How will they rule ??!

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Well let's try to break this down to what we know or what we think we know.

Many people believe the Saudi 9/11 attack. If that's the case we have opened up the Dakota pipeline. American oil is flowing and putting a big dent in the Saudis and OPEC. So we have that going for us in our attempt to stop their oil or our dependence on it to some extent.

DJT just dropped a big arms deal to the same Saudis. You can look at 2 ways. We are arming terrorists or are we saying hey we are pumping our own oil you better buy a f ton of guns and take care of these terrorists or we pump more oil.

Then we can't turn a blind eye to our own corrupt departments of the CIA that started this whole mess along with the Mossad.

We have terrorists camps in this country right now. So are we harboring them? Look at the sanctuary cities. The Gulen movement charter schools. The Muslim Brotherhood mosques.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
They are fighting Iran backed insurgents in Yemen, that's good for the US.
They just dropped several hundred Billion on US weapons, that's good for the US.
They know we have wrestled control of the oil monopoly from them, they no longer have control over us now, that's good.

The Worlds a dangerous place, sometimes history makes you choose unholy allies, but we control this relationship, and they know it.
Just saw on Tucker that the Obama administration allowed any and all illegals into the country, even known criminals. Government documents have surfaced that prove known murderous MS-13 members were caught at the border, instead of being deported, were spread throughout the country and in many cases they were given homes and/or government assistance.

Not just assistance but government/CIA contracts to traffic drugs/humans and commit murders.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
They are fighting Iran backed insurgents in Yemen, that's good for the US.
They just dropped several hundred Billion on US weapons, that's good for the US.
They know we have wrestled control of the oil monopoly from them, they no longer have control over us now, that's good.

The Worlds a dangerous place, sometimes history makes you choose unholy allies, but we control this relationship, and they know it.
We worked with Stalin (who is a much worse person than Saudis leader) to help take the nazis out.
We worked with Stalin (who is a much worse person than Saudis leader) to help take the nazis out.

Yeah...but..the CIA brought all the Nazi scientists to the US with Operation Paperclip. Then you have the Bush family bloodlines and CIA connections. Follow that rabbit hole.

Then the CIA worked with Osama Bin Laden to take out Russia and here we are.
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Well that not exactly right though. History would show they really believe we are undisciplined, wasteful, sinful and ultimately western civilization is simply too materialistic to be world leaders because we worship money.

Our ways have tempted their people to not be as devout in their religion so they see us as the devil. It isn't just whites but everyone who believes in our worlds.

They fight/attack based on a strategy of money if you pay attention.......

Which is exactly why destroying their main source of money would put an end to the BS!
The CIA came up with and pushed the concept of "conspiracy theories/conspiracy theorists" in order to discredit people who got to close to the truth with personal attacks without having to actually deal with the information they were purveying. It's been a useful tool to fool those unwilling to see past their BS.
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Yeah...but..the CIA brought all the Nazi scientists to the US with Operation Paperclip. Then you have the Bush family bloodlines and CIA connections. Follow that rabbit hole.

Then the CIA worked with Osama Bin Laden to take out Russia and here we are.

Pretty sure the CIA was only trying to corner the drug market even back then.
I just find it funny that liberals and cowards have been defeated so easily and have done a complete 180.

Just a few short years ago they were hootin' and hollerin' that we had them exactly where we wanted them, and that Isis was on the run.

Now they spend their days being defensive, making excuses and justifications, telling us all that there's not much we can do, so get used to it because they're here to stay.
I just find it funny that liberals and cowards have been defeated so easily and have done a complete 180.

Just a few short years ago they were hootin' and hollerin' that we had them exactly where we wanted them, and that Isis was on the run.

Now they spend their days being defensive, making excuses and justifications, telling us all that there's not much we can do, so get used to it because they're here to stay.

Technically all the excuses are because the Dems do have them right where they want them. Scaring people so they can tell them to just be friendly and everything will be better one day.

