How will they rule ??!

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If nothing else, they should wait to see if any video or other witness testimony comes out that contradicts her story before running with it in such a one sided manner. Although I'll point out that this wouldn't be a story if the dude hadn't clobbered her. He made it a story.
If she attacked him first, she made it a story and, her Facebook page has her saying that she was going to bring back 100 Nazi scalps. Seems she was looking for a fight. All that being said, if he hit her without her attacking first, put him in jail. But, if she physically attacked him first then she got what she deserved and still should go to jail for assault.
If she attacked him first, she made it a story and, her Facebook page has her saying that she was going to bring back 100 Nazi scalps. Seems she was looking for a fight. All that being said, if he hit her without her attacking first, put him in jail. But, if she physically attacked him first then she got what she deserved and still should go to jail for assault.

Man, I've got a little girl, so it's really hard to talk me off the "a man should never hit a woman" stance - but no doubt she should be accountable if she assaulted him first. That doesn't preclude him from going to jail too though IMO.
She put herself in that position with her bad decision.

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lol my god... look at this article and tell me we have an impartial press

this is cbs. not some obscure blog... c..b..s

this is the problem. an innocent little girl was just their with her pacifist boyfriend not causing any problems but just being perfect and a neo nazi blindsided her.. lmfao
Nose ring + dreadlocks + not a mark on her = Her narrative is absolute bullshit, and I want to see her get exposed.
Man, I've got a little girl, so it's really hard to talk me off the "a man should never hit a woman" stance - but no doubt she should be accountable if she assaulted him first. That doesn't preclude him from going to jail too though IMO.
I have an 11 year old daughter but, I teach her the difference between civil and uncivil discourse. If you want to fight, take your lumps or win.
Hey it's 2017. It's all about equality
If she attacked first, no charges should be brought up against him. You want equality you have it. Don't ask for special treatment because you are a woman if you ask to be treated as an equal. Take your ass whipping the same as a man or stay at home.
I have an 11 year old daughter but, I teach her the difference between civil and uncivil discourse. If you want to fight, take your lumps or win.

Agreed. My daughter would never act this way.

What I'd like to know is what are these "Antifa" people protesting anyway? Nobody is taking away any rights they already have. Seems like a waste of time.
Agreed. My daughter would never act this way.

What I'd like to know is what are these "Antifa" people protesting anyway? Nobody is taking away any rights they already have. Seems like a waste of time.

They are stupid libtards just pissed off that Trump is President and the golden goose called FREE EVERYTHING, aka Bernie or the chosen one, aka Clinton didn't win.

If I had a say in it I would start rounding them up and offering free one way plane tickets to Russia, Syria, North Korea, Mexico.
The video being shown tends to fly in the face of her story. She said she was just there when all of the commotion started and she turned and saw his fist coming and put up her hands to push him away. It clearly shows she was rushing him but had not quite got her hands on him when he decked her. Should he have made first contact, no, but, if there is another video showing her attacking earlier then, all bets are off.
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The video being shown tends to fly in the face of her story. She said she was just there when all of the commotion started and she turned and saw his fist coming and put up her hands to push him away. It clearly shows she was rushing him but had not quite got her hands on him when he decked her. Should he have made first contact, no, but, if there is another video showing her attacking earlier then, all bets are off.

I've seen still photos of her holding bottles and read that she was throwing them.
The video being shown tends to fly in the face of her story. She said she was just there when all of the commotion started and she turned and saw his fist coming and put up her hands to push him away. It clearly shows she was rushing him but had not quite got her hands on him when he decked her. Should he have made first contact, no, but, if there is another video showing her attacking earlier then, all bets are off.
Actually, if she was rushing him, as she certainly appeared to be doing (and there's no way her hands would have ever ended up that close to his throat if he had just sucker punched her), he was under no obligation to accept a first strike before being allowed to act in self-defense. That said, it's a close call as to whether cold-cocking a person of that size under the circumstances is going to fly in front of a Berkeley jury.
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lol my god... look at this article and tell me we have an impartial press

this is cbs. not some obscure blog... c..b..s

this is the problem. an innocent little girl was just their with her pacifist boyfriend not causing any problems but just being perfect and a neo nazi blindsided her.. lmfao
The good news? Before that crappy website page crashed, I had a chance to read the comments. A grand total of zero out of twelve commenters were fooled by that propaganda. Thanks to the Internet, MSM propaganda is about one-tenth as effective as it used to be.
Not causing any problems? Ha ha She had mentioned that her sole intent to go to that protest was to commit violence that she had stated on Facebook i believe

Coming from the same types of people that have lectured you endlessly that "gender" is nothing more than a social construct

Did they ask that person if it considers itself a boy or a girl?


Then what the *F* difference does it make if it was punched the *F* out while dressed in a black ski mask and attacking a 1st amendment protected gathering of ppl who just want to show why they voted for?

Which IS it?

SOCIAL LUNACY - destroy the family - use CONFLICT to guide history .... that's right out of the Marxist playbook.....

and then suddenly .... OHHHH NOOO A GIRLY GIRL GOT HIT
Don't fall for it

You can go back and read how the Marxists made it a POINT to deride the Russians after they gained power --- you should have DEALT with us when you had the there's ***NO MERCY*** for you and's all there to be read and studied -- written by former MARXISTS who wound up in the CAMPS......but it's a COLLECTIVE BLIND SPOT....

wonder why??

