How will they rule ??!

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Would still vote for Trump over Hillary. Trump is obnoxious but Hillary is the one who belongs in jail for her mishandling of classified material and obvious pay for play bribes accepted by the Clinton Foundation.
There was no good choice, but I believed that Hillary would have been a better President than Obama. I like a lot of what Trump wants to do, but I've never liked him for obvious reasons that are playing out now.
What has Trump done that is so bad? He is fighting for his life ag
There was no good choice, but I believed that Hillary would have been a better President than Obama. I like a lot of what Trump wants to do, but I've never liked him for obvious reasons that are playing out now.
obvious reasons such as what? He is fighting for his life against a political party that is borderline anarchist hell bent on tearing this country down. And what is he doing now specifically that is so bad?
Is there ever a point that the Fuzz/rq/cardkilla type realize they are nothing more than useful idiots for the left.

How many times do they have to run with a story based solely on anonymous unverifiable sources that turns out to be completely and totally false before they start exercising any degree of critical thought?
They just play it off and go on to the next fake news story pretending the other one did not occur then, later on, they give a list of all of Trumps wrong doing starting with all the the fake news pieces touting them as fact.
What has Trump done that is so bad? He is fighting for his life ag

obvious reasons such as what? He is fighting for his life against a political party that is borderline anarchist hell bent on tearing this country down. And what is he doing now specifically that is so bad?
He's having difficulty with both parties. His ego and definite issues with self esteem is turning a lot against him.
There was no good choice, but I believed that Hillary would have been a better President than Obama. I like a lot of what Trump wants to do, but I've never liked him for obvious reasons that are playing out now.
Trump does not have much support from either side. That should tell most people that he is not establishment.
Awww chuck is he a big bad meanie head?
Oh, he likes to act tough, but it's easy to see right through him.

Like I previously said, he wants to do some things that needs to be done, but he's hurting himself with his mouth and on twitter.
Really? He gets almost 90% of unfavorable media articles written about him.

I wish he would Twitter more
they're not laughing at him. They're terrified that they are losing their power and control over the government. It's their own private club and they are doing anything they can to stop Donald Trump from taking it away from them.
I'd probably have revoked the press credentials for half the media in DC and appointed about 10 different special counsel to investigate a top ten list of crimes committed Obama administration and Clinton by now.

A few tweets seems pretty ineffective. Fire with fire and those kinds of things.
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This isn't a Rush Limbaugh "I hope he fails" situation (meaning that the way the left twisted it to mean it).

The previous administration made concerted efforts to undermine the peaceful transition of power in this country, and the vast majority of media outlets are knowingly publishing false story after false story to undermine the POTUS.

I'd definitely be doing a lot more than Tweeting.
they're not laughing at him. They're terrified that they are losing their power and control over the government. It's their own private club and they are doing anything they can to stop Donald Trump from taking it away from them.
I agree with that to an extent, but he's making more enemies than friends in Congress with his bullying, my way or the highway and egotistical attitude. He has to show he can work with Congress or he won't get anything done other than with "executive orders".

He can't seem to grasp why we have checks and balances.
Not really.

For shit sakes Chuck, they just recently wrote a negative article on him getting two scoops of ice cream. lol
I saw that, but didn't read lame. He needs to learn how to get along with people. The pen is mightier than the sword and he just gives the press more ammunition almost on a daily basis.

I really want him succeed, but he can't fight everyone and expect to win many battles.
I agree with that to an extent, but he's making more enemies than friends in Congress with his bullying, my way or the highway and egotistical attitude. He has to show he can work with Congress or he won't get anything done other than with "executive orders".

