How will they rule ??!

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Inside Edition giving pointers on how to survive a terror attack. Let's just get used to it like John Kerry said. We can't oppress Muslims religious beliefs even if it involves detonating bombs at concerts. It's kind of like an earthquake if you think about it. And Theresa May cracks me up. All the media is talking about how big a deal it is that they "upgraded their security threat level" lol. Words, warnings, threat levels, anything that can be thought of as "an action" without actually having to do anything. I think it is about time they hold hands again and walk down a safely guarded street on camera to show the terrorists that they aren't afraid. Or maybe ride bicycles togather with a motorcade. That will really show the terrorists.
This commonsense take is stirring up major shit. Wrap your head around that.
Thats the left in a nutshell. Throw out a few keywords, jumble them together in a sentence, and presto! You are progressive! Nevermind that it's a bunch horse shit.
don't you love the "and of course it's interconnected" excuse me? How exactly is climate change and child marriage interconnected? I hear that and I think willy is right about the child sex rings. And imo someone should put a tracker on willy's body cuz he could be next.
don't you love the "and of course it's interconnected" excuse me? How exactly is climate change and child marriage interconnected? I hear that and I think willy is right about the child sex rings. And imo someone should put a tracker on willy's body cuz he could be next.

No doubt. If ya'll see me dead. I promise it wasn't suicide. It was Hillary
There is an easy solution for England's Muslim problem, you simply line them all up at their end of the Chunnel and tell them to GTFO, France just elected for the rape and pillage of their homeland by these people so tell them to go join their brethren, 31 miles to bliss you goat screwing psychopaths.
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Thats the left in a nutshell. Throw out a few keywords, jumble them together in a sentence, and presto! You are progressive! Nevermind that it's a bunch horse shit.
Like those 8-10 paragraph fuzz/rq shitstain posts with 8-10 irrelevant questions with a conclusion that if you don't answer it is because you can't?
[laughing]Katy Perry finally speaks out about the Manchester bombing. I thought she was never going to chime in. Have been waiting days for her to soothe me with her wisdom.

"I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other. No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist."

I think she's talking about orgies? Hell yes?!
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[laughing]Katy Perry finally speaks out about the Manchester bombing. I thought she was never going to chime in. Have been waiting days for her to soothe me with her wisdom.

"I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other. No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist."
"Co-exist...but remember, RESIST"
As an add-on to the "do we want the govt to run all healthcare like the VA?" argument....the head of the VA is trying to get congress to pass legislation that will allow them to fire shitty employees.
"Phil, you killed 23 veterans last year due to neglect from being an avid porn watcher on VA resources. Anyhoo, you do get your federally mandated cost of living raise and pension bonus but officially we are somewhat disappointed"
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The Japanese were using an ideology to warrant their conquest of the far east and south pacific, the only difference is geography.
No, Japan was a nation with a government and borders. ISIS has no government, has no borders. Much of the land they control is by force and intimidation, not because the people living there sympathize with them. What you are suggesting would be akin to bombing Nazi occupied Paris.

No one person or group of people speak for ISIS. Do a little research and understand your enemy. ISIS, the talliban, alqeda and these other terrorist organizations are all idealistic in nature. They actually don't believe in government, only their warped vision of Islam. They aren't tied to any geography.
A military solution is no better and no more winnable than a game of whack-a-mole.
Most of the time their parents were born in the ME, though. They came to the West as a refugee, refused to assimilate, then raised their Western born children as such as well. Make no mistake, these attackers are Westerners in birth only.

Not to mention, ever notice how these Western born attackers almost always go visit and spend time in their parents' home country even though it's a shit hole war zone? That's not coincidence.
Dumbass it was suggested that there was a military solution to the problem, that we could just bomb them all to hell. I don't believe that we are going to start to bomb our own cities.

Who their parents are is pretty irrelevant to the conversation.
Uuummm...yes, you can.

Kurt Eichenwald‏Verified account@kurteichenwald
After a 3 month investigation, the FBI this morning arrested the man who assaulted me using a strobe on twitter that triggered a seizure.

That case is an exception. They had clear evidence of motive. You can't be arrested for saying something mean on Twitter as that Metro police tweet implies.

