How will they rule ??!

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Figure what out? Put a gun to the back of the head of some presumptive unifying candidate who will win with 53% of the vote next November but for some reason doesnt want to run? Who is that person exactly?

Rubio + midwest gov VP will win next November. Hillary's too disliked and known, she can't win back trustworthiness and likability. Plus she has staked out positions on the far Far FAR left in fear of what happened to her in 2008 happening again. Good luck to her in the gen election having to answer for (1)even more illegal amnesty by exec action than Obama has done, (2)gun control, (3)emptying prisons.

voters in the suburbs are going to be thrilled with those stances!!

Unfortunately, almost all dems will vote Hillary in the presidential election. There are two X factors after that, independent voters and women who want to see a woman get in. There are a lot of them out there in the independent and conservative voting block. I know a few in the circles in run in who did not vote Obama but say that we need a woman in office because men have been screwing it up for years. Yes Virginia there are people who think and vote that way.
Of course I liked liked Rand Pauls answers about US involvement in the ME. He seems to be the only one with any practical knowledge about how we've arrived at the mess over there, and what not to do to make things worse. I don't think any of the tax proposals I heard will do anything but cause continued deficits and continue to swell the 19 trillion national debt. Rubio's budget plan is the worst of all as he combines big tax cuts with big new spending - "invest in the kids". And since either one of those guys on stage last night or Hillary will be the next President, the country is doomed to some kind of life-as-we-know-it altering chaos in the near future.
I do like how Trump randomly, but frequently, challenges his supporters on their loyalty...such as the new message about wages being too high. Ballsy.
"Invest in kids" lolllll

That's a bold and fresh new idea. And exactly what we don't need.

Sounds brilliant, though. Can't argue that or you hate kids.

We need adults to lead the children. It's ass backwards right now.
MU urges students to call police if they hear hateful or hurtful speech.

Okkkkkkk. Why?

I have no idea wtf is going on over there so maybe I should not read about it. This is the most bizarre PC incident I've seen.
It's funny how the qualities/traits it takes to win the Presidency have nothing to do with the ability to govern as President. What does it take to win the nomination and general - being a good debater, having a presence, being a good speaker, be able to raise a shit-ton of money, essentially standing out on a stage with 7 other people. None of which has anything to do with governing.
MU urges students to call police if they hear hateful or hurtful speech.

Okkkkkkk. Why?

I have no idea wtf is going on over there so maybe I should not read about it. This is the most bizarre PC incident I've seen.

In one of my journalism classes it became department policy that we must write a profile that shows diversity. You had to interview someone that was either gay, different race, different religion, etc because journalism too often became "white people interviewing white people."

After we wrote the profile on our subject, we had to write a brief bio on ourselves and then were audited to make sure it reflected "diversity."

I kid you not.
MU urges students to call police if they hear hateful or hurtful speech.

Okkkkkkk. Why?

I have no idea wtf is going on over there so maybe I should not read about it. This is the most bizarre PC incident I've seen.
allegedly one of the horrific incidences which caused a hunger strike, football team quitting, and forced resignation of the Pres was 1 white guy calling a group of 10 to 11 black guys the N word.

Before, the 10 black guys had no choice but lay down in the street & start crying. NOW, they can safely call 911 and the police will rush in and arrest the Thought Crime offender, and send him off to Reeducation Camp!
In one of my journalism classes it became department policy that we must write a profile that shows diversity. You had to interview someone that was either gay, different race, different religion, etc because journalism too often became "white people interviewing white people."

After we wrote the profile on our subject, we had to write a brief bio on ourselves and then were audited to make sure it reflected "diversity."

I kid you not.
Not sure what was wrong with that assignment?
Whether or not you agree with the position of a different race, different religion, straight or gay there is no reason that their position shouldn't be heard, known and reported. If you only and always only report from one POV then is there any doubt why there are such divides between such groups?
It's as if some people fear hearing POVs with which they disagree or that publishing those POVs is the same as agreeing with them.

The whole Mizzou thing was and is political correctness gone wild. To top off the guy who was on the hunger strike did the same thing this past summer complaining that he was unable to afford his graduate school tuition...his father made $8.4 million last year and he grew up in a $1.3 million home. Never was the question answered as to what he wanted or expected the school president to do.

If you have Periscope, I invite everyone to go listed to Clay Travis' "Republic debate and Mizzou mess presser". Travis pretty well nailed my opinion on the Mizzou situation.
Unfortunately, almost all dems will vote Hillary in the presidential election. There are two X factors after that, independent voters and women who want to see a woman get in. There are a lot of them out there in the independent and conservative voting block. I know a few in the circles in run in who did not vote Obama but say that we need a woman in office because men have been screwing it up for years. Yes Virginia there are people who think and vote that way.
There might be. But virtually every analyst way far out say it is VERY unlikely Hillary brings out the Obama coalition of youngsters & black voters that turned out in never before seen numbers JUST FOR HIM in '08 & '12. Sat home '10 & '14.
This tweeters simple pres election question, who's more likable, more relate-able for Americans?
The more likable, relatable, and camera friendly generally wins. Rubio definitely has that going for him. I don't know much about Rubio but he is more than likely going to get the nomination.
Shes already getting unprecedented MSM protection.

