How will they rule ??!

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Living off of what conservatives and hard working Americans have built because that dung hole you came from is ruled by wimps like you. Eventually, if we let people like you continue to infiltrate us we too would become the pile of dung Canada has become.

thanks for the help man, me and my family appreciate all you've done for us.
So you don't really care about the rule of law or executive integrity?

Drumpf was right. He could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and his supporters wouldn't care.
A Democrat shouldn't be allowed to talk about the rule of law. Obama broke the law on almost a daily basis, but I'm sure you were calling him out for it, right?
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Drumpf was right. He could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and his supporters wouldn't care.
Let's play a game. Take away all the sensationalism, hyperbole, hysteria, bold font headlines and only look at the facts, then name me one single law that Trump has broken. I'll wait.

On the other hand, those who are out to sabotage him, that you support, have broken the law more than we can keep up with at this point, with zero regard for rule of law or the country's security.
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no, i care that our voices matter. our election matters. the deep state wishes to undo it. their is nothing lawful about the witch hunt taking place. if they wish to unlawfully remove from power the govt we elected, then they will face dangerous consequences. the left is playing the dangerous game, and it is not one they can win. our military and our law enforcement is overwhelmingly on the side i express. they won't just step aside, they will choose a side and it won't be yours f***ing commie
The deep state will get deep six'd if they get Trump removed.
Let's play a game. Take away all the sensationalism, hyperbole, hysteria, bold font headlines and only look at the facts, then name me one single law that Trump has broken. I'll wait.

On the other hand, those who are out to sabotage him, that you support, have broken the law more than we can keep up with at this point, with zero regard for rule of law or the country's security.
The only law Trump broke (to the left) is beating Hillary.
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Its absolutely maddening and infuriating that not ONE GOPer has defended Trump against the outrageous media lies this week. Not a single one. I hate the GOP, bunch of f****** cowards.
Read something where Lauren Ingraham touched on this and it made a lot of sense. She put forward that the Democrats and the media aren't dumb. They know none of this is grounds for impeachment.

The point of continously claiming the worst over everything is because they know Republicans are spineless, didn't want Trump in office to begin with, and they're trying to make Trump toxic in the eyes of Republicans.

The more the Democrats accuse, they hope, the more doubt that will creep into the minds of the Republicans, making them be cautious of Trump, constantly wondering if the next "scandal" is actually "the one".

The end goal of doing this is hoping that enough doubt will overcome enough Republicans that they won't work on trying to push through Trump's agenda. They won't fight to pull out of NAFTA, for border security, tax reform, health care etc... because they'll all be so worried, waiting on the next shoe to drop on Trump.
You don't knock down the hive without stirring up some hornets.
We elected Trump because he won't backdown to the DC power brokers.
Well,they aren't going without a fight, and the media is helping. We need to be resolute at this moment, as the Nation is in a battle for control.
Do we the people run the Govt or does the Govt run us?
Next time you are in Central Kentucky, let me know and I'll arrange for a round of golf at Arlington, my treat. I still owe you for the round at Crooked Creek 20 years ago. Need to talk about the good ole days.
I'll do that, but you would easily beat me now. I haven't picked up a club in over a year, but plan to get back into it soon.

I can't wait for this to wrap up. I wonder why there is no pressure to get this done ASAP considering Trump is going to be a sitting president making big decisions and shouldn't even be in office, per the democrats and MSM.

Why is there no push for a rushed investigation.

What do democrats do if Trump is exaunerated from any wrong doing? OMG that news day will he must watch!
What do democrats do if Trump is exaunerated from any wrong doing?

Easy. They'll just revert back to the alt-right, nazi, KKK, sexual predator slurs.

One good thing about this is now Republicans no longer have to answer Russia questions anymore. They can just say that's the special counsel's job, direct all questions to them.
Not that easy because they have finally put all their eggs into this basket giving up everything else they used along the way that lost their fight.

That's why I ask. If Trump remains and there is no impeachment process they lose 2018 and 2020 right here because at that point he will have overcome all their lies to the point you can't trust them at all.
The Democrats are going for the kill shot IMO. If Trump comes out of this relatively unscathed he will be much more powerful. And the Democrats will be in a free fall.
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the dems base and audience as a whole are too f***ing dumb to believe anything that they aren't told to believe. the left media can continue to milk this and whatever without merit, without facts as long as they want in an attempt to de-legitimize him. they have known all along that this is bullshit, a hoax and fear mongering completely conjured up by their think tanks and completely supported by their media establishment. they aren't hoping this might be true to "get him", hell they are the ones who made it all up. they are just trying to position themselves to get votes in the next cycle. doubling down on every f***ing thing that cost them the last time around. it's truly insane.
obviously on a much smaller scale, but it is like when Cal first took over here the first couple of years Pat Forde and the other douchebag whom i can't remember were slinging mud left and right with bogus stories about Bledsoe's transcripts, Anthony Davis's ransom and so on. anything they could to make Cal look bad and all without credibility, just hoping to cast a shadow of doubt over his tenure in a hope to derail him before he could take off.
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The way Chaffetz puts it, and he's one of the few that would know, they have absolutely nothing.

Also, Tucker mentions to him that he's talked to a few people on the Intel Committee and they've admitted that there's not even evidence of Russia hacking.

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So you don't really care about the rule of law or executive integrity?

Drumpf was right. He could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and his supporters wouldn't care.
The rule of law was greatly violated by the last administration and is violated everyday by self serving politicians and liberal judges in which you agree with. I would say he seriously cares about the law and wishes to put it back on track.
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The Democrats are going for the kill shot IMO. If Trump comes out of this relatively unscathed he will be much more powerful. And the Democrats will be in a free fall.
They are already in a free fall and they are reaching for the rip cord of the reserve shoot because the golden parachute (Hillary) failed to open the door for their continued destruction of the good old U.S.A.
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The way Chaffetz puts it, and he's one of the few that would know, they have absolutely nothing.

Also, Tucker mentions to him that he's talked to a few people on the Intel Committee and they've admitted that there's not even evidence of Russia hacking.

I really like Chaffetz. He seems like a no nonsense badass. He's the kind of guy we need more of in Washington, wish he would stick around longer.
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A Democrat shouldn't be allowed to talk about the rule of law. Obama broke the law on almost a daily basis, but I'm sure you were calling him out for it, right?
I'd love to hear one example of this 'daily' law breaking. And sorry world nut daily, Alex Jones, and the like are not reputable sources.

And as usual looks like the DNC staffer killing is blowing up in your face as another pizzagate. Problem with screwduke and his ilk is that they believe absolutely anything they read on the internet. You're posting articles from RT and wnd and infowars as some real news lol

The uranium story has been proven to be b.s. As well. No wonder you believe everything the liar in chief tells you
A liberal city is now pushing political correctness on its police force. In Seattle police are no longer allowed to refer to suspects as suspect, orally or in writing. Liberal politicians have deemed the word too harsh and offensive, even for criminals. They instead must be referred to as community members.
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Former FBI Director James Comey testified under Senate oath May 3rd that the Trump administration had not pressured his agency to halt any investigation for political purposes.

Videotaped testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee blows apart the phony narrative. Comey’s statement to Hawaii Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono from May 3rd exposes the Democrats once again.


Former FBI Director James Comey testified under Senate oath May 3rd that the Trump administration had not pressured his agency to halt any investigation for political purposes.

Videotaped testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee blows apart the phony narrative. Comey’s statement to Hawaii Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono from May 3rd exposes the Democrats once again.
