How will they rule ??!

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Several points here. First, it takes two. Many deaths were a result of Turkish military operations during the failed coup attempt. Second, while Turkey, itself, may consider "FETO" (Fethullahçı Terör Örgütü, FETÖ) a terror organization, as far as I know, US has not. Same goes for PKK (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê). Although NATO, Turkey and many other western nations label PKK a terror org, USA, UN and Switzerland do not.

Again, very complex situation.

MARCH 12, 2012 ISSUE
The Prime Minister is revered as a moderate, but how far will he go to stay in power?

And down the Turkey rabbit hole we go.......

How much of this is straight propaganda?

Notice some similar scenarios playing out here.

Deep State vs DJT
Friends and colleagues say Erdoğan worried that the deep state would never allow him to govern. But, to the surprise of many, he has pulled Turkey closer to the West, opening up the economy and becoming a crucial go-between for the West with Palestine, Iran, and Syria. He has called on the Assad government, in Damascus, to step down, and has tried to help build a bridge between the West and Tehran in the current nuclear standoff. In the eyes of American and European leaders, Erdoğan has fashioned Turkey into an indispensable Islamic democracy, offering a potential example for Egypt, Tunisia, and Syria.

If DJT does this to the Clinton family crime syndicate the same dictatorship narrative will be pushed hard.

But Erdoğan’s rule has another, darker side, which the West seems intent on ignoring: an increasingly harsh campaign to crush domestic opposition. In the past five years, more than seven hundred people have been arrested, including generals, admirals, members of parliament, newspaper editors and other journalists, owners of television networks, directors of charitable organizations, and university officials. Some fifteen per cent of the active admirals and generals in the Turkish armed forces are now on trial for conspiring to overthrow the government.

Gülen, he said, told him that he had a twenty-five-year plan to take control of the Turkish state, and that this would be accomplished by a group of followers he referred to as “the Golden Generation.” “There isn’t any question that Gülen wants political power,” the former legislator told me. (A spokesman for Gülen denied that he had ever advocated “regime change.”)

Gülen has cultivated some powerful friends in the United States. When U.S. officials were trying to expel him to face criminal charges in Turkey, he was able to call on Graham Fuller, a former senior official in the C.I.A., to help him remain. When he applied for permanent residency, Morton Abramowitz, another former Ambassador to Turkey, wrote a letter on his behalf. Fuller’s relationship with Gülen, in particular, has prompted conspiracy theories in Turkey about the C.I.A.’s involvement in Gülen’s rise.

How much of this is propaganda?

Turkey: William Engdahl on Operation Gladio, Fethullah Gülen & One World Government

For the Gülen Cemaat it enabled a vast business empire to be created which gained more and more influence by placing its people inside the police, the courts and education ministry. He could build his recruiting schools across Central Asia with CIA support. In the USA and Europe, CIA-influenced media like CNN gave him beautiful free publicity to overcome opposition to open his schools across America. For the CIA it was one more tool to destroy not only an independent secular Kemalist Turkey, but to advance their Afghan drug trade worldwide and to use Gülen’s people to destabilize opponent regimes that CIA network in Washington, the “deep state” wanted to get rid of.

This is the real reason Flynn was let go IMHO. Flynn promised Erdogan that he would deliver Gulen. The deep state were monitoring Flynn's every move. They set him up. He was going to tank the CIA Gladio operations and the heroin trade. And of course Hildawg comes out on twitter to brag about his demise.

Flynn discussed how to 'whisk' away cleric wanted by Turkey: report

From August through mid-November, the Flynn Intel Group received $530,000 from a Dutch consulting firm run by a Turkish businessman, according to the disclosure forms. Flynn shut down his firm in November.

The filings, signed by Flynn himself, say the three-month contract included conducting “investigative research” and retaining “an experienced filming and production crew in order to develop a short film piece on the results of its investigation, and a public affairs firm to utilize for public affairs as needed.”

The documentary, which focused on Gulen, was reportedly never finished or distributed.

We all know this is a man who would never defend not prosecuting Clinton. This shit must run deep.

Trey Gowdy Stops Just Short Of Calling Collusion On The Clintons And The DOJ

Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said on Fox News Tuesday night that the Clintons’ “entanglements” with the Department of Justice run much deeper than the average viewer may know.

On Fox News’ “The Story,” Gowdy cryptically told host Martha McCallum that he believes “history will be much kinder to Jim Comey in that July press conference than the Democrats were.”

"All your viewers see is this meeting on the tarmac,” he explained. “Jim Comey had access to additional information that I am convinced left him with no other choice but to make the decision he made in July,” Gowdy said.

McCallum asked if he was implying that Comey was pressured into clearing Clinton of all wrongdoing.

