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I love the psychos in this thread acting like there would be some sort of revolution if Trump does something impeachable (and to be clear, he absolutely hasn't.)

If he does, and he is impeached, you Internet blowhards will do the same thing you do today - go to your shitty jobs and sit behind your keyboards acting like you're tough.
You are a moron plain and simple and too dumb to be posting in this thread. That is not at all what is being posted. You have missed every point being made. Please go back to that crap hole you came from.
Flat earth guy is great at talking in memes and posting ridiculous hyperbole. Gotta give him credit for that.
And you are great at double talk posting. In one post you will say that Trump is not so bad and you disagree with what the dems are doing and then in the next post blast conservative posters on here for being upset with the fake news and unfair treatment of Trump. You are a typical liberal who would love to see this country fail.
Serious question, do you ponder unintended consequences of anything past your next lumber sale?

Go a little more in depth here? What is an unintended consequence of Trump getting impeached?

Basically what I'm saying is right now Trump has no strategy to overcome the BS in front of him.......but Pence would not be under attack like this and pretty much has the same agenda.

I'm cool with Pence, he'll right now I'd even vote for Pence over Trump.

What does my next lumber sale have to do with anything? What do you think a lumber salesman does that you would bring that up in politics?
Go a little more in depth here? What is an unintended consequence of Trump getting impeached?

Basically what I'm saying is right now Trump has no strategy to overcome the BS in front of him.......but Pence would not be under attack like this and pretty much has the same agenda.

I'm cool with Pence, he'll right now I'd even vote for Pence over Trump.

What does my next lumber sale have to do with anything? What do you think a lumber salesman does that you would bring that up in politics?

Krazy, what has Pence done that would make you vote for him over Trump? Just curious
Thought I was clear on that. He basically has the same agenda as Trump, but he wouldn't be under this attack. He is a principled old school American.

I think he did well in Indiana and would have been a presidential nominee in time anyway. From Congress, to chair of the house, and as Govenor he was pretty damn solid and consistent. Read for yourself:

That said I'm not against Trump, he is in a complete different environment than he used to. But he is using the same strategy and it's a blood bath whether he is right or wrong.

I'm not bashing him as I don't think he is terrible by any stretch, but he isn't presidential at all. He has no idea how to calmly lead where he wants to go. He has no clue where the strategy against him is coming from so he fights everyone.

I do not think he is guilty of anything illegal, nor do I think the special prosecutor will find anything about Russia. But the problem is Trump. He will trip on every pebble because he won't listen to anyone around him.
Why does he need to overcome the BS? It's BS. What he needs to do, if anything, and I don't really agree with this, is shutup and quit acknowledging the "haters". Shutup or troll them, but quit engaging.

But idgaf. Maybe I'm way off, probabaly am, but he and his administration are moving more efficiently and way more transparently than the previous administration. I'm still not sure Obama really stood for or accomplished.

But one thing I know for certain is, in today's bs social echo chamber, the media and the people can will things into exostence, they can create problems out of nothing. Like, gender bathrooms, trans equality, OMG EARTH IS DYING NOW, etc...any issue, miniscule as it might be, they can turn it into OMG THIS MUST BE STOPPED NOWWW!!! And that's what they're doing to Trump. So, he probabaly will be stopped, tbh. They usually get their way.
There is no calmly leading the psychos on the left.

How do you calmly lead people who don't give a shit about facts or reality, and are dead set on undermining your every move? Then you have a bunch of establishment cucks like Krazy who blame you for not being able to lead a bunch of anarchist psychos.

If Pence was in office, it would be the same damn thing. We'd have anonymous unverifiable stories every day about Pence murdering gays and what not.

Don't fall for this shit, Krazy. It's the same as Defense rallying on here about how great of a candidate Romney would be. Of course as soon as Romney has the R nomination, he literally becomes satan.
Why does he need to overcome the BS? It's BS. What he needs to do, if anything, and I don't really agree with this, is shutup and quit acknowledging the "haters". Shutup or troll them, but quit engaging.

The problem is you don't understand what you're even saying. Just like the Rap Music you like you are consumed by beats not be clear you are exactly right with what Trump needs to do is STFU and the BS stops!

But idgaf. Maybe I'm way off, probabaly am, but he and his administration are moving more efficiently and way more transparently than the previous administration. I'm still not sure Obama really stood for or accomplished.

A few things here:

1- Did Obama really lower the bar so far that being better than him is good? Christ we are F'd regardless then!

2- efficient? At what exactly assisting the media and the left in constant chaos? Are you aware that we now have an investigation in the house, senate and FBI about F'n Russia!

That is about as inefficient as it gets!

3- transparent? He has signed EO's what transparency does he need?

Look I voted for trump and sure it's fun seeing him attempt what he is doing, but be honest with yourself this is a complete shit show!

His strategy should have been business. Trade deals and jobs and negotiate contracts to save taxpayers money. Then delegate and STFU. Maybe visit a ghetto or two and see if you can make sense of the black vote.

That was all he had to do, but instead..............
Krazy is legit upset about that Canadian lumber thing. And I understand, but cmon.

