How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I guess he can't send out pictures of the President being lynched or as a monkey or the First Lady as a tranny since he's not black. But yeah, the middle finger is much worse [pfftt]
A GOP state chairman did one of those things in public at meeting? Are the Koch's paying you to satirize liberals as smarmy morons?
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I'm watching Predators game then warriors game. Y'all keep me updated because I don't care enough over sports to watch a news Network in the current political climate.
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False flag? What narrative is the diversion for? Several predictions across multiple platforms called it earlier in the week to distract from Seth Rich. Devil's Advocate would say distract from Flynn and muh russia probe if you believe in those type of things.

Maybe it is a message from the Saudis or other Islam states after DJT put them on notice with his speech. Regardless the attackers souls are now condemned.
False flag? What narrative is the diversion for? Several predictions across multiple platforms called it earlier in the week to distract from Seth Rich. Devil's Advocate would say distract from Flynn and muh russia probe if you believe in those type of things.

Maybe it is a message from the Saudis or other Islam states after DJT put them on no

Yep, Trump did it will be the liberal call. They need something to stop the Trump train.
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I mean, they are winning.

This is the correct answer, we aren't stopping them or slowing them down. All we're doing is walling ourselves off, they are eroding our free and open lifestyle.
How would generations prior have dealt with this BS?
How many people are going to have to die before some people wake up?
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Hate to break it to folks but the terrorists are winning. Just look at how differently this world has become since 9-11 and the amount of money and human lives it has cost us to still be seeing these kinds of attacks on a normal basis now.
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Been to Europe, India, the Philippines and Central America a few dozen times over the last 5 years or so - not a sniff of trouble.

If you're scared to visit, the terrorists are winning.

Yep. Was in London last October. Going to Indonesia in September. Not even worried. If something is going to happen, it's out of my control anyways. I'm going to live my life.
This is the correct answer, we aren't stopping them or slowing them down. All we're doing is walling ourselves off, they are eroding our free and open lifestyle.
How would generations prior have dealt with this BS?
How many people are going to have to die before some people wake up?
Europe and liberals have accepted this as a part of life today. They have surrendered. Those that say they have traveled the world in the last 5 years and nothing has happened to them are either lucky or have made allies of the enemy and walk freely among them.
Europe and liberals have accepted this as a part of life today. They have surrendered. Those that say they have traveled the world in the last 5 years and nothing has happened to them are either lucky or have made allies of the enemy and walk freely among them.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Do you understand how many millions of people travel and how few are killed by terrorists? That's like saying I'm lucky I haven't been shot by a toddler during the last 5 years. The body count is about the same.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Do you understand how many millions of people travel and how few are killed by terrorists? That's like saying I'm lucky I haven't been shot by a toddler during the last 5 years. The body count is about the same.
You have no idea of what you talk about. You simply missed the insult.