“Trust me when I tell you this, Martha — I know what it was and I have been a critic of James Comey in the past. But he made the only decision he could have made with respect to appropriating that decision away from the Department of Justice and making the decision himself.”

“I only take away from that that you are suggesting that there were more entanglements between the Clintons and perhaps the Justice Department than everyone understands,” McCallum guessed.

“You’re very perceptive,” Gowdy confirmed.
We all know this is a man who would never defend not prosecuting Clinton. This shit must run deep.

Trey Gowdy Stops Just Short Of Calling Collusion On The Clintons And The DOJ

Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said on Fox News Tuesday night that the Clintons’ “entanglements” with the Department of Justice run much deeper than the average viewer may know.

On Fox News’ “The Story,” Gowdy cryptically told host Martha McCallum that he believes “history will be much kinder to Jim Comey in that July press conference than the Democrats were.”

"All your viewers see is this meeting on the tarmac,” he explained. “Jim Comey had access to additional information that I am convinced left him with no other choice but to make the decision he made in July,” Gowdy said.

McCallum asked if he was implying that Comey was pressured into clearing Clinton of all wrongdoing.

“Trust me when I tell you this, Martha — I know what it was and I have been a critic of James Comey in the past. But he made the only decision he could have made with respect to appropriating that decision away from the Department of Justice and making the decision himself.”

“I only take away from that that you are suggesting that there were more entanglements between the Clintons and perhaps the Justice Department than everyone understands,” McCallum guessed.

“You’re very perceptive,” Gowdy confirmed.
Lindsay Graham said the same thing on Fox, about a week after Trump sent him documents on the 'Russia investigation'
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Well good, now Trey Gowdy is a clown ass politician. You don't have/know jack shit or you're complacent with the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Bye Felicia. Hope Trump fires all these clowns and hires Putin to lead the team that takes down Clintons.
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Can someone explain what the Deep State is? Alex Jones constantly yaps about it so I automatically assume it's made up BS - anyone got any links to anything reputable, or with proof that such an organization exists and is pulling all our strings?

I'm picturing something like the end of Men in Black, when the big beings are just playing marbles with the earth. Amirite?
Can someone explain what the Deep State is? Alex Jones constantly yaps about it so I automatically assume it's made up BS - anyone got any links to anything reputable, or with proof that such an organization exists and is pulling all our strings?

I'm picturing something like the end of Men in Black, when the big beings are just playing marbles with the earth. Amirite?
no just people who's lives are so dependant on the current power structure of the government. If they were to truly do what is right and selfless it might mean the end of their financial government tit allotment.
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Career bureaucrats and political appointees; those hired into/appointed to the government who aren't elected officials. Been there years, many cases decades. Military, Justice Department, White House, Intelligence agencies, etc...

So basically the "old guard." Career bureaucrats who have no interest in really affecting change - that the gyst of it?

Deep State sounds way more clandestine and conspiracy theory-ish. :)
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So basically the "old guard." Career bureaucrats who have no interest in really affecting change - that the gyst of it?
Yep, basically. The people who have served a lifetime in government, hidden in the shadows with no worries of reelection.
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Let's not give Trump too much credit for jobs though. TBH a lot of folks simply refused to put money in play under Obama therefore of course once he was out jobs were going up.

Anyone that doesn't understand this just wants to pat Trump on the back. Nothing wrong with that but half of the jobs that have come about were coming regardless.
TBH a lot of folks simply refused to put money in play under Obama therefore of course once he was out jobs were going up.

Not really. Those same people would have refused to put money into play under Hillary as well. She would have kept the same regulations intact, and went ahead with the TPP deal. Nothing would have changed.

half of the jobs that have come about were coming regardless.

Those jobs are coming back because regulations are being cut. There's now money to be made. Again, if Hillary had won, those regulations would have stayed in place, a new job killing partnership would have been signed, and said jobs wouldn't have came back. To say they were coming back regardless is false.
MARCH 12, 2012 ISSUE
The Prime Minister is revered as a moderate, but how far will he go to stay in power?

And down the Turkey rabbit hole we go.......

How much of this is straight propaganda?

Notice some similar scenarios playing out here.

Deep State vs DJT
Friends and colleagues say Erdoğan worried that the deep state would never allow him to govern. But, to the surprise of many, he has pulled Turkey closer to the West, opening up the economy and becoming a crucial go-between for the West with Palestine, Iran, and Syria. He has called on the Assad government, in Damascus, to step down, and has tried to help build a bridge between the West and Tehran in the current nuclear standoff. In the eyes of American and European leaders, Erdoğan has fashioned Turkey into an indispensable Islamic democracy, offering a potential example for Egypt, Tunisia, and Syria.

If DJT does this to the Clinton family crime syndicate the same dictatorship narrative will be pushed hard.

