How will they rule ??!

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This is why Ryan refuses to talk immigration with this WH, via TheHill:

A newly leaked internal DHS memorandum produced for an off-the-record agency conclave reveals that the Obama administration is actively planning to circumvent a federal court injunction that suspended part of last November’s deferral-based amnesty initiative. The document, apparently prepared as follow-up from a DHS “Regulations Retreat” last summer, appears sure to re-ignite concerns in Congress as well as federal judges in the Fifth Circuit. The Administration has already been criticized from the bench for handing out work permits to hundreds of thousands of deferred action beneficiaries, in direct violation of a district court’s order. With the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals deciding any day now whether to deny the Administration’s request to reverse that injunction, this public leak has come at a critical juncture for U.S. enforcement policy.

Last June, four months after Texas federal judge Andrew Hanen’s order to freeze President’s DAPA and Expanded DACA programs—disclosure: the Immigration Reform Law Institute has filed briefs in these cases—DHS’s immigration policy makers apparently held a “Regulations Retreat” to discuss “different options” for “open market Employment Authorization Document (EAD) regulatory changes.” EAD is the statutory term for work permits. From a memo recording these discussions, we now know that the Obama DHS has, rather than pausing to allow the courts to assess the constitutionality of its enforcement nullification initiatives, been gearing up to roll out one or more of four plans drawn up at the meeting, each one designed to provide EADs to millions of nonimmigrants, including those lawfully present and visa overstayers, crippling the actual employment-based visa system on the federal statute-book.

If republicans win the WH I hope they bully congress and just do what they want like the current POTUS.
Donald Trump led in the polls for around 100 days and now Dr. Ben Carson has taken the lead. A lot of things cam happen in the next 3 months, but right now this looks like a two horse race between the two.
Once the republicans get down to 2 or 3 candidates, this will tighten up, and the fracture in the party will become more evident IMO.
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Donald Trump led in the polls for around 100 days and now Dr. Ben Carson has taken the lead. A lot of things cam happen in the next 3 months, but right now this looks like a two horse race between the two.

In November of 2007, Rudy Giuliani was at 33%. McCain at 16% had just passed Fred Thompson who was on his way down after having been running in second place in the 20s in September and October polls. I'm still putting my money on Rubio.
In November of 2007, Rudy Giuliani was at 33%. McCain at 16% had just passed Fred Thompson who was on his way down after having been running in second place in the 20s in September and October polls. I'm still putting my money on Rubio.
Everyone knew that Giuliani's (by comparison) liberal positions would catch up to him and they did. Carson and Trump do not have that problem - they, more than the other candidates, are telling voters what they want to hear on issues held dear like immigration, taxes, abortion etc. We are talking about more than 50% of the party supporting one of these two outsider candidates.
Everyone knew that Giuliani's (by comparison) liberal positions would catch up to him and they did. Carson and Trump do not have that problem - they, more than the other candidates, are telling voters what they want to hear on issues held dear like immigration, taxes, abortion etc. We are talking about more than 50% of the party supporting one of these two outsider candidates.

Terrible effort, even you can do better that that. Trump is and always has been more Liberal than Conservative. Only thing Trump has going for him are sound bites, he says things many people wish they could say, but afraid to. The press, Fox debate mods, and main stream have tried to take Trump down and failed, that is what most people like about him.
I feel like the Paddock leans heavily to the right, so I'm guessing only a 4 vote lead for Bevin is bad news for him.

Trump winning the presidency would be awesome. Nothing says farce like a former reality star becoming the leader of the free world. I hope he chooses Flava Flav, Bret Michaels, or Catelyn Jenner as his running mate.
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No way Bevin wins. Half the republicans I know we're either not voting, or voting for Curtis. He is just a bad candidate.
That's the thing with Republicans, if they have a bad candidate, they won't vote for him or her, Democrats have never met a bad candidate.
Obama trolls the GOP candidates at a NYC fundraiser by saying how could they stand up to Putin if they couldn't stand up to CNBC moderators. Let's break down the idiocy of this:

-He boycotted a Fox debate in 2007
-The GOP is getting the changes they are demanding
-Uh, Syria...only redeeming argument is the press is ignoring it for the most part to save his embarrassment.
Where was the unbiased questions for him when he was running. He has been thrown softball questions his entire presidency. What a clown.
Trump winning the presidency would be awesome. Nothing says farce like a former reality star becoming the leader of the free world. I hope he chooses Flava Flav, Bret Michaels, or Catelyn Jenner as his running mate.

Great take. Because Trump has no other accomplishments right?
When will we ever have a viable 3rd party candidate with real good ideas that draw from both sides of the fence and who can actually challenge and win an election? Instead it just seems like every 3rd party guy is like a kid running for class president "DOOBIES FOR EVERYBODY AND FREE SNACKS IN ALL VENDING MACHINES!!!"
So Conway messes all over himself and potentially takes Edelen down with him (while the SOS and Attorney General races are closer than anyone ever imagined).

Amazing and further proof that pre-election polls are garbage in this state.

Dems should be ashamed they've lost out to a gubernatorial candidate that even Republicans openly and actively dislike.
So Conway messes all over himself and potentially takes Edelen down with him (while the SOS and Attorney General races are closer than anyone ever imagined).

Amazing and further proof that pre-election polls are garbage in this state.

Dems should be ashamed they've lost out to a gubernatorial candidate that even Republicans openly and actively dislike.

Says more about how sick people are of Dems in general. They're about as radical as they come and the association with them is why you're seeing this.

All moderates in that party have been replaced.
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No way Bevin wins. Half the republicans I know we're either not voting, or voting for Curtis. He is just a bad candidate.
That's the thing with Republicans, if they have a bad candidate, they won't vote for him or her, Democrats have never met a bad candidate.

Hey Rob -- how long before you realize you suck at all things politics?

Do yourself a favor and stick to Section 8 housing projects or whatever.

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National trend really if you look at the map of states flipping from blue to red. Still a bit shocking tho.
People are tired on the national democratic party. They have went so far left and caused many of the political correct culture and folks dislike that. Conway has supported this administration and it hurt him.
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It's gonna be REALLY interesting to see whether the national party has Bevin experiment with how to reverse Medicaid expansions and even exchanges.

Bevin might try to do it regardless, but Kentucky might become a "proof of concept", so to speak.
Regardless of how the rest of the results turn out, just be thankful that the Ag Commish went to Quarles and not that crook Lawson Spann. She would have run that into the ground, literally and figuratively.
Was surprised Edelen didn't go for Governor this year, he probably would have won considering how disliked both the other candidates were.
Not only did Republicans do better than anyone thought they would but the top 2 vote getters in the entire state were Republicans in their early 30's.
I wouldn't call Conway a radical. I wouldn't have called him a good candidate either, though. Still, this is shocking.
Whoever wrote that the Republicans nominated the only guy who couldn't win needs a keyboard timeout. Conway is the consummate career politician whose negative ads were trite and boring. Time for a new gig. Lol
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Terrible effort, even you can do better that that. Trump is and always has been more Liberal than Conservative. Only thing Trump has going for him are sound bites, he says things many people wish they could say, but afraid to. The press, Fox debate mods, and main stream have tried to take Trump down and failed, that is what most people like about him.
I don't know kyfan, I think Trump has convinced a lot of people he is conservative enough. Rudy tried to run as pro-choice and a gun control supporter among his positions. Plus he had a mistress, and when voters put it all together they bailed.