? Or even a GOP politician? Thered be constant lampooning (as their should). But nothing since its Dem.

I have posted some info on the last couple of pages that speaks to this. The FBI has said bluntly that they do not have good data or processes for Syrians, much worse in their view than those coming from Iraq. And that was in response to the proposal for 10k not 75k.
I also posted a story from Sept where our intelligence community is accusing senior leaders of sugarcoating ISIS reports to make it appear better than what is being promoted. Diane Feinstein, of all people, publicly broke with the WH yesterday and said ISIS is growing and certainly not "contained".

Its still mind blowing to me that our CIC will openly allow potential enemy combatants to walk through the front door. By invitation no less lol. This almost seems like some sort of bad joke that cant be real.
ISIS, ISIL, terrorists, Putin, Russia, North Korea... none of it matters.

Climate change is what you need to worry about lol.
Obama's incompetence really should transcend party politics... if you're truly interested in what's best for the country.
Obama's incompetence really should transcend party politics... if you're truly interested in what's best for the country.
By year 6 Bush's incompetence starting seriously eroding his support and he dropped 15-20 points in approval. Those 15-20 % points of BO supporters simply refuse to even acknowledge or discuss his failings. That blind loyalty is what HRC is using to her benefit as well. And many of those people dare to call themselves moderate or centrists.
By year 6 Bush's incompetence starting seriously eroding his support and he dropped 15-20 points in approval. Those 15-20 % points of BO supporters simply refuse to even acknowledge or discuss his failings. That blind loyalty is what HRC is using to her benefit as well. And many of those people dare to call themselves moderate or centrists.
Lets these folks get shot at by some crazy terrorist and I bet they are singing a different tune. Pretty typical. Its not my problem until it happens to me. Its just insane thinking. We are all Americans. I just can't wrap my head around how so many people have long forgot about 9/11. Just go watch a video of that day and if there is not an ounce of doubt with what this administration is doing then I do not know what to tell you.
Sorry: I'm using sarcasm

I know. I just don't know that hyperbole really helps the issue, or even makes a valid point, when there are so many who legitimately believe stupid stuff. All my elderly relatives... it's jarring what nonsense they believe.
why ship them all the way across the Atlantic? why aren't the other Arab/Muslim states offering safe haven?

We all know the answer.
Has no one seen Scarface and witnessed the screening done with the Cubans?

Can't wait to se Osama come lately talking about scars from eating vagina.
POTUS says ISIS is "contained" hours before the attack in Paris
Email published of top aide to the odds-on next POTUS, who has had health issues, as being "often confused".

Barely of ripple, if that, in the media.
Wrong letter next to the name. Were it an R........

We know how this will play out. Issues like this will eventually get some play - once it appears Hilary is safely on her way to a win, or more likely in the days after the election. Will appear right along with those inevitably heart-warming human interest stories out of the hinterlands. They'll spend some time in criticism of Hilary or Barack, so that later on they can say they did report it, and people like the usual suspect on here can say "they beat that stuff to death!".....
Lets these folks get shot at by some crazy terrorist and I bet they are singing a different tune. Pretty typical. Its not my problem until it happens to me. Its just insane thinking. We are all Americans. I just can't wrap my head around how so many people have long forgot about 9/11. Just go watch a video of that day and if there is not an ounce of doubt with what this administration is doing then I do not know what to tell you.

deee is in Chattanooga where there was an attack. Still all in.

Yep. Nothing will shake the bind loyalty of most Dems. Theyll lie, cheat, steal even constantly repeat canned talking points on message boards. Anything to win.
Got it, your beef is with the Saudis and other Sunni dominated states, not the other Islamic countries providing save haven for ~ 2M refugees.

I ain't a fan of Wahhabiists either, who share similar ideologies as the ISIL ranks. That's why I don't want our nation to follow in their footsteps and deny refugees, who are enemies of the ISIL state, protection in the US.
If you consider Turkey and Lebanon to be "Arab/Muslim states", then you need to do more reading before criticizing. All props to Jordan for compounding their pre-existing mass unemployment and poverty by taking in refugees en masse, but the "Arab/Muslim states" with the space and the means to alleviate this crisis are deciding not to do so. Perhaps they are more savvy on this topic than naive European (and apparently American) governments.
^ I read Arab/Muslim to be an either/or proposition, which comfortable fits Turkey and Lebanon in the Arab part. But, sure, Saudi Arabia should be doing more (seems like that's a constant refrain). Still, Syria's Muslim neighbors are taking in the bulk of the refugees, although it's probably less of a choice and more of a necessity. Borders and distances and all that.

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