Marxists should be put down with the same degree of second thought / concern you'd have for opposing Neo-Nazi's.....
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Let me say for reality sake, I am against hitting women. Had I hit one of my sisters my parents would have had my hide. My ex wife hit me once with a flurry because I did not want her going with the boys fishing for a weekend. I just covered up and ask her if she was finished. She began to cry and say she would never do that again (real early in marriage). Later on, when I found out she was cheating on me (fiance of one of the guys she was seeing sent me proof when I was on Drill Sergeant status), I went home to pack and leave and she attacked me again. She was angry I found out and was breaking up the marriage. I simply pushed her down and said to never touch me again or I would retaliate. She saw the seriousness in my face and decided not to continue. However, given the recent culture shift, I have changed my thoughts on the issue. If attacked by a woman and it begins to hurt, I will do what it takes to get her off of me but, anyone who attacks my wife or daughter will get hurt. Man or woman, if I can't beat them down, I will use an equalizer to get it done.
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Dude in the back with a "Jesus will judge you" jacket kicking the shit out of someone.

CLEARLY in the shot with the disenfranchised (possible) girl to boot

Who cares?

Maybe that person was a plant
Maybe that person was spit on and snapped
Maybe that person did what you'd do (or I'd do) but held out longer than you would (or I would)
I DO know this -- that clearly visible reference on the jacket is there to draw a very specific reaction --- like you seem to be edging to now.....

takes the emphasis away from the black ski mask wearing MARXIST SHIT in the street that need to be stopped ...better still -- if there were a way to go around their ignorant asses and start taking a toll on their employers --- EVEN BETTER

Asking yourself where the "line" is that you'll stand up and FIGHT BACK is what we all need to be doing right now

Don't let yourself be so easily manipulated by images
Marxists Will use those type of images all day long - whether they're real / meaningful or not
If nothing else, they should wait to see if any video or other witness testimony comes out that contradicts her story before running with it in such a one sided manner. Although I'll point out that this wouldn't be a story if the dude hadn't clobbered her. He made it a story.

Honestly don't even think he knew what he was hitting. I may be seeing more into this but it seems after he nails her he kind of flinches in a "oh shit" Way.
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It was the right thing to do when Leftists called out the Bush admin with the whole "project for a New American Century" -- "Preemptive War" -- "Neocon" stuff

At the TIME -- I thought it was just more weaponized words from ppl who made a living out of it

But I believe time / history has proven that segment of our Traditional Left to be CORRECT....the idea of needing a Military Commissions Act and stripping people of all due process while waging war indefinitely and expanding police powers in a seemingly unlimited fashion SHOULD BE RESISTED

JUST as the logical thinkers in the Left now need to call out THEIR MARXIST HIGHJACKERS and help put a stop to the extremist activities from that party (and - of course - wherever it may appear from the Right etc)

I think that voice and those thoughts are THERE --- but you can't expect them to be amplified by the media

This is where social media and writing / speaking to one another JUST LIKE THIS =- becomes a revolutionary act....almost like the Salons of the French Revolution etc etc

There's a HUGE difference between what I'd all "traditional leftist/liberals" (tolerated / sometimes healthy push back etc) and MARXIST TACTICS DESIGNED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT FOR "PROGRESSIVE' ideology (0-tolerance --- and you deserve what happens to you when you march under that banner)
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It was the right thing to do when Leftists called out the Bush admin with the whole "project for a New American Century" -- "Preemptive War" -- "Neocon" stuff

At the TIME -- I thought it was just more weaponized words from ppl who made a living out of it

But I believe time / history has proven that segment of our Traditional Left to be CORRECT....the idea of needing a Military Commissions Act and stripping people of all due process while waging war indefinitely and expanding police powers in a seemingly unlimited fashion SHOULD BE RESISTED

JUST as the logical thinkers in the Left now need to call out THEIR MARXIST HIGHJACKERS and help put a stop to the extremist activities from that party (and - of course - wherever it may appear from the Right etc)

I think that voice and those thoughts are THERE --- but you can't expect them to be amplified by the media

This is where social media and writing / speaking to one another JUST LIKE THIS =- becomes a revolutionary act....almost like the Salons of the French Revolution etc etc

There's a HUGE difference between what I'd all "traditional leftist/liberals" (tolerated / sometimes healthy push back etc) and MARXIST TACTICS DESIGNED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT FOR "PROGRESSIVE' ideology (0-tolerance --- and you deserve what happens to you when you march under that banner)

The problem with the left now is, anyone who disagrees with them in their party is afraid to voice it because they will be labeled a racist, bigoted, traitor unless they are a minority then, they are uncle toms or whatever name is used to define those who are in direct opposition to their agenda.
I'm all for live and let live. Let the lefties have everything north of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi in the east and in the west from the mountains to the coast minus San Diego. Have at it you Commies, but don't expect us to bail you out when you're eating dog meat to survive though.
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I'm all for live and let live. Let the lefties have everything north of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi in the east and in the west from the mountains to the coast minus San Diego. Have at it you Commies, but don't expect us to bail you out when you're eating dog meat to survive though.
I have 2 that would probably eat them first.
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I'm all for live and let live. Let the lefties have everything north of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi in the east and in the west from the mountains to the coast minus San Diego. Have at it you Commies, but don't expect us to bail you out when you're eating dog meat to survive though.
They don't get Ohio. It's a red state now, and it's not going back. As a matter of fact, they don't get a single bit of the Midwest, except for Cook County, Illinois. Ah, they can also have Detroit.
That works too.
Yeah, I have a Pyrenees mix that just hates everyone but us. Don't know what she is mixed with but, she has short hair, a cropped tail, and is built like a tank. She stands like a bull dog only much bigger. The Sheppard mix we have is about 5 years younger at 2 and is following her lead. She is hyper and anyone who comes to the door is fair game.
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