I assumed the "**** the NY Times" story was meant to be a favorable piece.
Is it not?
Is it not?
You. Won't. Do. Shit
And nutless Republicans continually ignoring this type of stuff is the reason it has gotten so bad. The Democrats and media feel they are above the law, and can do and say whatever they want because they know Republicans won't stand up to them, but instead just sit back, get punked and ignore it.Again, Pence would ignore this BS and it wouldn't linger.
So what name did your troll ass post under a while back?You've been sniffing to much shit on the job, you should put a mask on or go back to teaching.
Tone is a subjective measure. What is the source?
So what name did your troll ass post under a while back?
This couldn't be more false. They're not all independently reporting these stories. They're all piggy backing off of one single report from anonymous sources, then reporting it without independent verifying sources or if the information is true or false.Also, when virtually every news organization in the world is saying the same thing...there is probably a good deal of truth to those reports.
Tone is a subjective measure. What is the source?
Also, when virtually every news organization in the world is saying the same thing...there is probably a good deal of truth to those reports. Most adults have a pretty negative view of adolescents... Trump spends a lot of time acting like one. When he starts acting like an adult he will gain more respect. But as I've said before, Trump is his own worst enemy.
No. If they are successful in running Trump, they'll be emboldened for a generation. Pence would just be the next guy wearing a bullseye. Which is why this "movement" has to be quelled - has little to do with Trump really. Saw a tweet today that the only constitutional crisis is the resistance to a peaceful transfer of power after a democratic election. About right....but Pence would not be under attack like this....
So what name did your troll ass post under a while back?
He is an enemy only to traitorous organizations and morons like you who support them.Tone is a subjective measure. What is the source?
Also, when virtually every news organization in the world is saying the same thing...there is probably a good deal of truth to those reports. Most adults have a pretty negative view of adolescents... Trump spends a lot of time acting like one. When he starts acting like an adult he will gain more respect. But as I've said before, Trump is his own worst enemy.
He's revealing his obvious bias against orange people.Oh, and if Comey does, in fact, think that "hug" was an attempt to publicly compromise him, then he's only proving that he truly is a fvcking paranoid nutjob.
It's either going to be evidence that Manafort or one of the other multitudes of advisors with ties to Russia coordinated the efforts of the campaign with Russian dissemenation of leaks (there's already timeline evidence of this) or bribery by means of financial gains for those advisors. I think Trump is too stupid or unable to keep his mouth shut long enough to be directly involved but it's a 'he should have known' kinda deal.Welp, Alan Dershowitz of all people just slammed the door on the entire thing....I'm sure someone else just saw him on Tucker. Will post the clip when available.
Point was.....what statute has been violated or even ALLEGED to be violated? Name it. And "obstruction of justice" don't count, folks...specific statute please.
Said telling Comey to let it go, firing Comey for whatever reason he'd like (even if Comey was investigating him....which he wasn't), and (gasp) colluding with the Russians (which he didn't do) on the Wikileaks dump......no statutes or laws violated. All within the law.
Does anyone know laws that have been violated or have specifically been alleged to have been violated?
What is the crime?
weird how nearly every one of those 'anonymous sources' turn out to be correct.I wonder if one of these former journalist organizations will ever again publish a story based on actual sources rather than "anonymous government officials."
Edit: I was mid post on pointing out, once again, the anonymous "sources" all these media outlets are relying upon when you posted that.
I wonder if one of these former journalist organizations will ever again publish a story based on actual sources rather than "anonymous government officials."
Edit: I was mid post on pointing out, once again, the anonymous "sources" all these media outlets are relying upon when you posted that.
weird how nearly every one of those 'anonymous sources' turn out to be correct.
weird how nearly every one of those 'anonymous sources' turn out to be correct.
name one thing that has turned out to be correct? we will all sit back and wait.
Manafort or one of the other multitudes of advisors Russia coordinated the efforts of the campaign with Russian dissemenation of leaks
weird how nearly every one of those 'anonymous sources' turn out to be correct.
Name them and see. Bet I can match you tit for tat of one's that have been completely made up and/or false.I really doubt the truth would matter.......
Watch the clip. He addressed this and put this false talking point to bed as well. It's not a crime. Might be dirty politics, but not a crime. Unless Manafort helped Russia, or whoever, hack the information it isn't a crime. Taking advantage of political information that someone has on your opponent isn't a crime. It happens dozens of times in any and every campaign.
Absolutely false. Do we really need to sit here and go through how many times they've not been correct? I can think of two, proven to be the case, major lies in the past week.
People are sick of this shit
The mud came from Wikileaks. We haven't seen a single shred of evidence that it came from Russia. First they said 17 intelligence agencies said so, then changed their story to three intelligence agencies. Assange denies it came from Russia. Members of the Senate intelligence committee have admitted there's no solid proof it came from Russia. You only know what you've been told.I'm all for dirty politics, been that way since day one. Just not sure sure why you wouldn't be bothered that the mud is coming from Russia.
Actually they aren't. Regardless of what the latest polls say about Trump's approval rating, those same polls also say that people who voted for Trump haven't wavered, and are still behind him just as they were on election day. Matter of fact, those same polls also say that if the election was held again today, Trump would beat Hillary again.
While we're on the subject, in the same polls, the Democrats have lost a lot of support. They're even less popular than Trump and the GOP. Only people who received lower approval ratings are the lying media. Since the election the Democrats have had zero message, zero policies, zero fixes to any issue, nothing. All they have is Russia, and that's what people are sick of.
T-Bickle, speak of this Russian mud. I'm curious about that because i havent seen one person show one bit of evidence
Not to mention, another very important point in all of this that keeps getting lost in the shit storm is the DNC refused to allow the FBI to investigate their servers. That's common knowledge. How does the FBI know that the severs were even hacked, much less who hacked them, if they've never even taken a looked at the severs?I'm all for dirty politics, been that way since day one. Just not sure sure why you wouldn't be bothered that the mud is coming from Russia.