How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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CBO 2016 UCA enrollee estimate 8 months ago: 21m
Updated estimate: 10m

Not bad for govt work.
Within the same week:

HRC slams Bernie for sexism for using the word "shouting"
Women on the View mock Fiorina's "demented face"
Fred Thompson was a guy I always liked and admired. Disagreed with some of his political views but always thought of him as a straight shooter - a man of character and principal. Will always remember him in The Hunt For Red October - one of the all time great movies IMO.
It was Thompson that asked Alexander Butterfield the question about whether there was a recording device in President Nixon's office during the Watergate hearings. A man who wanted the truth in the hearings regardless of what it might lead too.
Haha, so much funny in this thread. I'd guess Bevin wins a close one, just based on the horrible Bluegrass Poll showing Conway with a 5 pt lead last week. Those people are so awful at their jobs and give the Dem side the extra push of their thumbs on the scales year after year after year.
Jack Conway comes off like he couldn't care less about anything happening.

Matt Bevin comes off as a sociopath that has bodies in the basement.

Once again, picking between a douche and a turd sandwich.
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Haha, so much funny in this thread. I'd guess Bevin wins a close one, just based on the horrible Bluegrass Poll showing Conway with a 5 pt lead last week. Those people are so awful at their jobs and give the Dem side the extra push of their thumbs on the scales year after year after year.
I don't know. UofL fans seem to put a lot of faith in that particular poll. As did, at least for a while, Senator-elect Dan Mongiardo. And Senator-elect Bruce Lunsford. Wait. You may be on to something....
Jack Conway comes off like he couldn't care less about anything happening.

Matt Bevin comes off as a sociopath that has bodies in the basement.

Once again, picking between a douche and a turd sandwich.
There is an independent candidate you could vote for.
LOL some twitter troll linked Mayor Jim Gray to the KKK and that clown mayor is actually on twitter denying it and stuff...

Man, enjoy these times because I don't think adults have ever been so dumb. It's fascinating as hell.

Don't forgot to not vote, bozos.
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I know someone getting near six figures and his wife gets it when he passes. Saying this is just a funding issue is laughable. Read up on any failed pension and you find backroom deals where people vote themselves these unworkable benefits. In turn the one party ruling in Frankfort has gotten money and support back.

The chamber did a study where we could send an addl billion for the next 20 years and still not get it funded. Gonna have to cut major services and significantly raise taxes.
So you've seen this guy's checks??? You're BS meter obviously doesn't work because if the guy told you this then he is lying to you...else he was a very highly compensated state employee who worked for the state for a long time. Rule of thumb is you get 1.5% of your avg last 5 years salary per year of service. So if you worked 30 years, you'd get 45% of your salary. That's pretty standard for a defined benefits plan and if the plan was properly funded would be no problem to pay. State employees shouldn't have to pay the price because politicians failed to properly fund their obligations. if they choose to do so...good luck with future hiring and retaining good people.
So you've seen this guy's checks??? You're BS meter obviously doesn't work because if the guy told you this then he is lying to you...else he was a very highly compensated state employee who worked for the state for a long time. Rule of thumb is you get 1.5% of your avg last 5 years salary per year of service. So if you worked 30 years, you'd get 45% of your salary. That's pretty standard for a defined benefits plan and if the plan was properly funded would be no problem to pay. State employees shouldn't have to pay the price because politicians failed to properly fund their obligations. if they choose to do so...good luck with future hiring and retaining good people.

[roll]hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha[roll]Good one.

Of all the state employees that have ever been employed over say the last 30 years or so...I would say roughly 20% would be considered "good people" as you stated (or "good employees" as I'm sure you were implying) out in the real world in the market place. And 20% is pretty generous. Most of them would be fired out in the market place in the real world. Either for lack of performance, complete incompetence, insubordination, perpetual tardiness, or overall general laziness. Book dat.

And I don't care what department you are talking about. Sure there are a few exceptions here and there. But go to all of the state offices in all of the departments. That 20% rule will be a very accurate average accross the board. Guarandamnteeit.

There should have been an overhaul in the hiring procedures for state govt many moons ago. It's a joke.
Both Bevin and Conway are weak candidates. Conway is just burring Bevin with attack ads. I am surprised that its a close race due to Jack's money advantage.
it is close because this is becoming an ingrained Republican state at every level. both senators, all save 1 of the US congressional districts, state senate. house reps getting closer & closer to flipping.
Both Bevin and Conway are weak candidates. Conway is just burring Bevin with attack ads. I am surprised that its a close race due to Jack's money advantage.

Republicans would have walked away with this one if they nominated Heiner or Scott. Comer would have been a strong favorite to win. They nominated the one guy running who could lose.
Have you paid Brady? I want to see that check. Piss off until then.
I've got this funny thing about not paying other people's bets.
So you haven't seen this guy's pension check from the state nor seen if he chose to take a lesser amount for survivorship. Truth be known there probably isn't a "someone I know" and you're making the whole thing up.

Let me add that you're such an internet toughman. It takes so much courage to tell someone to "piss off" on a message board.
Somebody set Defense up with a twitter account or something so he can start attacking "this group Anonymous".

He really needs to start questioning their credibility in a very public way.
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Republicans would have walked away with this one if they nominated Heiner or Scott. Comer would have been a strong favorite to win. They nominated the one guy running who could lose.