As long as people fall for that how are they wrong? The left depends on those idiots to keep power.
Technically all the excuses are because the Dems do have them right where they want them. Scaring people so they can tell them to just be friendly and everything will be better one day.

As long as people fall for that how are they wrong? The left depends on those idiots to keep power.

Divide and conquer. Cause civil unrest and then bring in Martial Law. Bring on the police state. So much for liberty and freedom. Damn it people wake up.

Philippines: Duterte declares martial law in Mindanao amid clashes
Deadly clashes erupted between government troops and Islamist militants Tuesday in the southern city of Marawi, prompting Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to declare martial law there and the rest of the island of Mindanao, the state-run Philippines News Agency reported.

Theresa May Says Military Poised To Patrol Streets As Terror Threat Level Raised To Critical
It is the first time the threat level has been raised to its highest since 2007. In an address to the nation, the Prime Minister said the increased threat level will see Operation Temperer enacted, which will mean up to 5,000 troops could be called on to take over armed police patrol duties under police command.

What happened to Seth Rich is very sad and disturbing. It really is unbelievable how that story is getting zero attention, when it could arguably be a scandal even much bigger than Watergate. Sickening how the media just flat out buries the story. They know if it was investigated, it would utterly destroy the stupid Trump Russia crap.

The guy was shot and killed for exposing corruption, and the media and 50% of the country doesn't care.
Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.

More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa.

The Obama administration self-disclosed the problems at a closed-door hearing Oct. 26 before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that set off alarm. Trump was elected less than two weeks later.

The American Civil Liberties Union said the newly disclosed violations are some of the most serious to ever be documented and strongly call into question the U.S. intelligence community’s ability to police itself and safeguard American’s privacy as guaranteed by the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure.

“I think what this emphasizes is the shocking lack of oversight of these programs,” said Neema Singh Guliani, the ACLU’s legislative counsel in Washington.

“You have these problems going on for years that only come to the attention of the court late in the game and then it takes additional years to change its practices.

“I think it does call into question all those defenses that we kept hearing, that we always have a robust oversight structure and we have culture of adherence to privacy standards,” she added. “And the headline now is they actually haven’t been in compliacne for years and the FISA court itself says in its opinion is that the NSA suffers from a culture of a lack of candor.”
The story is covered up, and until something real comes out proving otherwise then you won't hear a thing.

Trump really should tweet about it though because then they would be at a true his tweets or not, why would gen do this to them!
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Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.

More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa.

The Obama administration self-disclosed the problems at a closed-door hearing Oct. 26 before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that set off alarm. Trump was elected less than two weeks later.
Lock him up.
Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.

More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa.

The Obama administration self-disclosed the problems at a closed-door hearing Oct. 26 before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that set off alarm. Trump was elected less than two weeks later.

Ratchet up the fear to 100 with the twitter leaks warning of the attack 4 hours before it happened. Add that to the police state of military roaming the streets. The UK surveillance is what O used to skip past the constitution that he didn't blatantly abuse on a regular basis. 1984
No money means no weapons or infrastructure. Would turn them into a rag tag group of vandals with the occasional pipe bomb when they can scrape together enough money for a plane ticket to the us

This approach makes the most sense. While a lot of these attacks are being carried out by nationals of the countries in which they occur, the narrative is being fed and funded by strongholds in the Middle East. Cut off the propaganda and funding, and you greatly reduce the chances of major attacks.

Sadly, I do think we are at the point where some incidents are inevitable - kind of like school shootings here. You simply can't account for and neutralize every crazy person. However, we can certainly minimize the chances for a major incident
Why do we give a damn about Iran again?

Democracy Dies In Anonymous Sourcing

In the current hothouse environment, with a liberal media that define Trump as the antonym of democracy, the public should be wary of anonymous sources -- sure. This is especially true today. Newspapers that crusaded in their pages against Trump – in both news sections and editorial pages – simply cannot be trusted. Theirs is not the pursuit of truth, it's the hunt for Donald J. Trump's scalp.

