How will they rule ??!

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Will a presidential candidate even bother stepping foot in Kentucky now? Not that it would have mattered much before tonight anyway?
By Kristen Breitweiser - 9/11 widow and activist
Posted: 10/30/2015

Dear Condi:

I'm going to keep this really simple.

In response to your comment that you could personally "plead guilty" to not having imagined terrorists would use passenger aircraft as weapons→please stop lying.

As proof, I provide the "Iron Man" documents from the Asymmetrical Threats Division of Joint Forces Intelligence Command (JFIC), also known as DO5, whose task it was to track UBL from mid 1998-mid 2001.

I would first note that you were National Security Advisor to the President of the United States -- that means that you had pretty much access to anything and everything available regarding terrorist threats from groups like Al Qaeda.

Fourteen years later, everyone now knows about the summer of 2001 and the more than one dozen intelligence reports blinking red about an impending Al Qaeda terrorist attack. There was the August 6 PDB, FAA reports, CIA reports, DoD reports, and FBI reports -- all indicating and discussing terrorist cells inside the US planning attacks inside the US.

What most people don't know about is the smoking gun report from JFIC, DO5.

According to the report written in the summer of 2000: "The WMD Threat to the U.S." (information cut off date 16 July 2000) the briefing slides emphasized that NYC was the most difficult consequence management problem and recommended using NYC as the model for planning/exercises. The oral briefing itself was much more sensitive, indicating that the World Trade Centers #1 and #2 were the most likely buildings to be attacked in the U.S., followed closely by the Pentagon. The briefer indicated that the worst case scenario would be one Tower collapsed onto the other. The possibility of striking the buildings with a plane may have been discussed then -- it was certainly discussed in the Red Cell Analysis leading up to the briefing period. The acting Deputy of DO5 (name redacted), proposed in the Red Cell Analysis that the building could be struck by a jetliner. Discussion followed on contacting World Trade Center security and engineering/architectural staff, but the idea was not further explored because of a command climate discouraging contact with the civilian community.

So please Ms. Rice -- with all due respect -- stand down and stop spouting lies like, "The idea the president of the United States was warned that Al-Qaeda was going to attack the United States and did nothing about it. Really? Do you think any president of the United States, if he had even an inkling there was going to be an attack, they wouldn't have moved heaven and earth to try to stop it?"

Because neither you nor President Bush nor DCI George Tenet, nor Vice President Dick Cheney, nor Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, nor FBI Director Robert Mueller, stopped these terrorists from killing 3,000 people.

You had the information; you saw the reports. You were given the briefings. You all knew the facts. Indeed, many in our intelligence community were tracking the 9/11 terrorists and knew more than an "inkling" about their plans. And none of you did anything to stop them. In fact, many of the teams tracking these terrorists were inexplicably thwarted, blocked, and ordered to STOP their surveillance, investigation, and analysis of the 9/11 terrorists who went on to kill 3,000 innocent people like my husband.






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Just for fun!
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This is one democrat that occasionally votes republican, this time I voted straight republican. Obamas policies have killed my area so no way was I going to vote for any of his followers.
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its pretty clear that if Conway would of found crossfit he would of coasted.


I'm starting to doubt the conventional wisdom that no one likes Bevin. One, no one on this board likes him, but then, this is a most naturally cynical place, no one here likes anything. So that's not very telling. Two, the media in the state don't much like him. But then, he's actively picked fights with a handful of the most well known media guys in the state, based on perceived unfair treatment. Considering the media generally has approval ratings about like congress and car salesmen, that may actually have helped the perception of him. Three, the Republican establishment doesn't like him, but that too may have helped him. He got 53% of the vote (same, for frame of reference, as Obama in his re-election bid, IIRC).

In short, I think some of you were lying to me.
Will a presidential candidate even bother stepping foot in Kentucky now? Not that it would have mattered much before tonight anyway?

Obama didn't bother his two campaigns. Kentucky voted Clinton twice before voting Republican every election. Lexington and Louisville will still vote Democrat but the rest of the state won't.

