The belief that multicultural societies can successfully maintain civic cohesion without conflict is a lie from the pit of hell.
France and Germany were once united under Charlemagne
They eventually dissolved their union - primarily because of linguistic differences
The Mongolian empire was the largest land empire ever created as far as I can tell
They incorpora5ed "the best and brightest" from the cultures they assimilated and used what technology and talent each had to offer (they had Turkish/Jewish accountants, Chinese fire etc etc)
They fell apart -- because they ceased to be Mongolian
Each segment of their empire just 'became something else' as other cultures grew up around the Mongolian influences
Those are just two examples off the top of my head -- there are many MANY others to cite
Make no mistake about -- history CLEARLY teaches that "diversity" destroys nations as much as it unites them
That's just not the message that the NWO wants "engineered" inside your head
Is it any wonder that any leader proposing strong borders / national culture will be dubbed "far right" or "extremist" etc the group that wants to destroy those borders?
This isn't about compassion and never has been
It's about capital and the means of production
Start preparing yourself to pick a side
I don't care WHERE you live - you won't be able to sit on the fence forever
Grilling garlic/lime chicken now -- have a nice night