How will they rule ??!

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Shutup Chuck. That's the worst opinion anyone's ever typed in here. To not like the guy is fine, I'd say most people don't. Even me. But to try and equate that to him having difficulty is bogus. In fact, he's winning bc he doesn't "get along" with these clowns...

Which I would still argue bc he's made great strides already with immigration/nat security/trade/education....shit, a lot of things. He's got the ball rolling. He obviously gets along with people.

And it's largely because he's put trust in the experts to do their damn jobs. This isn't about Trump. That's another large reason he was elected. He freely admitted he did not know a lot of things, but he was gonna put the right people in charge and delegate like a real leader should.

Far cry from our last president who was simply all about his legacy. Trump's legacy is set, he has no team. It's beautiful, tbh.
Don't tell me to shut up or I'll meet you at Cheddars too. :sunglasses:

He is not King. There are two other branches of government that he better try to get along with if he wants something done.
Impeachment talk at this stage is warrantless. He should demand to see the memo that Comey allegedly has saying Trump asked him to back of investigating Flynn.

If he would stop the stupid tweets and stop make such outlandish statements, he would be much better off.
remember his "outlandish comment" about being wire tapped? IT WAS TRUE. lol come on man wake up and see what kind of party the democrats have become. The democrats have been proven via wiki leaks that Bernie sanders WAS NOT ALLOWED to be president. They absolutely sabotaged him. And you're talking about laughing at a president b/c he tweets. They are full on anarchists. THey want to tear this country down to the ground.
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Basically, my only hope at this point is some version of mutually assured destruction.

I need Trump to own his fate that he'll never accomplish anything with the opposition he's facing. And I need him to burn down Washington DC and the entire GOP and DNC as retribution.
Let it go? We're talking treason man. Major felonies. Every dept in the government has been ultra compromised. Hillary must go to jail. She had a server in her bathroom. Her "foundation" shuts down IMMEDIATELY after she loses b/c she no longer has access to OUR COUNTRY to SELL for HER GAIN. There's no "ok well you're good" it's orange jumpsuit handcuff that whore.
Well, if you are in the "lock her up" mode, then I can see where you are coming from.

Trump has more things to worry about than stirring up old stuff in the past.
remember his "outlandish comment" about being wire tapped? IT WAS TRUE. lol come on man wake up and see what kind of party the democrats have become. The democrats have been proven via wiki leaks that Bernie sanders WAS NOT ALLOWED to be president. They absolutely sabotaged him. And you're talking about laughing at a president b/c he tweets. They are full on anarchists. THey want to tear this country down to the ground.
Maybe......but I don't believe Obama had anything to do with it....which is what Trumps said.
Basically, my only hope at this point is some version of mutually assured destruction.

I need Trump to own his fate that he'll never accomplish anything with the opposition he's facing. And I need him to burn down Washington DC and the entire GOP and DNC as retribution.
Well, that is drastic, but I've said a lot of times, mostly in jest, that if Korea hits us with a nuclear weapon, I hope it's a direct hit on the Capitol building. I'm afraid it wouldn't help any in the long run.
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Hot or not?

I've been saying for weeks that the Russian narrative is silly and needs to stop.

There will be no coup, no impeachment. Trump should just keep doing what he does policy wise and let things play out. The incessant tweeting and playing the victim every day isn't helping him IMO.
I don't follow twitter at all or facebook. I do not ever watch the news of any sort unless it is linked on here in a snippet. They are so over the top about getting him out. I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that read " I do not believe the liberal media". IMO the question I am asking myself is when and how will this vehement didslike of the media propaganda really manifest itself?
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Interesting how the man who ran those people over in times square did a breathalyzer test, and scored 0.0. They said it was a DUI.
The voters of Ohio explicitly told John Kasich not to expand Medicaid. Kasich told the voters to **** off and expanded Medicaid in direct opposition to the will of the people.

Now, he knows Ohio is going to be in a deeper world of budgetary shit once the Federal government reimbursement drops from 100% to 90%.

So what do you do? Band together with the other states who are going to face deeper budgetary issues when the reimbursements drop, convince everyone you're trying to fix health care, but in reality, you're trying to bail yourself out of the consequences of your dumb ass decision the voters told you not to do in the first place.
I've been saying for weeks that the Russian narrative is silly and needs to stop.

There will be no coup, no impeachment. Trump should just keep doing what he does policy wise and let things play out. The incessant tweeting and playing the victim every day isn't helping him IMO.

Exactly. Hes getting way too caught up in this.

Stay focused. Ignore the noise. Get things accomplished.
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Exactly. Hes getting way too caught up in this.

Stay focused. Ignore the noise. Get things accomplished.
Yup. Best thing he can do.

Bottom line, 48% of the general pop and what, 65% of the EC voted for him.......and 95% of that God forsaken city is against him.

Eff em all. Go to the people. Fight.

We let the Ds and media win on this it's going to be a cuck bonanza forever. Fight back.
Ok, let me ask you Chuck, how should he properly defend himself against media that writes 90% negative articles? Just shutting his mouth? haha that's not going to stop the negative articles
How about just stop doing stupid things and saying stupid things.
How about finding one story and sticking through it. Don't say that you fired someone because someone else recommended it and then admit that you were doing it anyway and that the recommendation had nothing to do with it.

How about not sending out your mouthpieces with different explanations to every crisis.

Trump and his team are their own worst enemy because they consistently contradicts themselves.

Yup. Best thing he can do.

Bottom line, 48% of the general pop and what, 65% of the EC voted for him.......and 95% of that God forsaken city is against him.

Eff em all. Go to the people. Fight.

We let the Ds and media win on this it's going to be a cuck bonanza forever. Fight back.
46% Hillary got 48%