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Merrick Garland Is Helping Obama Hide His Extremist Agenda From the American People

AUGUST 30, 2013: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled today that records of visitors to the White House were off limits to requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)....In today's ruling, Chief Judge Merrick Garland wrote that Congress, in drafting the FOIA law and Presidential Records Act, didn't intend for records such as the president's appointment calendar to be subject to disclosure.

....Garland wrote that making the records subject to FOIA would raise separation-of-powers concerns, because it would force the president to either give up his right to secrecy about his choice of visitors.... "
To slowly disagree with myself? I've put who I thought would be a good pick to watch.

If you can't see why some senate republicans would want Garland to get a chance so that it would make their lives easier then idk what to tell you. They don't want to have to hear about him getting his chance next SC hearing. He could also have built up such a rallying cry name that his word could end the Russia non sense.

I don't want this position decision to be politically motivated, so many of these names would be out for me. But if you can't see why some would like Garland, idk what to tell you.

Clearly you don't know what to tell yourself.

Garland will not be considered, that I can tell you!
Exactly, and if you think Trump falls in line then you haven't paid if he does nominate Garland for anything I will start to think the establishment is getting to him.
Clearly you don't know what to tell yourself.

Garland will not be considered, that I can tell you!

I can analyze situations from other viewpoints.

I was speaking from why they think it would be a good decision. There are clearly many reasons some republican senators would want it. Self serving, yes - but would allow an easier political life for quite a few decisions coming up.

Names have already been released of having interviews or to be interviewed. With as quick as they want this done, I doubt they go outside the list. And I wouldn't argue with you that he will get an interview.

But to act like its an absurd idea for politicians...politicians to throw out there is wrong itself.
Too stupid to realize FISA doesn't indict, they either approve or deny surveillance warrants. That's it. Grand Juries indict.
Even if it was true (and its not) even the MSM isn't touching this. The MSM would be all over some indictment of Trump and even they aren't reporting this obvious bullcrap. It says a lot about Mensch that CBS, NBC, ABC don't report her shit.
but would allow an easier political life for quite a few decisions coming up.

Couldn't disagree more. The dems are going to try to obstruct Trumps agenda no matter who he nominates for the FBI, or any position really.

Schumer won't wake up one day and say "Hey he did nominate Garland, I guess we can work with Trump."
If Garland is clean, the I think it's a great choice from a strategy standpoint.

The FBI shouldn't be political. Find consensus with someone qualified then swing the dick on POTUS nominations.
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Couldn't disagree more. The dems are going to try to obstruct Trumps agenda no matter who he nominates for the FBI, or any position really.

Schumer won't wake up one day and say "Hey he did nominate Garland, I guess we can work with Trump."
It makes their argument tougher. Trump didn't have anything to do with Garland and his non vote. That's why some of these repubs think it would be a great choice, bc they believe it would get heat off their backs.

As much as I like the way Gowdy operates, I'd rather a non political or unifying selection for the FBI. Liked the Pistole idea...

I'd rather go all in on Supreme Court picks and try to get a "win" for everyone on this FBI pick.
Plus, it would show Trump isn't scared of a Russian investigation because he's putting an Obama guy in charge of it.
^yep, there is a political genius to that strategy.

There are also risks. If Garland is a partisan hack and refuses to announce findings positive for Trump, if he were to not carry through the Trump vision for law enforcement etc.

All I know is that I can see why some have floated the idea.
Talk about genius all you guys want. Should he do something like that, maybe.

But he won't even consider so let's talk about Wendy's selling McDoubles.
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Merrick Garland to the FBI is essentially a victory for dems. You think they wouldn't love that pick? I don't see how that would be good for Trump at all, Garland would probably continue that dumb Russia nonsense. That's not what Trump needs IMO. Plus there would almost guaranteed be no indictment for Hillary and probably no indictment in Obamagate, which dems would be happy about
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Actually we do need a finalization on Russia. If that means more investigation to close it out then great.

You will never see an investigation into Hiliary or Obama. Trump would be JFK'd if that even comes close to happeneing.
Merrick Garland to the FBI is essentially a victory for dems. You think they wouldn't love that pick? I don't see how that would be good for Trump at all, Garland would probably continue that dumb Russia nonsense. That's not what Trump needs IMO. Plus there would almost guaranteed be no indictment for Hillary and probably no indictment in Obamagate, which dems would be happy about
You're done here. Totally reasonable.
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Actually we do need a finalization on Russia.
Well, their game plan is stretch it the entire length of his presidency (8 years) while I admire their zeal it is only going to alienate people to the media/Dems even more.

The russia stuff is final, there was no collusion. Any shred of evidence would have been tattooed on Anderson Coopers forehead.