Although a ton of people are being brainwashed, a lot of people are starting to wake up and see what comes with voting Democrat. More government control, more PC nonsense and progressive bullying.
Obama has crushed Kentucky. It appears this election shows that citizens are sick of him and anyone on his ticket. I'd like to see how many voted straight GOP ticket. Grimes almost lost to someone you couldn't pick out of a lineup. Edelen DID lose to someone you couldn't pick out of a two person picture

I just wish Obama would leave now
Obama has crushed Kentucky. It appears this election shows that citizens are sick of him and anyone on his ticket. I'd like to see how many voted straight GOP ticket. Grimes almost lost to someone you couldn't pick out of a lineup. Edelen DID lose to someone you couldn't pick out of a two person picture

I just wish Obama would leave now

God me too. He has crushed us and radicalized our country more than it ever has been. We allowed a Trojan Horse in when he was elected. He and everyone in that party is so crazy far left. They always are in favor of shoving their ideology on everyone and bullying people into submitting or face the consequences. They have made right into wrong and wrong into right. They're for anything that makes us weaker or protects our culture. They're all about being politically correct and forcing their insanity on to us. The list is endless with the BS they have done.

As for Kentucky, he killed a huge portion of the state and took thousands of jobs away and now a lot of towns are like "ghost towns" simply due to the prog's ideology.

I'm hoping that the world is sick of the far left and the damage they have done and maybe we can finally start righting the ship and getting back to what made our country and our people successful in the first place. Get rid of your BS ideology, stop handouts, stop mass illegal immigration and out of control spending.

Part 5: Denial and Cognitive Dissonance

© by Frances T. Shure, 2014

Editor's Note: Frances Shure, M.A., L.P.C., has performed an in-depth analysis addressing a key issue of our time: “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?” The resulting essay, to be presented here as a series, is comprised of a synthesis of reports on academic research as well as clinical observations.

In answering the question in the title of this essay, last month’s segment, Part 4, addressed the term “doublethink,” coined by George Orwell. Doublethink is not part of Western psychology’s lexicon, but it is a defensive strategy, nonetheless, by which we hold two conflicting beliefs in our minds at the same time, and use one or the other, depending on the situation–rather like a chameleon switches colors–in order to remain in conformity with the official position..

We continue Ms. Shure’s analysis in Part 5 with the defensive mechanisms of denial and cognitive dissonance.

“I admit that I seriously resist anyone messing with my worldview,” said a friend as she hurried out of the room we both occupied.

I did not get an opportunity to acknowledge her honesty at the time. When I brought up her admission to her weeks later, she had no recollection of making any such statement. People who are resistant to evaluating the 9/11 evidence often forget having made honest statements such as this one, even minutes later. This forgetfulness, I believe, attests to the depth of their resistance, and the strength of their defense mechanisms, when it comes to the topic of 9/11.

An imaginative person said, “I can think of so many other explanations for these 9/11 events.” This defensive deflection of the evidence was an attempt to demonstrate his intelligence and to minimize what he had heard from me—but not a true inquiry.

A good friend said, “You can’t expect someone to listen to information that turns their world upside down.” Five minutes later I asked her to repeat what she had said, but she could not recall her words and got lost in confabulation.

And finally, a most revealing statement was reported by Richard Gage, AIA, in the introduction to the “Seeking Understanding” section of the film 9/11: Explosive Evidence –Experts Speak Out: “I wouldn’t believe that even if it were true!”

When we are faced with information that is too uncomfortable to accept, we reject this information outright or we minimize its importance. This is the psychological defense mechanism known as denial.

We resort to denial to avoid cognitive dissonance, that uncomfortable and sometimes disturbing feeling of losing our emotional equilibrium when faced with new information that challenges our worldview, or when we hold beliefs that are contradictory to known facts. The discomfort motivates us to either change our behavior, change our cognition, or justify our behavior by acquiring a secondary cognition. This dynamic is common to us all.[1]

The term “cognitive dissonance” was coined by social psychologist Leon Festinger and his colleagues.[2] Festinger infiltrated a small UFO cult,[3] led by a Chicago housewife, Dorothy Martin, who had experimented with automatic or channeled writing. To protect her privacy, the study gave her the alias of “Marion Keech.” The members of this in-group were informed through Keech’s channeled, automatic writing that the world would end through flooding before dawn on December 21, 1954. However, this small group of believers, according to her channeled writing, would be rescued from this apocalypse at a specific time by aliens in a flying saucer from a planet named “Clarion.”

