How will they rule ??!

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I've heard Joe Lieberman's name before, so I prefer he be nowhere near any positions that should be objective and nonpartisan.

As much as I'm on here, I don't pay that much attention to the actual sausage making and players involved. So if I know your name, that means you've either put yourself in the news or ended up there for some reason.

So I'd prefer an FBI director I've never heard of up to this point.
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Here is the thing about Lieberman, it's a political ploy. It can't be real just like all the BS candidates that Trump had for VP yet Pence, unknown to be a candidate, was the decision.

So Trump is either trying to shine light on how Dems turned on a person that was their guy, or trying to get McCain/Graham to back off.
Such a weird political climate we live in. Trump has what could be characterized as the "loyal opposition" in his own supposed Republican party (Ryan, McCain, Graham), while the Democratic party now occupies the new position of "disloyal opposition," the ones who call him a fascist and want him impeached.
Could you not add the fact that if you are not a Trump pumping loon then you are outcast by those that pretend that Trump is our only hope left.........our darth Vader if you will.
Could you not add the fact that if you are not a Trump pumping loon then you are outcast by those that pretend that Trump is our only hope left.........our darth Vader if you will.

There is one POTUS. Donald Trump is that POTUS. So yeah, for now, he's our only hope.

If the duly elected President of the United States is overthrown by leftist anarchists and the political party establishments, there are far bigger problems in this country than, "whatevs, Pence is cool with me".
Yes but if an impeachment comes, it won't be because "whatevs" that's just my attitude toward this shit show at this point.
Say something long enough without a counter argument and people begin to believe it. Their are a lot of dumb people in this country.

Claim that all news that is bad for your side is "fake news" and people begin to believe it. Their are a lot of dumb people in this country.

(includes those who use "Their" where "There" is appropriate)
lol, there is no impeachment. And Trump has given America the most hope since Reagan.

Trump has been POTUS for about 4 months. LOl, Damn him for not fixing America's problems in 4 months
You're a clown Willy. The majority of Americans have a very negative view of Trump. You need to get out of your red state bubble more often.
Let's say you're right Fuzz, the public has been force fed an avalanche of negative news. Some of it is warranted, but the media isn't even fact checking or verifying stories.
They get anonymous tips and run for the presses, they don't care if it's later proven to be untrue, it's simply firing for effect.
What's their motive?
You're a clown Willy. The majority of Americans have a very negative view of Trump. You need to get out of your red state bubble more often.
If they do, it is because they are not bright enough to see through all of the fake news and BS your side has been spewing. I would rather be a clown than a liberal nut hugger.
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At this point, impeach his ass! I'm cool with it as I like Pence more. I do not dislike Trump, especially for the reasons the left want me to, but the man isn't smart enough to know which fights are worth fighting and which ones aren't.

My non policy tips to president dreamsicle:

Stay off Twitter
Realize you are the President, not the top troll
The people around you are smarter than you
Stick to cutting cost on our contracts/trade deals
Shut up
Understand the difference between a sentence and sentence fragment
Get checked for turrets

Seriously he had a chance to be a great president with his business experience, but sadly he let politicians control his words, thoughts and actions by trolling him 24/7. Now the people he may have gotten to help him(republicans) are wondering if he is too toxic to associate with.

I don't suspect anything will happen with the independent prosecutor, but I also do not see Trump being disciplined enough to get the job done. Chaos consumes this guy and he doesn't realize he doesn't need to sell us anything now, he needs to produce!
You're living in dream land if you think they wouldn't destroy Pence too. Pence is more conservative than Trump so they would probably go at him even harder than they do Trump, if even possible.
Let's say you're right Fuzz, the public has been force fed an avalanche of negative news. Some of it is warranted, but the media isn't even fact checking or verifying stories.
They get anonymous tips and run for the presses, they don't care if it's later proven to be untrue, it's simply firing for effect.
What's their motive?

Harvard study on first 100 days:

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Who cares? You're not going to do anything with them.

I know your tiny Canuck brain cant compute this, but there are those who are willing to fight for what they believe in, and many of them have concluded that DJT is the last peaceful chance at changing things. What comes next isn't so might want to take your happy ass back north of the border.
Right on cue. After the Weiner story breaks, Washington Shitpost and NY Slimes release hit pieces on Trump, just as he got on Air Force One.
I wonder if one of these former journalist organizations will ever again publish a story based on actual sources rather than "anonymous government officials."

Edit: I was mid post on pointing out, once again, the anonymous "sources" all these media outlets are relying upon when you posted that.
Democrats got their special counsel, now they're saying it's not enough. Now they're demanding an independent commission on top of that. Wanna bet Republicans cave and give it to them?

They don't care about special counsels or independent commissions. They're on a witch hunt in search of a crime. They feel they get enough people investigating, then someone is bound to find something, regardless if it has to do with Russia or not. Hell, they're already holding focus groups and doing polling on impeachment.
If Trump called Comey a nutjob (he probably didn't as I'm sure its more NYTs lies) whats the problem?

Comey IS a nutjob. It would be one of the most truthful things Trump has said.
I know your tiny Canuck brain cant compute this, but there are those who are willing to fight for what they believe in, and many of them have concluded that DJT is the last peaceful chance at changing things. What comes next isn't so might want to take your happy ass back north of the border.

You. Won't. Do. Shit
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"**** the New York Times," Trump said. "They're not our friends. We're never going to win them over," he added, according to a Trump insider.
If Trump called Comey a nutjob (he probably didn't as I'm sure its more NYTs lies) whats the problem?

Comey IS a nutjob. It would be one of the most truthful things Trump has said.
These stupid random leaks meant to smear Trump and make him look bad prove, without a doubt, there's no evidence of collusion with Russia. If they're willing to leak stupid shit like this, you can guarantee they'd leak proof of collusion if they had it. They have nothing to prove he's guilty, so they're trying their hardest to smear him and fool people into believing he is guilty.
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