But Erdoğan’s rule has another, darker side, which the West seems intent on ignoring: an increasingly harsh campaign to crush domestic opposition. In the past five years, more than seven hundred people have been arrested, including generals, admirals, members of parliament, newspaper editors and other journalists, owners of television networks, directors of charitable organizations, and university officials. Some fifteen per cent of the active admirals and generals in the Turkish armed forces are now on trial for conspiring to overthrow the government.

Gülen, he said, told him that he had a twenty-five-year plan to take control of the Turkish state, and that this would be accomplished by a group of followers he referred to as “the Golden Generation.” “There isn’t any question that Gülen wants political power,” the former legislator told me. (A spokesman for Gülen denied that he had ever advocated “regime change.”)

Gülen has cultivated some powerful friends in the United States. When U.S. officials were trying to expel him to face criminal charges in Turkey, he was able to call on Graham Fuller, a former senior official in the C.I.A., to help him remain. When he applied for permanent residency, Morton Abramowitz, another former Ambassador to Turkey, wrote a letter on his behalf. Fuller’s relationship with Gülen, in particular, has prompted conspiracy theories in Turkey about the C.I.A.’s involvement in Gülen’s rise.

How much of this is propaganda?

Turkey: William Engdahl on Operation Gladio, Fethullah Gülen & One World Government

For the Gülen Cemaat it enabled a vast business empire to be created which gained more and more influence by placing its people inside the police, the courts and education ministry. He could build his recruiting schools across Central Asia with CIA support. In the USA and Europe, CIA-influenced media like CNN gave him beautiful free publicity to overcome opposition to open his schools across America. For the CIA it was one more tool to destroy not only an independent secular Kemalist Turkey, but to advance their Afghan drug trade worldwide and to use Gülen’s people to destabilize opponent regimes that CIA network in Washington, the “deep state” wanted to get rid of.
Some of this shit, especially this Paki piece, is big-time conspiracy theory.
Let's not give Trump too much credit for jobs though. TBH a lot of folks simply refused to put money in play under Obama therefore of course once he was out jobs were going up.

Anyone that doesn't understand this just wants to pat Trump on the back. Nothing wrong with that but half of the jobs that have come about were coming regardless.

CNN is pretty bad - now, just because Roger Stone wants to puke because of Trump's newfound love of Islam, they're willing to give him some credit. Previously they treated him like a whacko (which he kind of is.)
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Let's be truthful here, every thing happening now is Trump. Stop the B.S. if it goes south, he owns it. This is not Obama and you pussy ass liberals who cannot accept what they did/do. Real men/women own what they do. The rest of you cowards/pansies that need to blame someone else because you do not have the courage or a strong enough character to do what is right should just move to another country like France that wants you pansies there.
CNN is pretty bad - now, just because Roger Stone wants to puke because of Trump's newfound love of Islam, they're willing to give him some credit. Previously they treated him like a whacko (which he kind of is.)
you are an idiot.
Let's be truthful here, every thing happening now is Trump. Stop the B.S. if it goes south, he owns it. This is not Obama and you pussy ass liberals who cannot accept what they did/do. Real men/women own what they do. The rest of you cowards/pansies that need to blame someone else because you do not have the courage or a strong enough character to do what is right should just move to another country like France that wants you pansies there.

This guy has never "owned" a mistake in his life. Make no mistake, if it goes south, he will find someone to blame, and you Trump nut huggers will follow in kind like the lemmings you are.
Hilarious. WaPo calls this a 'conspiracy' but not the Russia bull that they pass along almost daily.

CNN is pretty bad - now, just because Roger Stone wants to puke because of Trump's newfound love of Islam, they're willing to give him some credit. Previously they treated him like a whacko (which he kind of is.)
Amazing isn't it? Bash Trump, you're automatically credible and everything you say is fact.

Also, I'm not seeing this "love" for Islam. That was a pretty harsh, indicting and blunt speech, especially considering it was in their world, with all their leaders in attendance.

Could it have been harsher? Of course, but where is the diplomacy in going to their country and bashing the hell out of their religion?

I'm fairly certain the Muslim world knows exactly how Trump feels about terrorism regardless of if he calls it radical Islamic terrorism or Islamic terrorism.
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Amazing isn't it? Bash Trump, you're automatically credible and everything you say is fact.

Also, I'm not seeing this "love" for Islam. That was a pretty harsh, indicting and blunt speech, especially considering it was in their world, with all their leaders in attendance.

Could it have been harsher? Of course, but where is the diplomacy in going to their country and bashing the hell out of their religion?

I'm fairly certain the Muslim world knows exactly how Trump feels about terrorism regardless of if he calls it radical Islamic terrorism or Islamic terrorism.