Leon FestingerSocial psychologists Festinger et al. accurately predicted the behavior of this group when the aliens did not show up. When at the appointed time there was no sign of any alien, the cognitive dissonance (tension, fear) created by the challenged belief (a sacred myth for this small group) was resolved by another automatic-writing message from Keech that God had spared Earth from destruction due to the light spread by this little group of true believers. Thus, a secondary cognition was created to mitigate the cognitive dissonance caused by the disconfirmed belief. As Festinger and colleagues predicted, the group initiated intensive proselytizing, rather than responding more logically by reconsidering the validity of the original belief (changing cognition) and then acting accordingly (changing behavior).

The followers of Keech may have been severely psychologically wounded people who needed to believe they would be saved. Although most of us would not have been swayed by a Keech-type figure with such a delusion, we might well be swayed by another charismatic leader skilled in more subtle use of manipulation and/or with a less obvious delusion.

When 9/11 evidence contradicts the official account (a sacred myth of our culture), we observe that some people try to resolve the tension of cognitive dissonance by devising secondary beliefs as did the Marion Keech followers. One ardent George W. Bush supporter enthusiastically reported to me that since she could no longer deny the reality of controlled demolition of the three WTC buildings, she had an explanation: “I know how this happened. During the reconstruction of the WTC [North] Tower after the 1993 bombing, explosives were planted in the Twin Towers by members of Bill Clinton’s cabal.”

But hold on. From the other side of the political aisle, a woman said to me, “Obama surely did not know about this 9/11 evidence before he was elected.[4] Maybe he knows now, but he can't say anything to us. If the country knew the truth about 9/11, there would be chaos; the stock market would plummet. He would probably like to tell us, but he cannot.”

Devising secondary beliefs to attempt to reconcile cognitive dissonance is common, and so is having trust and naïve faith in presidents.

It behooves us, whether or not we are 9/11 activists, to recognize the importance of our own goal of becoming genuinely autonomous, individuated humans, so that we become more psychologically secure, and therefore less vulnerable to these unconscious reactions. We must also cultivate a discerning mind, so that when we encounter evidence that does not support an “official story” or what a charismatic leader may tell us, we can find the courage to speak out with solid information.

Standing alone with a radically different opinion in a group of one’s like-minded peers—especially when challenging a sacred myth—can often take far greater courage than confronting those perceived as a shared enemy. Our fears of rejection, alienation, and ultimately banishment from those we love and value are probably among the greatest human fears we have. As we will see in the Asch conformity experiments described next, these types of fears might have caused the behavior of the subjects, who yielded their own correct perceptions to the wrong answers of their peers.

Editor’s note: To be continued in our next newsletter with Part 6: the Solomon Asch conformity experiments and the theory of the “spiral of silence.”

Glad i don
God me too. He has crushed us and radicalized our country more than it ever has been. We allowed a Trojan Horse in when he was elected. He and everyone in that party is so crazy far left. They always are in favor of shoving their ideology on everyone and bullying people into submitting or face the consequences. They have made right into wrong and wrong into right. They're for anything that makes us weaker or protects our culture. They're all about being politically correct and forcing their insanity on to us. The list is endless with the BS they have done.

As for Kentucky, he killed a huge portion of the state and took thousands of jobs away and now a lot of towns are like "ghost towns" simply due to the prog's ideology.

I'm hoping that the world is sick of the far left and the damage they have done and maybe we can finally start righting the ship and getting back to what made our country and our people successful in the first place. Get rid of your BS ideology, stop handouts, stop mass illegal immigration and out of control spending.
RIGHT! We can go back to the good old days like when GWB was president!
I really liked the conciliatory tone, in the spirit of working across the aisle, that Stumbo made.... (intense sarcasm)
Greg Stumbo's speech last night was worthy of a Sunday Church service.... (all the while his wife stood by sporting her cleavage....)
Nice touch... Very Jim and Tammy Faye Bakerish
God me too. He has crushed us and radicalized our country more than it ever has been. We allowed a Trojan Horse in when he was elected. He and everyone in that party is so crazy far left. They always are in favor of shoving their ideology on everyone and bullying people into submitting or face the consequences. They have made right into wrong and wrong into right. They're for anything that makes us weaker or protects our culture. They're all about being politically correct and forcing their insanity on to us. The list is endless with the BS they have done.

As for Kentucky, he killed a huge portion of the state and took thousands of jobs away and now a lot of towns are like "ghost towns" simply due to the prog's ideology.