Earth to the Post: your new motto is “Democracy dies in darkness,” but anonymous sourcing is darkness. Every source who hides behind a wall as he tries to ruin other people’s careers is a self-serving coward with a personal or political axe to grind. Without knowing an identity, the public has no way of telling... anything. It’s idiotic for the press to demand transparency in government at the exact same time it rewards government officials who refuse to be transparent themselves.

Journalists pat themselves on the back that they would never be “stenographers to power,” but they’re worse than that now. In their zeal to destroy Trump, they've become stenographers to anonymous power.

It's also a pattern. Since Trump won the election, the Post has been caught in a string of over-aggressive anti-Trump stories that were based on anonymous sources and turned out to be untrue.

There’s an obvious reason why the public holds journalists in low esteem, and rejects the notion that they are “watchdogs” of government. Journalists are not trying to serve the voters with objective information. They’re constantly trying to push, prod, shame, and trick the voters into their own political agenda, using whatever convenient information, or misinformation, or disinformation will serve their cause.

The media have something to hide. If we knew all the party affiliations, political contributions and secret agendas of their anonymous sources, it might be even more obvious that their reporting is much more advocacy than journalism.
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We firebombed the shit out of Japan, killed all the soldiers, unmercifully punished the civilians. Because we were interested in winning the war.
Japan is a proud nation, and we made them so frightened of fighting that they wrote in their Constitution to NEVER fight an offensive war again. 75 years later they still haven't.

That's how you defeat an enemy, winning hearts and minds gets Americans killed and prolongs bloodshed.
Japan was a nation, ISIS is an idea.
It was also pointed out that at least for the western world the ISIS sympathizing attackers were born in and live in the countries they attacked.
Japan was a nation, ISIS is an idea.
It was also pointed out that at least for the western world the ISIS sympathizing attackers were born in and live in the countries they attacked.
They're still Muslim. Indoctrinated in Islam.
Liberal Minneapolis Mayor ditches City Hall and gives her State of the City address in a mosque. Again, this was her State of the City address, but it was basically nothing but bash Trump and pander to Muslims campaign speech. Meanwhile, the actual state of the city was an afterthought.

Democrats truly are in a free fall. Seriously, it's been almost six months and they still don't have a message or any fixes and policies, just obstruction. If it wasn't for Russia "collusion" and identity politics they'd have absolutely nothing.
It was also pointed out that at least for the western world the ISIS sympathizing attackers were born in and live in the countries they attacke

Most of the time their parents were born in the ME, though. They came to the West as a refugee, refused to assimilate, then raised their Western born children as such as well. Make no mistake, these attackers are Westerners in birth only.

Not to mention, ever notice how these Western born attackers almost always go visit and spend time in their parents' home country even though it's a shit hole war zone? That's not coincidence.
Poor moderate Muslims. Always the resulting victim of radical Islam even though they refuse to police the actions of their own...

That's how they do it. That's how they conquer. They kill then they say "oh whoa is us poor discriminated against muslims" Then when you're not looking they celebrate. All they need is some sort of "vessel" to infiltrate their Islamic ideology (enter democrat party)
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Japan was a nation, ISIS is an idea.
It was also pointed out that at least for the western world the ISIS sympathizing attackers were born in and live in the countries they attacked.

The Japanese were using an ideology to warrant their conquest of the far east and south pacific, the only difference is geography.
Inside Edition giving pointers on how to survive a terror attack. Let's just get used to it like John Kerry said. We can't oppress Muslims religious beliefs even if it involves detonating bombs at concerts. It's kind of like an earthquake if you think about it. And Theresa May cracks me up. All the media is talking about how big a deal it is that they "upgraded their security threat level" lol. Words, warnings, threat levels, anything that can be thought of as "an action" without actually having to do anything. I think it is about time they hold hands again and walk down a safely guarded street on camera to show the terrorists that they aren't afraid. Or maybe ride bicycles togather with a motorcade. That will really show the terrorists.