He did call it one of the world's great religions. That's pretty high praise.
Let's be truthful here, every thing happening now is Trump. Stop the B.S. if it goes south, he owns it. This is not Obama and you pussy ass liberals who cannot accept what they did/do. Real men/women own what they do. The rest of you cowards/pansies that need to blame someone else because you do not have the courage or a strong enough character to do what is right should just move to another country like France that wants you pansies there.
You mean like Trump? He will accept responsibility for nothing unless he can pat himself on the back. He has literally blamed every bad thing that has happened in this admin to someone else.

Just another hypocrite wacko playing tough on the Internet but not understanding the meaning of the words they type.

Wonder how much money Trump and his cronies are making on this business trip around the world to seal deals for his buddies.
He did call it one of the world's great religions. That's pretty high praise.
And your point? He also said that Islamic terrorists were barbaric and would basically rot in hell for their deeds. Trump never claimed to hate Muslims, only the terrorists. Hate for all Muslims is made up Democrat/media talking point.

He's making a common sense distinction between the good and the bad. Something a lot on the left can't seem to do. They always try to conflate the two to push an agenda. They do the same exact thing when it comes to immigrants.

They way they put it Muslim terrorists = all Muslims. Illegal immigrants = all immigrants. That's not how it works.
They way they put it Muslim terrorists = all Muslims. Illegal immigrants = all immigrants. That's not how it works.
Let's just call it what it is: lies. And the gullible left (looking at you 'killa) swallows the lies hook, line and sinker. They wholeheartedly believe the manufactured narrative of the MSM. You can't reason with that level of gullibility.
And your point? He also said that Islamic terrorists were barbaric and would basically rot in hell for their deeds. Trump never claimed to hate Muslims, only the terrorists. Hate for all Muslims is made up Democrat/media talking point.

He's making a common sense distinction between the good and the bad. Something a lot on the left can't seem to do. They always try to conflate the two to push an agenda. They do the same exact thing when it comes to immigrants.

They way they put it Muslim terrorists = all Muslims. Illegal immigrants = all immigrants. That's not how it works.

I've never put it that way.
No it isn't contradictory. You can believe otherwise which is fine by me, but the reality is people were beginning to put their money back in play before Trump was elected.

We(as in most in this thread) hate Hiliary but let's be honest even she was better than Obama! Regulations that restricted profits(red tape) were in place but everyone knew for the right price she was for sale. It was achievable to get back to those profits.

Regardless of what you want to think, or need to thump for trump, we were going to be better than we were under Obama and the money realized that.

If you don't it's because you do not get big business that was also ok with TPP and NAFTA.........or the fact that there were/are/will be benefits of both strategies business wise.
Let's not give Trump too much credit for jobs though. TBH a lot of folks simply refused to put money in play under Obama therefore of course once he was out jobs were going up.

Anyone that doesn't understand this just wants to pat Trump on the back. Nothing wrong with that but half of the jobs that have come about were coming regardless.

Lol. You've had the arrogance of a hater since before the election. TDS might be effecting you even more than a lot of others.

Wonder how much money Trump and his cronies are making on this business trip around the world to seal deals for his buddies.

Bahaha we all know you're the certified crazy Louise mensch. You are what people show as the definition of TDS. It's okay buddy, take johnkba advice and realize that you can survive the next 8 years and actually make something of yourself
Can we please stop calling it the main stream media. It's the Democrat media. It needs to be rebranded to justifiably fit it's true nature. Take a cue from leftist tactics. The term alt-right was invented for Trump supporters by coastal left wing elites. They wanted to tar and feather Trump supporters into shame for supporting Trump.
Lol. You've had the arrogance of a hater since before the election. TDS might be effecting you even more than a lot of others.

I'm not a hater, I'm just not a loser idiot that thinks winning is making the other side squirm with meaningless hollow victories.

I give Trump plenty of credit, and I believe he is doing good. But I'm not about to fall for nor believe he is our only hope. I believe the man that very powerful people wanted elected is in office.

If you think you have a clue about me, you are seriously lost.
I'm not a hater, I'm just not a loser idiot that thinks winning is making the other side squirm with meaningless hollow victories.

I give Trump plenty of credit, and I believe he is doing good. But I'm not about to fall for nor believe he is our only hope. I believe the man that very powerful people wanted elected is in office.

If you think you have a clue about me, you are seriously lost.

Who are these powerful people that wanted him elected?
The powerful people are scared shitless right now. Hillary was handed the Democratic nomination, the media pumped up Trump because the DNC thought Hillary could beat him, we know this from Wikileaks.

The media is running anonymous source headlines without verifying them, CNN is basically a tabloid at this point.

The pick up in the economy wouldn't have happened under Hillary. She would've been Obama part 2, regulations wouldn't have been cut and TPP would be enacted. Never underestimate how much power hope has either, people believe we have elected a President that will actually put Americas interests first.
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