That's been my entire point from the very beginning, post after post I have explained exactly this to you. Are you slow?
You lie. I've never claimed anything regarding the Rich story. My stance from the beginning is no one knows.
I'll say it again, just like Fox doesn't know he's the leaker and DNC was involved, CNN doesn't know that he wasn't the leaker and DNC wasn't involved. I've taken no position, nor have I defended any. No one has the facts. It's that simple.
Here you go. 1:40 mark, verbatim -- "One big problem, though, it's not true. In fact, the whole crazy theory had already been debunked by CNN and other news organizations."
They went much further than just saying there's no evidence to support these claims. They're reporting Seth Rich being the leaker and the DNC being involved flat out isn't true. By reporting that they're not true, then by default, they're reporting that Set Rich isn't the leaker and the DNC wasn't involved. They can't honestly report that it's not true because they don't know whether it's true or not. No one does.
Also, they claim to have debunked these claims.To debunk means to prove false. How did they prove these claims false? There is no evidence that Rich wasn't the leaker just like there is no evidence he was. Same goes for the DNC being involved.
So where is there evidence that "debunks" these claims? Since I have provided you proof of CNN reporting this, now you can provide me CNN's evidence that specifically "debunks" the claims of Seth Rich is the leaker and the DNC was involved.
And the PI having not seen the emails his anonymous source says exist isn't proof when it comes to CNN, because they haven't seen the Comey memo that an anymous source say exist, yet they continue to report it as fact.
Btw, at the end, how is Anderson Cooper going to mock an elected official for saying there's stuff circulating on the internet, when CNN allows Maxine Waters to come on, daily, and run wild with Russian anonymous source Internet rumors, innuendo and conspiracy theories.
Matter of fact, CNN journalists run wild with Russian anonymous source Internet rumors, innuendo and conspiracy theories. Let me guess. As long as it's negative towards Trump anything goes, correct? The whole network is a joke.