Only thing happening now is the insulting of people's intelligence and burying any self examination of how the Ds had their most disastrous defeat of my lifetime and became a regional party.
If Garland is clean, the I think it's a great choice from a strategy standpoint.

The FBI shouldn't be political. Find consensus with someone qualified then swing the dick on POTUS nominations.

Bill Clinton appointed him for Deputy Assitant AG = Strike 1
Obama picked him for Supreme Court = Strike 2
Alt left pushing for FBI = You are out
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If Garland is clean, the I think it's a great choice from a strategy standpoint.
Your an good poster but good Christ think about what you're saying. There's no strategy with these people. He could do what you're suggesting and they'd be back on RUSSIACOLLUSIONOMG before the effing ink is dry *and* ole Merrick would go ham the next 8 years trying to manufacture it.

These people are going to gun for Trump's comb'd over scalp no matter what.....we should proceed accordingly and don't give them a gd thing.
Well, their game plan is stretch it the entire length of his presidency (8 years) while I admire their zeal it is only going to alienate people to the media/Dems even more.

The russia stuff is final, there was no collusion. Any shred of evidence would have been tattooed on Anderson Coopers forehead.

Only thing happening now is the insulting of people's intelligence and burying any self examination of how the Ds had their most disastrous defeat of my lifetime and became a regional party.

Seriously. I wish you could put "give the American public the classified national security brief on Trump / Russia ties" up to vote. Who votes no?
If Trump starts taking recs from that snake McConnell he will lose a lot of the already wavering support he has. Including mine.
It's obvious why the Democrats are insistent on a special counsel/prosecutor. It's not to get to the bottom of anything. They're well aware there's nothing there, and it's only a matter of time before the collusion narrative dies.

Once a special prosecutor is chosen, his/her team chosen to conduct the investigation won't be made public. Everything will go underground, and everyone will be kept in the dark. No more leaks, Senate briefings or public hearings that always end up revealing information that counters their collusion narrative.

Once that happens, and there's no information coming out to counter, they can all go wild with speculation and accusations, free reign to run rampant with their narrative for the entire duration of the investigation.
Your an good poster but good Christ think about what you're saying. There's no strategy with these people. He could do what you're suggesting and they'd be back on RUSSIACOLLUSIONOMG before the effing ink is dry *and* ole Merrick would go ham the next 8 years trying to manufacture it.

These people are going to gun for Trump's comb'd over scalp no matter what.....we should proceed accordingly and don't give them a gd thing.
Leave it to the GOP to want to cave to dems even when the GOP literally runs everything. Shows how the GOP has too many weak and gutless people in it.
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At least one Scottsdale company selected as finalist to design border wall

Dennis O’Leary, CEO of Scottsdale’s DarkPulse Technologies, says their proposal was chosen to proceed to phase two of the selection process.

DarkPulse Technologies Inc. is a company that believes technology is the answer. DarkPulse teamed up with other companies to submit a bid that includes ballistic resistant concrete capable of repelling a tank attack. But the secret weapon in their wall is sensors that can detect an attack, or even an attempt to climb or tunnel under the wall.

“If anyone comes up to the wall, tries to climb it, go through it, tunnel under it, border patrol is going to know,” said O’Leary. “The technology is such that it could detect movement in the soil.”

O’Leary said the company uses fiber wire embedded in the wall itself and ground around the wall. Pressure sensitive fiber can actually produce an image of any attempted attack, climbing attempt or tunnel. The image return looks similar to thermal imaging and can be relayed to border agents in real time. It will determine the point of the problem with accuracy within a few millimeters.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection won't say how many proposals moved on in the process, but it has said previously that it would pick up to 20.

An agency document released last month by Senate Democrats says authorities plan to select winners by June 14 to build prototypes in San Diego on a short stretch of land near the Otay Mesa border crossing with Mexico in California.
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It's obvious why the Democrats are insistent on a special counsel/prosecutor. It's not to get to the bottom of anything. They're well aware there's nothing there, and it's only a matter of time before the collusion narrative dies.

Once a special prosecutor is chosen, his/her team chosen to conduct the investigation won't be made public. Everything will go underground, and everyone will be kept in the dark. No more leaks, Senate briefings or public hearings that always end up revealing information that counters their collusion narrative.

Once that happens, and there's no information coming out to counter, they can all go wild with speculation and accusations, free reign to run rampant with their narrative for the entire duration of the investigation.
The call for an independent investigation is just another buzzword push. It's not even about an investigation at all IMO.
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The call for an independent investigation is just another buzzword push. It's not even about an investigation at all IMO.
Independent investigation, I agree, because that's exactly what the FBI, the House and the Senate is, but a special prosecutor is a real thing.

He/she would take the place of the AG, in this case the DAG since Sessions recused himself, and all investigatory matters would secretly go through them, leaving the DOJ, the House, the Senate, basically everyone, in the dark until the investigation is complete.