I think this is accurate. Not sure about Comer though. Still for me, I'm not voting "for" Conway, as much as I'm voting against Bevin. Idiot is clueless about the medical exchange in Kentucky. He just spouts the typical "I'm against everything Obama did!" So, he didn't bother insuring his business, then used government handouts to rebuild his business? Then says that is the problem with America, relying on the government to bail people out. Plus, his act is already tiring where he ignores questions from reporters that have reported negative stories or asked him tough questions. He is a jerk and an idiot.

Heiner could have beaten Conway 60/40.
Yeah, I'm voting Conway though I don't like him. I will be splitting my ticket and voting for the Republican, Quarles, for Ag Commissioner. Seems to know more about farming and the job in general than the opponent who is a marketing exec who says a whole lot of nothing. Only idea I saw her publicize was GMO labeling, which certainly isn't going to help win me over.
Somebody set Defense up with a twitter account or something so he can start attacking "this group Anonymous".

He really needs to start questioning their credibility in a very public way.
He does not seem to question credibility of others accused of it (as long as they are not democrats). Typical Deee
He does not seem to question credibility of others accused of it (as long as they are not democrats). Typical Deee
I wonder if anyone else saw all of the other hate groups by number in there. Seems that there were a lot more of them ahead of the Christian groups but, you will not here that from the Dems or the mainstream media.
Obama trolls the GOP candidates at a NYC fundraiser by saying how could they stand up to Putin if they couldn't stand up to CNBC moderators. Let's break down the idiocy of this:

-He boycotted a Fox debate in 2007
-The GOP is getting the changes they are demanding
-Uh, Syria...only redeeming argument is the press is ignoring it for the most part to save his embarrassment.
Usually you can take anonymous info to the bank. But Im not sso sure on this KKK thing. I just cant imagine an openly gay member of the KKK.

I've been a republican since I was able to vote. I'm also a state employee. Bevin is TERRIBLE. If you are a state worker or a teacher and you vote for that moron, you deserve whatever shitstorm he rains down on you. I'm not saying Conway is any better but he's at least from Kentucky. It's a joke that this is the two best that the two parties can throw out there. Neither one of them have any real ideas. I was a Jamie Comer supporter in the primary but that carpetbagger (Bevin) slipped through the backdoor when Comer and Heiner were having their spat.

I'm voting for Drew Curtis. He's a guy with real ideas and real solutions. If he had a R or a D in front of his name he would win by a landslide. He's been held down and locked out of debates because he's an independent. Most people don't know him or know nothing about him because of it. I think if you are able to make it on the ballot, you should be allowed in all the debates. It's a shame a normal citizen really has no shot of winning anything. The sheeple will just go make the rooster crow or push over the log cabin on election day and won't use their brains.

I literally cannot believe these are our candidates for governor. Conway is awful. Bevin is maybe the most dishonest, hypocritical candidate ive seen (other than Hillary), and comes off as a moron.

It was Thompson that asked Alexander Butterfield the question about whether there was a recording device in President Nixon's office during the Watergate hearings. A man who wanted the truth in the hearings regardless of what it might lead too.

Those were the days - when politicians did what they thought best; rather than what would help their bank roll. What politician today would ask that question of their own party? Rand? Bernie? Im not sure.
Obama troll the GOP candidates by saying how could they stand up to Putin if they couldn't stand up to CNBC moderators. Let's break down the idiocy of this:

-He boycotted a Fox debate in 2007
-The GOP is getting the changes they are demanding
-Uh, Syria...only redeeming argument is the press is ignoring it for the most part to save his embarrassment.

Maybe Obama brings Candy Crowley when he meets with Putin. Probably throws Putin off a little bit when he has to deal with some clown lying for Obama.
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This is why Ryan refuses to talk immigration with this WH, via TheHill:

A newly leaked internal DHS memorandum produced for an off-the-record agency conclave reveals that the Obama administration is actively planning to circumvent a federal court injunction that suspended part of last November’s deferral-based amnesty initiative. The document, apparently prepared as follow-up from a DHS “Regulations Retreat” last summer, appears sure to re-ignite concerns in Congress as well as federal judges in the Fifth Circuit. The Administration has already been criticized from the bench for handing out work permits to hundreds of thousands of deferred action beneficiaries, in direct violation of a district court’s order. With the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals deciding any day now whether to deny the Administration’s request to reverse that injunction, this public leak has come at a critical juncture for U.S. enforcement policy.

Last June, four months after Texas federal judge Andrew Hanen’s order to freeze President’s DAPA and Expanded DACA programs—disclosure: the Immigration Reform Law Institute has filed briefs in these cases—DHS’s immigration policy makers apparently held a “Regulations Retreat” to discuss “different options” for “open market Employment Authorization Document (EAD) regulatory changes.” EAD is the statutory term for work permits. From a memo recording these discussions, we now know that the Obama DHS has, rather than pausing to allow the courts to assess the constitutionality of its enforcement nullification initiatives, been gearing up to roll out one or more of four plans drawn up at the meeting, each one designed to provide EADs to millions of nonimmigrants, including those lawfully present and visa overstayers, crippling the actual employment-based visa system on the federal statute-book.