How will they rule ??!

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I've had at least 2-3 meetings a month with state employees since the 90s and have never left one of those meetings thinking they were underpaid.

And of the dozen or so I've dealt with KY is the worst, WV is right there.
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State employees talk about "funding" like I used to tell my mom to "just write a check" when I was a kid when I wanted something and was told we were broke.
I've had at least 2-3 meetings a month with state employees since the 90s and have never left one of those meetings thinking they were underpaid.
Are you meeting with Department of Transportation employees? LOL.

Seriously though, I do realize that some state employees are lazy and overpaid. You can say that about any business though.

I however am nowhere near "overpaid" my counterparts in every surrounding state make way more money that I do. Even in West Virginia.

I fight a losing battle because people believe what they want to believe and what they are "told". They don't really know what state employees do or how much they really make. If some of the state employees and services were gone they would know real quick and even more bitching would ensue.
State employees talk about "funding" like I used to tell my mom to "just write a check" when I was a kid when I wanted something and was told we were broke.
We aren't broke. They have money for what they really want. Just like they have for years.
Pretty much all the states that have very broken systems have a very dominant party running things.

The KY Chamber is one of the few voices of reason on the issue, people should read up because serious cuts in other services and more taxes are coming. The system itself is, conveniently, protected by law.
Pretty much all the states that have very broken systems have a very dominant party running things.

The KY Chamber is one of the few voices of reason on the issue, people should read up because serious cuts in other services and more taxes are coming. The system itself is, conveniently, protected by law.
So I assume you work for the KY Chamber. They have their interests to protect and they have their political stakes too. They are just like everybody else. Trying to make their piece of the pie bigger.

And yes, the pension system protected as it always has been and should be. It simple contract law.
OK. Political ad that the democrat sheeple will probably follow. Republicans and democrats are all on the same team. They just have different uniforms to make the sheeple think that they are actually fighting for them against the other guys. They they all go into the back room, slap each other on the back and laugh about it.

I don't like Conway or Bevin because neither of them really have a clue about it.
No I don't work for the chamber, I simply know math, read, and have basic common sense.
I know simple math, I read and I have common sense. I have a pretty significant stake in the game so I stay informed. And by stay informed, I mean info from all the sources I can gather. I do not look at it from a political aspect. If I was doing that I would just go push the straight republican ticket and be done.

We will just agree to disagree about what can be done about it I guess. Just because I don't agree with you, don't try to insult me please.
You are being disengenous with that "same team" comment. State workers are very loyal for a reason. They are the grassroots of the Dem party in KY. And they wrote all the pension rules. The backroom part is correct... Labor and the party.
You are being disengenous with that "same team" comment. State workers are very loyal for a reason. They are the grassroots of the Dem party in KY. And they wrote all the pension rules. The backroom part is correct... Labor and the party.
I'm not voting for either guy. I'm voting for Curtis. I'm not loyal to either. I just vote for who I think will solve problems.
I know simple math, I read and I have common sense. I have a pretty significant stake in the game so I stay informed. And by stay informed, I mean info from all the sources I can gather. I do not look at it from a political aspect. If I was doing that I would just go push the straight republican ticket and be done.

We will just agree to disagree about what can be done about it I guess. Just because I don't agree with you, don't try to insult me please.
Was just responding to the chamber assumption, sorry. Good luck, we all need it. It is a mess with little hope of getting addressed. No one wants lower end retirees to be affected.
See above homeboy. Do I lean left on MOST issues? Yes. Will you ever see me join in on the right wing circle jerk that is this board? No. I hate group think. I despise partisanship. Democrats and republicans are all the same to me.
There, fixed it for you. Even the point you make about not joining the right wing and hating group think is not correct. You group think with most liberals on this board. The problem many on the left have is they cannot see or do not want to be grouped in this catagory because, I believe it is counter to what the progressive movement is supposed to be about.
Heisman, your first problem is living in that hellhole state they call California. Most jacked up state in the union.
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Heisman, your first problem is living in that hellhole state they call California. Most jacked up state in the union.

The crappy thing is, a lot of this state is red including where I live. However, LA, San Fran and San Diego are so blue that it dominates the whole state. If they split the states into two, it would take away the left's stranglehold on the state.

There's a lot of opportunity here and the weather is great but the politics make the state a lost cause. They're insane and Governor Broen is a lunatic. He's the one that passed giving illegals drivers licenses and imposing the transgender bathroom law and they tax the hell out of everyone and they wonder why businesses leave.
There, fixed it for you. Even the point you make about not joining the right wing and hating group think is not correct. You group think with most liberals on this board. The problem many on the left have is they cannot see or do not want to be grouped in this catagory because, I believe it is counter to what the progressive movement is supposed to be about.
Most issues? Be more specific please. I haven't aligned myself with anyone on this board. But whatevs. You're probably the most partisan poster here, Go Murica and whatnot.
Bevin makes Petrino look like an honest fellow.
When we are talking about the viability of coal as a major issue, you know why we are lagging behind the rest of the nation.
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I'm going Curtis.

I know it's pissing away my vote, but Bevin is the BCG of Kentucky politics with his thin skin, and pretty boy Jack is just another Frankfort good ole boy.
Here's a summary of Curtis' positions (any of them):

"I'm a political outsider. Because of that, I don't have firsthand experience with (that particular issue). What I will do is keep my finger on the pulse of (issue) via social media and my team of outsiders and act accordingly."

It worked for about three days, then everyone realized we were dealing with an Internet guy who had the experience and wherewithal of a random dude on the street. He wouldn't have a clue how to tackle any of the myriad problems facing Kentucky.
bevin is really weird, and conway is fighting above his weight class.

that pretty much sum it up, from a laymans standpoint?

seems like curtis is the real letdown. given the two major party buffoons, you'd think an anti establishment lunatic gatewood type would really stand out. that should have been his mo from the beginning.
I think bevin just looks kinda weird. He has a weird cheesy smile. On issues, he's pretty strong. Of the three, he's the best. How much that is a compliment is up to interpretation, I guess.

Fred Thompson was a guy I always liked and admired. Disagreed with some of his political views but always thought of him as a straight shooter - a man of character and principal. Will always remember him in The Hunt For Red October - one of the all time great movies IMO.
Am I still gonna get my driveway graveled every year?
Talked to a guy tonight who has spent a decent amount of time with both. Not a high opinion of either. He thinks one is just kind of odd, weird in a way that's palpable but difficult to articulate. And the other is just not a good guy. Like everyone else, his takeaway is - is this the best we can do...
Fred Thompson was a guy I always liked and admired. Disagreed with some of his political views but always thought of him as a straight shooter - a man of character and principal. Will always remember him in The Hunt For Red October - one of the all time great movies IMO.
When I lived in Tennessee I remembered him for the great Senate campaign he ran using an old red pickup truck in his television ads to great effect. He always came across as a humble, well spoken man. Later on, I enjoyed watching him on Law and Order, and recently in those Reverse-Home-Mortgage info-commercials being pitched to the elderly.
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Congrats... I award you, Post of the Day........ POD Award:)
I had been a lifelong registered Democrat...until I came to the conclusion that the Party with a "D" in it, no longer represented me on many levels of governing... As an Independent I haven't felt the love from the "R" Party either.... As W.F. Buckley once stated, "support the most viable conservative candidate "......... That ain't a Democrat in ANY election.
Can't stand either candidate.
One just talks about his opponent's tax disclosure and the other is just points a finger blah blah blah Obama.
I liked Will T Scott.