How will they rule ??!

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Well, there's your problem.

Ariana Grande Attack Aftermath: How Vulnerable Is the U.K. to Extremism?

British intelligence agencies estimate that approximately 850 people from the U.K. travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight for or support jihadist organizations there. As of February this year about half had returned, the BBC reports. By March, security officials said they were preparing for the return of hundreds more fighters as ISIS loses territory. The group's stronghold cities of Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Northern Syria are both expected to fall this summer.

On a serious not, why would they allow these traitors back into the country?
Can you please keep the requests for assassinations and disappointment with failed attempts out of the political thread.

There are plenty of corners of the internet I'm sure that stuff will be well received.
Can you please keep the requests for assassinations and disappointment with failed attempts out of the political thread.

There are plenty of corners of the internet I'm sure that stuff will be well received.
sure. I apologize and I will be more civil.
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Israel did a lot of things to deter these types of people. Once they identify the attacker, they destroy the person's family's house. They should go further in my opinion and perhaps these people will think twice before they blow themselves up, knowing their innocent family members will be deported/lose their house/etc.
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[laughing] He was just asked about the budget cuts to climate change and responded by bringing up the fact that the climate change budget is so out of control, taxpayers' dollars were actually used to fund a dumbass climate change play.
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[laughing] He was just asked about the budget cuts to climate change and responded by bringing up the fact that the climate change budget is so out of control, taxpayers' dollars were actually used to fund a dumbass climate change play.
A play wouldn't have been worth the $, but since it was a musical I am cool with it....
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Brennan is full of it. CIA created this mess we are in. You do not serve this country. Never have never will.

Trey Gowdy sweating like a donkey.
Been to Europe, India, the Philippines and Central America a few dozen times over the last 5 years or so - not a sniff of trouble.

If you're scared to visit, the terrorists are winning.
They are winning in Europe. There are terror attacks almost daily over there, their dumb politicians keep letting them in. Only a matter of time before Isis blows a nuke off in Europe.
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Pope Francis can eat it. Let them through your vatican walls.

Things we need answered. Who were the victims? Were any of them tied to the IC or Military Industrial Complex?
The Seven Phases of The Base
BY BILL ROGGIO | August 15, 2005 | | @billroggio
With the fourth anniversay of the hot war between al Qaeda and the West approaching, it is interesting to see how al Qaeda’s strategy and objectives have evolved since the United States committed to engaging in open warfare.

The Word Unheard points us to an article in Spiegel Online by a Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein, who is believed to be a reliable source of information on al Qaeda. His main source for this article on al Qaeda strategy is none other than Saif al-Adel, al Qaeda’s military commander who is currently operating from Iran.

al Qaeda’s purported strategy can be broken down into seven “phases” which span from 2000 until 2020, at which time they believe the global Islamist Caliphate will be established and they will acheive “definitive victory.”

You are Here

The Sixth Phase Hussein believes that from 2016 onwards there will a period of “total confrontation.” As soon as the caliphate has been declared the “Islamic army” it will instigate the “fight between the believers and the non-believers” which has so often been predicted by Osama bin Laden.

The Seventh Phase This final stage is described as “definitive victory.” Hussein writes that in the terrorists’ eyes, because the rest of the world will be so beaten down by the “one-and-a-half million Muslims,” the caliphate will undoubtedly succeed. This phase should be completed by 2020, although the war shouldn’t last longer than two years.
I see a bunch of headlines saying Trump is proposing big cuts. I assume all of these budget cuts are actually increases in spending as always?
At some point, something really bad is going to happen over here if things don't change soon.

We obviously have different views, but Brushy Bill is right - Western civilization is under assault. It's clear that over the last ~20 years, a monster has been created and we need a fundamental change in how that monster is dealt with. To quote Kang from the Simpsons - "The politics of failure have failed."

We can disagree on some things, but we should all be clearly united in hating animals who slaughter innocents and children.

Warrior - my apologies for acting like a dick, and thanks for your service. I've mistaken political passion for personal attacks at times and that's my fault.
At some point, something really bad is going to happen over here if things don't change soon.

We obviously have different views, but Brushy Bill is right - Western civilization is under assault. It's clear that over the last ~20 years, a monster has been created and we need a fundamental change in how that monster is dealt with. To quote Kang from the Simpsons - "The politics of failure have failed."

We can disagree on some things, but we should all be clearly united in hating animals who slaughter innocents and children.

Warrior - my apologies for acting like a dick, and thanks for your service. I've mistaken political passion for personal attacks at times and that's my fault.
lol @ rush talking about Chelsea's speech. Interconnectiveness and its interconnectivity. It bordered on miss teen south Carolina.
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