How will they rule ??!

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man the mental gymnastics done by people like fuzz Catskills rq and yes, krazykats is hilarious.

Medias not out to get trump. Lol what a pos liar.

Catskills. Wel If manadort did this and trump knew but he probably didn't cuz he can't keep his mouth shut. But if this this and this happened it would definitely fit this law. SHUT UP YOUR LIFE SUCKS literally.

Krazykats. Pence wouldn't be attacked by the dems and he wouldn't fight. Wel you're right on the second part. No republican has fought in years... ITS HOW WE ENDED UP WITH A SECOND OBAMA TERM. And the media would absolutely try to destroy pence. Might be one of the most ignorant conclusions ever. Sheesh.
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The mud came from Wikileaks. We haven't seen a single shred of evidence that it came from Russia. First they said 17 intelligence agencies said so, then changed their story to three intelligence agencies. Assange denies it came from Russia. Members of the Senate intelligence committee have admitted there's no solid proof it came from Russia. You only know what you've been told.

That's all any of us know. What else are we supposed to know? My security clearance is pretty low.

This is same Wikileaks that Trump lauded time and time again during the campaign. He seemed pretty DTF with Assange. Until he wasn't.

IMO Trump's financials will be interesting. If we ever see them.
I'm cynical enough to post dumb shit on a message board in a political thread. I'm just not cynical enough to think that every Republican and Democrat is a total POS with no other ulterior motive other than political gain. I actually believe some of these people want to see good for this country.
They are few and far between. The vast majority are owned by their big donors.
You should pay closer attention. Some Democrats are alresdy beating that drum, demanding an independent committee.

Only dissent I've heard stems from the fact that special counsel can still be Apprenticed by the POTUS. Maybe I missed something.
Trump released a shit load of financials, 100+ pages to be exact. Much more than you could ever learn from tax returns.

I'm guessing Trump brand can't be encapsulated in 100 pages. Would someone with something to hide be capable of leaving out what they don't want others to see?
Only dissent I've heard stems from the fact that special counsel can still be Apprenticed by the POTUS. Maybe I missed something.
There have been a few, mainly among the fringe, who are gleefully touting impeachment, namely Maxine Waters and her rag tag crew. These same few are claiming a special counsel isn't good enough now, and demanding a independent commission.

We see what happens every time the fringe comes up with a conspiracy or makes baseless accusations. The base tends to follow, which then puts pressure on the rational Democrats to go along because they'll be attacked and ousted for not opposing anything and everything Trump.

The more steam the fringe gains on this, don't be surprised when you see other Democrats completely changing their tune, criticize Mueller as well and start calling for an independent commission.
I'm guessing Trump brand can't be encapsulated in 100 pages. Would someone with something to hide be capable of leaving out what they don't want others to see?
Yeah, if your still stuck on tax returns, good luck with that. Just another talking point that no one cares about. He won the presidency without providing his tax returns. That should tell you all you need to know about how much people care.
maybe the Clinton's should release the details of their Foundation's finances....

If she had won she should. I'm guessing she wouldn't have cried about it at every mean question the big bad mainstream media asked her about it. She would've played politics like a big girl.
CNN has a story up saying that Comey now believes Trump was trying to influence him. Even though he said under oath the total opposite. Either fake news or Comey is even worse of a hack than I thought.
Yeah, if your still stuck on tax returns, good luck with that. Just another talking point that no one cares about. He won the presidency without providing his tax returns. That should tell you all you need to know about how much people care.

Don't conflate. I'm speaking to an investigation, not what people voted on.
Don't conflate. I'm speaking to an investigation, not what people voted on.
Then should you take comfort because the special prosecutor conducting the investigation has full authority and subpoena power. So, if he feels the need to see them, then he certainly will. Doesn't mean you or the media gets to see them, so obsessing over it is pointless.
Don't conflate. I'm speaking to an investigation, not what people voted on.