In the case you're referring to the FBI found Twitter DM's where that guy specifically talked to his friends about knowing Kurt had epilepsy, and bragged to them, admitting he had been sending strobe tweets, purposely trying to trigger a seizure.
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That case is an exception. They had clear evidence of motive. You can't be arrested for saying something mean on Twitter as that Metro police tweet implies.

In the case you're referring to the FBI found Twitter DM's where that guy specifically talked to his friends about knowing Kurt had epilepsy, and bragged to them, admitting he had been sending strobe tweets, purposely trying to trigger a seizure.

Fair enough.
[laughing] Straight to the ad hominen. What a lame.

Who their parents are is pretty irrelevant to the conversation

Not really. Their non assimilating, refugee parents have everything to do with the conversation, but continue to try to justify and make excuses, makes no difference to me. I'll leave you with a quote from Churchill that rings true more than ever.

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping that it will eat him last.
I do agree that not all of them want to be terrorists. However, I also see a point of weakness in being who they are and having that family bond/love as a means to not be disowned.

I compare to my brother being involved in street gangs and me going and being with him though I'm not involved just to try my best to keep him safe. Although I have good intentions I'm still riding along on a drug deal/drive by that I shouldn't be and guess what.........if busted I'm in jail with those losers too!

Which is why controlling them financially is the only way to really hurt them. The bad thing there is we are dependent on their resources.........and just like in Saudi Arabia we make a deal with foreign leaders and have no clue where those weapons go.

For the life of me I don't understand why we can't just ban them and leave them to Asia/Europe/Africa area and stay the hell away from us.
No, Japan was a nation with a government and borders. ISIS has no government, has no borders. Much of the land they control is by force and intimidation, not because the people living there sympathize with them. What you are suggesting would be akin to bombing Nazi occupied Paris.

No one person or group of people speak for ISIS. Do a little research and understand your enemy. ISIS, the talliban, alqeda and these other terrorist organizations are all idealistic in nature. They actually don't believe in government, only their warped vision of Islam. They aren't tied to any geography.
A military solution is no better and no more winnable than a game of whack-a-mole.

I know exactly what they are, and until you start hurting them at home they won't stop.
You have to remove their will to fight.

Japan and Nazi Germans were driven by ideals, every nation is.
Dumbass it was suggested that there was a military solution to the problem, that we could just bomb them all to hell. I don't believe that we are going to start to bomb our own cities.

Who their parents are is pretty irrelevant to the conversation.

It's not irrelevant, you just assume you can't stop someone willing to die.

You defeat the will of those that they care about and that support them.

Which is exactly how we'll do it once the terrorists do something to push us over the limit, and they will eventually.
Which is why controlling them financially is the only way to really hurt them. The bad thing there is we are dependent on their resources.........and just like in Saudi Arabia we make a deal with foreign leaders and have no clue where those weapons go.

You keep saying this and it's been done before and has been proven that it doesn't work. The Palestinians have no financial resources yet want to destroy Israel. That's exactly the reason they, and many other terrorists do what they do - they feel like they've been oppressed by the west and Israel. Taking away their money/oil isn't going to destroy their resolve, it's only going to enhance it.
For the life of me I don't understand why we can't just ban them and leave them to Asia/Europe/Africa area and stay the hell away from us.
I agree, but we're further away from that than we've ever been. Just a few months ago the 9th Circuit made a ruling that Muslims, living in a cave, in the Middle East, who have never set foot on US soil, are protected by the United States Constitution.

It's one of the reasons I find it so funny when I hear people claim Trump is trying to strip people's rights away. The man should get the damn Nobel Peace Prize. He literally did the unthinkable, and afforded American constitutional rights to every single citizen in six foreign countries.
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The parents reaction of the UK bomber is basically the problem in a nutshell.

"My son is innocent" "we do not believe in killing innocents"...well some in that "we" obviously do believe in killing innocent people and have believed in it for a long time...until you are honest w/yourself and your religion as a whole, it will not stop. They are doing it in the name of YOUR religion, if you do not like that, you must take the fight to them...otherwise, youre going to catch heat and rightfully so.
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