How will they rule ??!

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Uuuggg, OK France you're up to bat, don't strike out.


and yes, I get the irony, Le Pen the French champion of liberty is a women, just roll with it.
Reports of a terror attack in Fresno, California. 3 dead, suspect yelled Allah Akbar. He said he hates white people.
Since when do you guys whip out the constitution to defend your actions? Did it burn your eyes to read that?
Unlike most of "you guys", we actually know the Constitution. It's amazing what an education will do for you. Y'all let somebody tell you what it says, tell you what you should believe which is why there are so many right wing talking heads out there dispensing marching orders. Lost is your ability to think for yourself.
Unlike most of "you guys", we actually know the Constitution. It's amazing what an education will do for you. Y'all let somebody tell you what it says, tell you what you should believe which is why there are so many right wing talking heads out there dispensing marching orders. Lost is your ability to think for yourself.

That's funny because the most liberal court in all the land has like a 60% reversal rate on cases that go to the Supreme Court.
Very good to see Trump making changes to the H-1b visa program. Long overdue.
It will only force many companies to have to outsource positions to offshore resources.
The H1-B process is very expensive for employers but one they are forced to pursue to find needed resources, especially for IT. My employer has an IT staff of 700+ FTEs and another 100 or so off-shore resources. We also regularly have 50+ open positions looking for qualified people. IT has been a top career choice for the last 30 years in pay and job availability. US universities are graduating 51,000 computer science majors a year...there are 120,000 new jobs a year being created with requirements for a computer science degree. Do the math.
General Kelly on the outrage/backlash he and Sessions are receiving from Democrats, liberal activist groups and the liberal media for enforcing border/immigration laws --

“If lawmakers do not like the laws they’ve passed and we are charged to enforce, then they should have the courage and skill to change the laws; otherwise, they should shut up and support the men and women on the front lines.’’
General Kelly on the outrage/backlash he and Sessions are receiving from Democrats, liberal activist groups and the liberal media for enforcing border/immigration laws --

“If lawmakers do not like the laws they’ve passed and we are charged to enforce, then they should have the courage and skill to change the laws; otherwise, they should shut up and support the men and women on the front lines.’’

It will only force many companies to have to outsource positions to offshore resources.
The H1-B process is very expensive for employers but one they are forced to pursue to find needed resources, especially for IT. My employer has an IT staff of 700+ FTEs and another 100 or so off-shore resources. We also regularly have 50+ open positions looking for qualified people. IT has been a top career choice for the last 30 years in pay and job availability. US universities are graduating 51,000 computer science majors a year...there are 120,000 new jobs a year being created with requirements for a computer science degree. Do the math.

We can't find enough developers ourselves, so we have many, many Indians and Europeans living and working in the US supporting our platforms. If that becomes cost prohibitive, we will simply offshore the jobs instead. Nobody wants to look at the big picture. At least with people living and working here and earning a competitive US wage, they are paying taxes, spending money, etc. Offshore employees don't do that.
Unlike most of "you guys", we actually know the Constitution. It's amazing what an education will do for you. Y'all let somebody tell you what it says, tell you what you should believe which is why there are so many right wing talking heads out there dispensing marching orders. Lost is your ability to think for yourself.

You do realize we just nominated, and then elected, the most anti establishment candidate possible, Donald Trump?

Good thing you Dems didn't follow the party line and nominated... wait, what?
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According to the Constitution, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives must be at least 25 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least seven years and a resident of a state. The Constitution does not require a representative to live in the congressional district he represents.

This sums you up perfectly.
[laughing] Over the last few days he has argued against the constitutional rights of American citizens and potus candidates. Now, today, he's all of the sudden an expert on the Constitution and its staunchest defender.

I can't be easy. It must take damn hard work to be such a raging hypocritical, two faced dumbass all the time. Seriously, you have to really try and put in a strong effort to constantly be so oblivious.
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it's not like anyone's been calling for "killing white people" or "taking the fight to the suburbs" or anything like that -- so ..... thats good.....can't imagine anyone calling for some type of social activist movement to held accountable for this type of domestic terrorism

just because I'm crazy .... I checked up on the Marxist Black Lives matter gang to see what they were doing this month -- where they might be meeting and all that ..... they're in Dubai all month helping "empower" youth ..... so....... they're in the clear

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Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
Youth Empowerment Strategy program at Dubai
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Funny searching twitter about the GA election. More people in CA care about it than GA.

According to Twitter, if Ossoff hits his 50+%, Trump and the GOP are done and impeachment will be going down.

So weird, they'll take any crumb right now. (Hillary almost took the district in the Pres election)
Funny searching twitter about the GA election. More people in CA care about it than GA.

According to Twitter, if Ossoff hits his 50+%, Trump and the GOP are done and impeachment will be going down.

So weird, they'll take any crumb right now. (Hillary almost took the district in the Pres election)

Dems/soros spent a fortune in this race. Dems clamoring for anything to claim for momentum

Even saw they had free lyft codes for each District.
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Apparently the FBI requested and received a FISA warrant on Trumps team because of this dossier.
This seems completely ridiculous to me.
How in the hell can the FBI use and base their investigation on info gathered and paid for by political opponents of a candidate?
Apparently the FBI requested and received a FISA warrant on Trumps team because of this dossier.
This seems completely ridiculous to me.
How in the hell can the FBI use and base their investigation on info gathered and paid for by political opponents of a candidate?

people went to the polls thinking clinton was under fbi investigation

she wasn't. trump was. and you MAGA scumbags are still f--king whining
He's gonna win, not get the 50%, look like an idiot for failing to get 50% while spending nearly 8 million, then get worked in the runoff when Republicans actually try.
people went to the polls thinking clinton was under fbi investigation

she wasn't. trump was. and you MAGA scumbags are still f--king whining

Whining? I think you misunderstood my point.
The opposing political party funded an investigation into Trump, then the FBI ran with it, even though they denied it originally.
You know why they denied it? Because it's shady as hell.