Nope, actually I've sent the links to the stories about the tax to everyone that didn't know. Since other suppliers aren't explaining their increase my clients appreciate that I follow the shit and have become more loyal as I pushed for awards quick to save them money.

My summer is booked with almost 1.5million in sales already.
Go a little more in depth here? What is an unintended consequence of Trump getting impeached?

Basically what I'm saying is right now Trump has no strategy to overcome the BS in front of him.......but Pence would not be under attack like this and pretty much has the same agenda.

LOL - they have already started with Pence hit pieces. The attacks are more ideological than personal...they want to make you believe its all about Trump, but I don't think it is.
but Pence would not be under attack like this and pretty much has the same agenda

If Pence was in office, it would be the same damn thing. We'd have anonymous unverifiable stories every day about Pence murdering gays and what not.

Absolutely. No matter which gop was in there, it would be the same.
There is no calmly leading the psychos on the left.

How do you calmly lead people who don't give a shit about facts or reality, and are dead set on undermining your every move? Then you have a bunch of establishment cucks like Krazy who blame you for not being able to lead a bunch of anarchist psychos.

If Pence was in office, it would be the same damn thing. We'd have anonymous unverifiable stories every day about Pence murdering gays and what not.

Don't fall for this shit, Krazy. It's the same as Defense rallying on here about how great of a candidate Romney would be. Of course as soon as Romney has the R nomination, he literally becomes satan.

Bill the difference is Pence doesn't have to run for president, he is next in line and he is a vet that understands how to tune out the white noise in the background and stay focused.

Trump has no clue and the left and the media know this so their strategy is to attack his ego and watch him squirm. In business his strategy works because his competitions don't want someone like trump gaining publicity and getting an even bigger advantage but in politics it's a different game.

I'm not falling for anything and I'm no mccain or Ryan, but how does this help?
So since Pence doesn't have to run for POTUS, meaning he won't actually have been elected to that office by the American people, you think he'll be able to effectively lead the anarchists on the left once they start publishing stories about him murdering gays and blowing Putin in an airport bathroom?

You are falling for the bullshit. The fact that you're even entertaining the thought that Trump should leave office because the left won't stop their anarchist made up bullshit is proof.

You know who will be able to effectively lead the left? Using the term lead loosely. Someone with a D next to their name. No matter who the R is, it will be made up story after made up story, and coordination with people embedded in the government to undermine them.
See your vision is blurry, just like Trump.

I'm saying Trump doesn't have it in him to not fall for all this BS and continually fights back all day everyday. Pence will ignore their dumbasses and that alone will make them meaningless.

Trump is ratings because he can't control himself. The left is what it is.

Basically they are the little brother that pesters the big brother for attention even if it's a fight. Everyday the big brother fights him, probably wins, and falls for the same BS tomorrow. Meanwhile if he just ignored the little brother then the little brother gets bored and stops!
See your vision is blurry, just like Trump.

I'm saying Trump doesn't have it in him to not fall for all this BS and continually fights back all day everyday. Pence will ignore their dumbasses and that alone will make them meaningless.

Trump is ratings because he can't control himself. The left is what it is.

Basically they are the little brother that pesters the big brother for attention even if it's a fight. Everyday the big brother fights him, probably wins, and falls for the same BS tomorrow. Meanwhile if he just ignored the little brother then the little brother gets bored and stops!

Yeah, the left will definitely get bored if Trump just ignored them. Soros would stop funding organizations throughout the world to undermine Trump. The media would get tired of all the ratings involved with making up bullshit stories on Trump. The Ds would finally stop obstructing Trump's agenda, because they're just doing it to entertain themselves, not because that's what's generating revenue for the campaign coffers.

Yep, if Trump rolls over and takes it, the anarchists on the left will just get bored.
See your vision is blurry, just like Trump.

I'm saying Trump doesn't have it in him to not fall for all this BS and continually fights back all day everyday. Pence will ignore their dumbasses and that alone will make them meaningless.

Trump is ratings because he can't control himself. The left is what it is.

Basically they are the little brother that pesters the big brother for attention even if it's a fight. Everyday the big brother fights him, probably wins, and falls for the same BS tomorrow. Meanwhile if he just ignored the little brother then the little brother gets bored and stops!
You don't understand the ways of your adversary (please pronounce this ad-VER-sary like Connery in Hunt for Red October please) very well. Like, at all.

They get Trump's comb'd over scalp they'll go twice as hard for Pence's. Blood/water.

Literally everything Bill described is exactly what would happen to Pence if not worse.

Mark my words, boy, and mark them well (please pronounce this in the Merovingian's dialect). Trump is the only hombre that has ever chosen to fight. He goes down, NO ONE will *ever* fight again. It'd be the cuckiest cuck cuck party in cuckville.

Pence, you want to put forth your agenda? Get pumped, you homophobic racist xenophobic klan dragon.

Your last paragraph is the height of naïveté the likes of which rarely seen on this board.
Ok guys you win, enjoy this stupid shit show!