I've always been confused by the obsession by the left with Trumps tax returns. Do they think there are a bunch of write-offs for donations to "Russian charities" in there? When was any other president asked to account for every nickel he ever made? Do you honestly think any of these guys are squeaky clean?
If there's nothing to see here Trump will be fine. Just don't get into politics and then complain about why everyone is so mean to you. Suck it up and deal with what every single president since George Washington has had to deal with.
I've always been confused by the obsession by the left with Trumps tax returns. Do they think there are a bunch of write-offs for donations to "Russian charities" in there? When was any other president asked to account for every nickel he ever made? Do you honestly think any of these guys are squeaky clean?

This is a situation unique to the POTUS. I for one want to know who he is beholden to.
If there's nothing to see here Trump will be fine. Just don't get into politics and then complain about why everyone is so mean to you. Suck it up and deal with what every single president since George Washington has had to deal with.
Only people I see crying are liberals, the media and Democrats. Have been since the very day Trump won.

100+ days later and they still can't accept the fact, so much so, they're doing everything in their power to sabotage and upend the most sacred thing in this country -- the peaceful transfer of power.

Trump has every right to defend himself, and call them out on their bullshit and lies.
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Then should you take comfort because the special prosecutor conducting the investigation has full authority and subpoena power. So, if he feels the need to see them, then he certainly will. Doesn't mean you or the media gets to see them, so obsessing over it is pointless.

Why do you keep trying to overstate my point? No one's obsessing. Mueller is not a special prosecutor, he is special counsel appoint by Deputy AG.

If Trump had one ounce of political acumen he might've foreseen that throwing Rosenstein under the bus on the Comey firing might've pissed him off and led to calling Mueller in.

Me personally, I want a smart calculating person steering the ship. Not someone who thought firing Comey and using the AG and DOJ as human shields would be hailed as "bipartisan".
This is a situation unique to the POTUS. I for one want to know who he is beholden to.
Again, pointless because you'll never know, ever. Like I said, if this was only about the investigation, then you should be happy and take comfort in knowing the people who matter, the investigators, will get to see his taxes if they choose and find out exactly who he is or isn't beholden to.
If she had won she should. I'm guessing she wouldn't have cried about it at every mean question the big bad mainstream media asked her about it. She would've played politics like a big girl.

in 2 years of campaigning she never once not freaking once took questions from the media. a big girl, ok bub. Russia Russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia
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Mueller is not a special prosecutor, he is special counsel
My point, he has full authority and subpoena power, with an unlimited budget and no time table.

If Trump had one ounce of political acumen he might've foreseen that throwing Rosenstein under the bus on the Comey firing might've pissed him off and led to calling Mueller in.
Who says Rosenstein was pissed off? How do you know he just didn't succumb to media and Democrat hysteria? Or that he thought this was the best move to de-politicize the investigation?
Only people I see crying are liberals, the media and Democrats. Have been since the very day Trump won.

100+ days later and they still can't accept the fact, so much so, they're doing everything in their power to sabotage and upend the most sacred thing in this country -- the peaceful transfer of power.

Trump has every right to defend himself, and call them out on their bullshit and lies.

No problem with him defending himself. What happens though when the lies don't come from the source he's hoping they come from? I'm betting some salty tweets will be forthcoming.

None of us on this board knows who's telling the truth. Again, I guess we'll see.
My point, he has full authority and subpoena power, with an unlimited budget and no time table.

Who says Rosenstein was pissed off? How do you know he just didn't succumb to media and Democrat hysteria? Or that he thought this was the best move to de-politicize the investigation?

Because one explanation is simple and jives with human nature, while the other alternative fits with a political narrative that runs counter to reality.

The day of Comey's firing every single talking point was "Trump took the advice of Rosenstein and pulled the trigger". Then Trump does Trump, goes off script, and says "I was going to fire him anyway". He made Rosenstein and Spicer and all surrogates look like jackasses (again).

You're right above when you say it doesn't matter, Mueller will have unfettered access and do his due diligence. Of course unless he starts to uncover stuff Trump doesn't like and he fires him for it.
in 2 years of campaigning she never once not freaking once took questions from the media. a big girl, ok bub. Russia Russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia russia

That was one of her only smart moves politically, bub. When the GOP
candidate has a man crush on Vladimir Putin, you should run with it. Because constantly kissing the ass of a dictator should be anathema to being president.