I thought the MSM was always in the tank for the Dems, now it's unprecedented? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Agree totally. People just seem to vote for the guy that talks the best, or would be a "good guy to have a beer with" and ignores things like experience at things that matter. Two of the 3 best presidents of my lifetime where Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. What they both had in common was experience and running something very BIG. Ike was an accomplished General and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and The Gipper was Governor of our largest state, California. Politics aside both of these men demonstrated competence and success as the nations Chief Executive, it's not a coincidence that their respective backgrounds allowed them to achieve success.

Eisenhower is normally underrated, but very competent (and prescient re: military industrial complex). Terrific president. I would prefer a governor (as I've stated before), or the mayor of a large city (running, say, NYC is harder than running Montana), but at least experience in running something. Seems this election cycle that governors are being kicked to the curb in favor of senators, reality stars, surgeons, and the like.

In one of my journalism classes it became department policy that we must write a profile that shows diversity. You had to interview someone that was either gay, different race, different religion, etc because journalism too often became "white people interviewing white people."

There's value in that - getting different perspectives. Had they just said interview a minority, it's more problematic because the focus is not getting different perspectives but just targeting certain groups regardless of the status of the author. But from the sounds of it, sounds like a gay, black, atheist woman would gravitate towards interviewing, say, HeismanWildcat85.
The more likable, relatable, and camera friendly generally wins. Rubio definitely has that going for him. I don't know much about Rubio but he is more than likely going to get the nomination.

No he doesn't. Bill Nelson, a big gov't dem, is held more regard than shitty ass Rubio in Florida.

Love hearing people from other states talk about Rubio. haha

"hur dee dee durr, the GOP media says Rubio is legit, so I guess I should vote for him"

What's worse. When Rubio gets his ass kicked, the audacity of the GOP to EVEN blame the dems for Rubio getting beat. Sorry, Rubio is no better than Hilldawg. No gov't reform, just the same old GD scam.
No he doesn't. Bill Nelson, a big gov't dem, is held more regard than shitty ass Rubio in Florida.

Love hearing people from other states talk about Rubio. haha

"hur dee dee durr, the GOP media says Rubio is legit, so I guess I should vote for him"

What's worse. When Rubio gets his ass kicked, the audacity of the GOP to EVEN blame the dems for Rubio getting beat. Sorry, Rubio is no better than Hilldawg. No gov't reform, just the same old GD scam.
I don't like the guy or think he is a good candidate and agree with a lot of what you said. I'm just saying what I think the average voter thinks.
Rubio isn't going to win anything. He's at like 12%. Trump is going to win the nomination. Write that down.
Finally got around to watching the debate.

Rand was by far the most clear, coherent, and consistent on that stage.

Now, if you'll pardon me, I'm going to go yak and take a shower [sick]
Rubio isn't going to win anything. He's at like 12%. Trump is going to win the nomination. Write that down.

Dude, my mind will not allow me to believe Trump pulls this out. I just can't imagine it. I keep waiting on him to do something and then it all falls apart.
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Finally got around to watching the debate.

Rand was by far the most clear, coherent, and consistent on that stage.

Now, if you'll pardon me, I'm going to go yak and take a shower [sick]
While ISIS endorses rape, American college administrations similarly facilitate the rape of women on campuses
9:01pm - 10 Nov 15



My God. These people should be put in a mental institution. Career "victims" and SJWs always fighting. God help the poor fool that ever looks at one of these crazies for more than 15 seconds and then gets accused of mind rape.

25 percent of female college students are sexually assaulted? Gimme a freaking break.
Rubio isn't going to win anything. He's at like 12%. Trump is going to win the nomination. Write that down.
Trump already fading, public has already overseen his tired act, and realize it is in fact just an act that he is doing this not to be Pres but to start a new TV show of some variety. Forget the numbers, Rubio is 3rd or 4th and coming on behind 2 guys who when it comes time for GOP Conservatives to actually go vote for they will realize what silly wastes of time both are.
But Bryan is Walt.


I assume folks will be protesting at the WH demanding the president step down because of all the institutional racism that has exploded on his watch?

I know we have some great facts guys here in this thread. Maybe you all can pull up all the racist incidents that happened while Obama was leader compared to say...Bush, whoever, etc...

I'm pretty sure the facts would tell you Barry O is by far the most racist president in modern times. It's startling really.

When does he have to answer to the media? Has he even addressed these latest hate crimes?
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