Just remember if Trump ever shuts up ratings go down. If Trump shuts up they can't hang him on his words(very stupid words at that), and if Trump shuts up most likely the news cycle is forced to change and then people are forced to either gridlock washington( but I thought we owned the house and senate) making themselves look bad.

Do you think I think Pence gives a damn about the news reporting negative stuff? Did you not see how he handled the gay stuff in Indiana?

Rex I guess that's your unintended consequence? No one will ever fight again? Do you think Trump last past this term? Who is next to carry on the fight?
The problem is you don't understand what you're even saying. Just like the Rap Music you like you are consumed by beats not be clear you are exactly right with what Trump needs to do is STFU and the BS stops!

A few things here:

1- Did Obama really lower the bar so far that being better than him is good? Christ we are F'd regardless then!

2- efficient? At what exactly assisting the media and the left in constant chaos? Are you aware that we now have an investigation in the house, senate and FBI about F'n Russia!

That is about as inefficient as it gets!

3- transparent? He has signed EO's what transparency does he need?

Look I voted for trump and sure it's fun seeing him attempt what he is doing, but be honest with yourself this is a complete shit show!

His strategy should have been business. Trade deals and jobs and negotiate contracts to save taxpayers money. Then delegate and STFU. Maybe visit a ghetto or two and see if you can make sense of the black vote.

That was all he had to do, but instead..............

Perception vs reality. You only seem mad about the perception, how the media portrays him, and how he interacts with the media. Keeping up appearances, and junk like that. You sound like my Grandma.

Idgaf if trump steps up to the podium and spreads his cheeks while he talks out of his butt. Until he stops winning,I don't care. He has already surpassed my expectations everywhere except he stupid healthcare crap. But I suppose ge had to do junk like that to please all parties, and people like yourself who get upset if there is disagreement and drama and whatever the hell you're talking about. Sounds like you watch TV news.

"His strategy should have been business."

That's all he's done, dumbass.
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What has he done? Please list them I guess I haven't followed enough like you all have.

Last week the story was its only been a few months, and now business is all he has done?

I'm all ears.

Tucker Carlson nailed it his opening thoughts on his show last night. It's worth your time to give it a listen. He addresses what it would be mean if the democrats did come back into power and how that they are a party that has transformed into a tribal political group in the last 10 or so years and want to separate everyone based on identity.
With Dems salivating all over themselves when words "Trump" and "impeachment" are mentioned in the same sentence, comes now this little gem:

Anthony Weiner to Plead Guilty to Resolve Sexting Inquiry.

Was he a pedophile? I forget.

Hillary's protege and most trusted confident stands by him. Sad. Just like spineless Hillary who stood next to her embarrassing husband.

You wanna talk about unfit to be a politician....The only evidence we have continually comes from the left.
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Whoa. Weiner will plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor.

Wtf. 51 yo weiber engaged in explicit messages with 15 year old for 3 months.

Hillary's #1 is now officially married to a registered sex offender...

...If he actually pleads guilty. That article is bs based on something anonymous sources heard. Clickbait.

You would think this will consume the media soon? That's real actual news, backed by like a year of investigating, and there is no telling what that snitch knows, or what they have on his computer. I mean, he got caught on twittter. Imagine what his private life was like.
Seen this floating around today...

I'm honestly surprised Weiner hasn't died in an autoerotic asphyxiation accident.

That's a thousand times more plausible than Seth Rich dying in a robbery.
in Hillary's opinion it's just too soon. She has to wait a few days until it's bumped from the front page and then he will swiftly be deleted.
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Hiliary's clout is gone! Not sure why is even in question.

So what are we doing in Israel today?
If you think about all of the conspiracy stories from the 2016 election cycle, the Trump/Russia one has turned up the least amount of stuff.

Pizzagate - always sounded absurd to me, still does and likely is IMO **ducks**...but hell, Clintons right hand has a pedo husband (no other resources used to investigate - confession only)
S Rich - was emailing w.wikileaks, robbed, but wasn't robbed. (w/just a PI investigation)
Trump - no evidence of collusion. Yes Flynn is a disaster whack job...still no evidence of collusion (used the best resources, committes, intelligence agencies, media, etc)

Edit to add the stories of the womanizing Trump - double digit count of women make claims against him - then disappear after election with no follow up, no new claims, no evidence of stories being factual.
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So what do the know it alls in this thread think about the new troll job reporting Lieberman is the top pick for the FBI?

Surely the Trump pumpers love this right?
So what do the know it alls in this thread think about the new troll job reporting Lieberman is the top pick for the FBI?

Surely the Trump pumpers love this right?
i'm ok with it. Lieberman distanced himself from the left once they embraced anarchist group think. I think he is a stand up guy.
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So what do the know it alls in this thread think about the new troll job reporting Lieberman is the top pick for the FBI?

Surely the Trump pumpers love this right?

Not sure why it would be a bad choice. I would prefer it not be a former congressman I guess. But he's pretty widely regarded as honest and fair. Most rational people just want honest impartial people running the FBI. Political leanings should have no role in it.