Would Reagan have done that?
Because one explanation is simple and jives with human nature, while the other alternative fits with a political narrative that runs counter to reality.
Guess you missed Rosenstein testifying in front of Congress? He testified, under oath, that the news stories saying he was angry and threatened to quit were false. Said it never happened, he stands by his memorandum on Comey, and stands by Trump's decision.
They are trying to overthrow the democratically elected leader of this nation...that is a fkng coup, and you lefties are just all to happy to fondle their balls while they are doing it.

I guess it won't matter when Bluebeam comes, right Bushy?

Seriously, why the f--- do you care about any of this? If the NWO is on its way and we're getting ready to see the big laser light show in the sky, it's all moot, right?

I wrote you off for a troll, but that was my mistake. You're just a deranged paranoid. Hopefully your caretaker locked the basement from the outside.
Except it's all made up and you have bought it.

You're kidding, right? I guess the left wing media faked those clips I saw where Trump legitimized Putin by publicly calling him a "strong leader" and tried to make a moral equivalence about how someone who murders political dissenters isn't so different from us because we're "not so nice" either?

Edit: give me once instance in history where either political party publicly legitimized a dictator like Putin. Either Trump actually believes it or he's too politically inept to know the difference.
I guess it won't matter when Bluebeam comes, right Bushy?

Seriously, why the f--- do you care about any of this? If the NWO is on its way and we're getting ready to see the big laser light show in the sky, it's all moot, right?

I wrote you off for a troll, but that was my mistake. You're just a deranged paranoid. Hopefully your caretaker locked the basement from the outside.
You're kidding, right? I guess the left wing media faked those clips I saw where Trump legitimized Putin by publicly calling him a "strong leader" and tried to make a moral equivalence about how someone who murders political dissenters isn't so different from us because we're "not so nice" either?

But the story taken from that is that Trump is colluding with the Russians, which is completely made up.

After a year of investigating, everyone single person that spoken out on the matter, who is privy to the information, either by being a part of the investigation or by being briefed on the investigation, have all said the same exact thing -- there's no evidence of collusion, nor is there even evidence of a crime.
You're kidding, right? I guess the left wing media faked those clips I saw where Trump legitimized Putin by publicly calling him a "strong leader" and tried to make a moral equivalence about how someone who murders political dissenters isn't so different from us because we're "not so nice" either?

Edit: give me once instance in history where either political party publicly legitimized a dictator like Putin. Either Trump actually believes it or he's too politically inept to know the difference.
Many democrats had some eye opening comments after Cuban dictator Fidel Castros death.
Guess you missed Rosenstein testifying in front of Congress? He testified, under oath, that the news stories saying he was angry and threatened to quit were false. Said it never happened, he stands by his memorandum on Comey, and stands by Trump's decision.

I didn't miss it, particularly this part:

"My memorandum is not a press release.

It is a candid internal memorandum about the FBI Director’s public statements concerning a high-profile criminal investigation."

Sounds like he did his job and then Trump team tried to use it for cover.

You can't concede that this might've pissed him off that his memo was used as a press release?

Or maybe they just accidentally only gave the White House an hours heads up that Mueller was being called in?
What? Fvcking Fidel Castro is a hero among Democrats. Obama did it every single time he sucked off Iran. You're not very good at this.

Castro? I think Alex Jones might be getting to you. Even he admitted he was only an entertainer in his custody hearing. You shouldn't take everything he says to heart.

Again you're trying to conflate, to the point where you're not even denying that's what Trump said. I never said individuals haven't had horrible takes on dictators. But not the f---ing POTUS directly looking into a news camera on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS because somebody stroked his gargantuan ego.

I'll try it this way.

"Gorbachev is a strong leader and really well-respected throughout the world"-Ronald Reagan

"I think Hitler is a really charismatic leader and has done a great job of unifying the German people"-FDR

"Ossama bin Laden has a real knack for getting things done. I don't agree with him on everything, but he's really outsmarted us. But I think we'd really get along"-George W. Bush.

"It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond"-Donald Trump.

Which of those is a real quote?