I'm hoping that the world is sick of the far left and the damage they have done and maybe we can finally start righting the ship and getting back to what made our country and our people successful in the first place. Get rid of your BS ideology, stop handouts, stop mass illegal immigration and out of control spending.
How do you pay for school? Loans or grants?
Link to Sumbo's speech & wonderful twitter reactions. That ain't his wife flashing her tits, its another Dem house member (more embarrassing).

Fav moment of the KET coverage last night, after Bevin's speech the old guy observed all the color & diversity on the GOP stage...then asked the bitter angry shrew Dem woman on the panel if there was ANYONE of color on the Dem stage. She hemmed & hawed uncomfortably several moments trying to not admit that the Dem stage is old, white, and male except for empty dress Grimes.
Link to Sumbo's speech & wonderful twitter reactions. That ain't his wife flashing her tits, its another Dem house member (more embarrassing).

Fav moment of the KET coverage last night, after Bevin's speech the old guy observed all the color & diversity on the GOP stage...then asked the bitter angry shrew Dem woman on the panel if there was ANYONE of color on the Dem stage. She hemmed & hawed uncomfortably several moments trying to not admit that the Dem stage is old, white, and male except for empty dress Grimes.
How in the world did this guy get elected to anything?
I am torn, as I havent seen the numbers vs other elections, but the press kept saying we had extremely low voter turnout. Is it the case that people are feed up with Obama (which a lot are) or is that voter turnout was so low? or Both?
How many Congressional seats, governors, and state legislatures does the left concede to the GOP before they call out the trolling POS in the WH that they have sacrificed so much to protect?
3.3+ million registered voters in Kentucky. 974,344 total votes were cast in the governor race (just under 30 percent of registered voters). Bevin won with 511,771 (around 15.5 percent of registered voters).
How many Congressional seats, governors, and state legislatures does the left concede to the GOP before they call out the trolling POS in the WH that they have sacrificed so much to protect?
The swing of the pendulum. It goes back and forth. It will be brutal. I wonder if the internet has made attacks more brutal. Bush II was attacked just as bad as Obama, so I see them as a lot alike in certain ways. More and more it seems like Carson might just get the nomination.

-Qwesley, who you voting for in Pres election?
The swing of the pendulum. It goes back and forth. It will be brutal. I wonder if the internet has made attacks more brutal. Bush II was attacked just as bad as Obama, so I see them as a lot alike in certain ways. More and more it seems like Carson might just get the nomination.

-Qwesley, who you voting for in Pres election?
We are on a 6 year swing and it is very widespread and historical.
I will vote for Rubio, not that the KY primary matters. If Trump or Carson get the nomination I will stay home and drink in the fall.
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How many Congressional seats, governors, and state legislatures does the left concede to the GOP before they call out the trolling POS in the WH that they have sacrificed so much to protect?

The true long lasting legacy of Obama. Completely hollowing out the Dem bench everywhere in the country save the extreme liberal mega city enclaves. State of Kentucky a perfect example of the rest of the country - where do future Dem candidates for office come from? Grimes gonna take on Bevin for Gov in 4 years? Who the hell are they putting against Rand Paul next yr now that Edelen crashed into a flaming dumpster? Who on the bench to take on McConnell in 5 years? For chrissake they are begging radio sports talker Jones to be their best chance of maybe flipping a congressional seat.

And this same empty bench status is occurring nationwide as Dems are being kicked out EVERYWHERE. Over the next decade they will fail to field viable candidates for Gov, US Rep, and Senate seats in the vast majority of the 50 states.
My fave non-coattails story is Obama backing/campaigning for the INCUMBENT legislator in HAWAII in the PRIMARY, and they lost.

You know Matt Jones is rethinking things today. He predicted an easy Conway win in GYERO yesterday.

The true long lasting legacy of Obama. Completely hollowing out the Dem bench everywhere in the country save the extreme liberal mega city enclaves. State of Kentucky a perfect example of the rest of the country - where do future Dem candidates for office come from? Grimes gonna take on Bevin for Gov in 4 years? Who the hell are they putting against Rand Paul next yr now that Edelen crashed into a flaming dumpster? Who on the bench to take on McConnell in 5 years? For chrissake they are begging radio sports talker Jones to be their best chance of maybe flipping a congressional seat.

And this same empty bench status is occurring nationwide as Dems are being kicked out EVERYWHERE. Over the next decade they will fail to field viable candidates for Gov, US Rep, and Senate seats in the vast majority of the 50 states.
Does that account for overall numbers? As in the plus or minus, like losing 1000+ seats and then adding so many X amount.