He can't seem to grasp why we have checks and balances.
dude, people are not going to make up their minds whether or not Trump is an enemy based on his "mean spirited tweets". They either are corrupt politicians or they are not. They will use any excuse to make Trump seem illegitimate whether it is this fake Russia meddling story or tweeting or some other nonsense. Do you remember the things Obama did? Lied to us about 4 Americans dying is worse than tweeting. Enabling BLM ( a domestic terror group) to thrive and give it legitimacy which in turn is responsible for a lot of cop assasinations > that's worse than tweeting. Inviting an Islamic future terrorist to the White House with some bogus clock that looked like a bomb just to bash America and further the infiltration of Islam in to America > that's worse than tweeting. Inviting the parents of a traitor to the Rose Garden to let them speak in Arabic > that is worse than tweeting. Targeting people with the IRS > that is worse than tweeting.
Hillary would have been a better President based on what Chuckinden? She was the worst possible candidate the Dems could have run and she is a damn crook and should be in jail.
I saw that, but didn't read lame. He needs to learn how to get along with people. The pen is mightier than the sword and he just gives the press more ammunition almost on a daily basis.

I really want him succeed, but he can't fight everyone and expect to win many battles.

Ok, let me ask you Chuck, how should he properly defend himself against media that writes 90% negative articles? Just shutting his mouth? haha that's not going to stop the negative articles
dude, people are not going to make up their minds whether or not Trump is an enemy based on his "mean spirited tweets". They either are corrupt politicians or they are not. They will use any excuse to make Trump seem illegitimate whether it is this fake Russia meddling story or tweeting or some other nonsense. Do you remember the things Obama did? Lied to us about 4 Americans dying is worse than tweeting. Enabling BLM ( a domestic terror group) to thrive and give it legitimacy which in turn is responsible for a lot of cop assasinations > that's worse than tweeting. Inviting an Islamic future terrorist to the White House with some bogus clock that looked like a bomb just to bash America and further the infiltration of Islam in to America > that's worse than tweeting. Inviting the parents of a traitor to the Rose Garden to let them speak in Arabic > that is worse than tweeting. Targeting people with the IRS > that is worse than tweeting.
That's just the thing. Obama and Hillary are gone. He should forget about them instead of tweeting stuff like Obama bugged his hotel and can't back it up with any evidence,

Forget about Obama and I'm glad he's gone, but Trump can't let it go.
I agree with that to an extent, but he's making more enemies than friends in Congress with his bullying, my way or the highway and egotistical attitude. He has to show he can work with Congress or he won't get anything done other than with "executive orders".

He can't seem to grasp why we have checks and balances.

Half of Congress is talking impeachment over stories sourced as well as Jack and the Beanstalk.

How would you propose he work with them?
Ok, let me ask you Chuck, how should he properly defend himself against media that writes 90% negative articles? Just shutting his mouth? haha that's not going to stop the negative articles
Yes!!! Let Fox News and the GOP defend him against these negative stories, although Fox is getting to where they aren't defending much anymore.
Shutup Chuck. That's the worst opinion anyone's ever typed in here. To not like the guy is fine, I'd say most people don't. Even me. But to try and equate that to him having difficulty is bogus. In fact, he's winning bc he doesn't "get along" with these clowns...

Which I would still argue bc he's made great strides already with immigration/nat security/trade/education....shit, a lot of things. He's got the ball rolling. He obviously gets along with people.

And it's largely because he's put trust in the experts to do their damn jobs. This isn't about Trump. That's another large reason he was elected. He freely admitted he did not know a lot of things, but he was gonna put the right people in charge and delegate like a real leader should.

Far cry from our last president who was simply all about his legacy. Trump's legacy is set, he has no team. It's beautiful, tbh.
Half of Congress is talking impeachment over stories sourced as well as Jack and the Beanstalk.

How would you propose he work with them?
Impeachment talk at this stage is warrantless. He should demand to see the memo that Comey allegedly has saying Trump asked him to back of investigating Flynn.

If he would stop the stupid tweets and stop make such outlandish statements, he would be much better off.
That's just the thing. Obama and Hillary are gone. He should forget about them instead of tweeting stuff like Obama bugged his hotel and can't back it up with any evidence,

Forget about Obama and I'm glad he's gone, but Trump can't let it go.
Let it go? We're talking treason man. Major felonies. Every dept in the government has been ultra compromised. Hillary must go to jail. She had a server in her bathroom. Her "foundation" shuts down IMMEDIATELY after she loses b/c she no longer has access to OUR COUNTRY to SELL for HER GAIN. There's no "ok well you're good" it's orange jumpsuit handcuff that whore.
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