I don't see any way you can spin it as self defense on his part. He attacked her. Was she spoiling for a fight? I'd say most likely but in that particular case it looked like she saw him coming and threw her hands up to try to shield herself from the inevitable blow that was coming. The picture where we see her hand on his throat looks deceptive to me based on the actual video footage.Actually, if she was rushing him, as she certainly appeared to be doing (and there's no way her hands would have ever ended up that close to his throat if he had just sucker punched her), he was under no obligation to accept a first strike before being allowed to act in self-defense. That said, it's a close call as to whether cold-cocking a person of that size under the circumstances is going to fly in front of a Berkeley jury.
Free speech. They have made it very clear; any and all speech that they disagree with is automatically "hate speech" and must be met with violence.What I'd like to know is what are these "Antifa" people protesting anyway?
They don't get Ohio. It's a red state now, and it's not going back. As a matter of fact, they don't get a single bit of the Midwest, except for Cook County, Illinois. Ah, they can also have Detroit.
Have to agree with Mash here. Keep all the IFOs away from meNot so fast my friend. They get Ohio. Non negotiable. End of story.
Quite a list there. You didn't mess with the Clinton's then and nothing has changed nowHere's a pretty good list of the Clinton body count. How TF are those people still allowed to walk around free. SMDH
Quite a list there. You didn't mess with the Clinton's then and nothing has changed now
Not with their Daughter having political aspirations of her own.Hopefully, HOPEFULLY their influence over American politics has been crushed, one can dream.
Not with their Daughter having political aspirations of her own.
Sky NewsVerified account@SkyNewsWelp, even communism-caused starvation can be spun as good by our media friends
Sky NewsVerified account@SkyNews
.@jamescracknell says North Korea is one of only two countries in the world that has "a handle on obesity"
Sky NewsVerified account@SkyNews
.@jamescracknell says North Korea is one of only two countries in the world that has "a handle on obesity"
Hillary apologizes to Obama on election night .http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...on-apologized-to-obama-on-election-night.html
Speaking of reading material - he's an excerpt from "Brave New World" that spurred a quick article this morning -- also did a book review on a great biography of Edgar Allen Poe if anyone's interested ....
Here's the Aldous Huxley link and article excerpt as well:
[excerpted] ......a quote from Aldous - the quote is an excerpt from "Brave New World" and some quick feedback is listed below the quote:
"A physical shortcoming could produce a kind of mental excess. The process, it seemed, was reversible. Mental excess could produce, for its own purposes, the voluntary blindness and deafness of deliberate solitude, the artificial impotence of asceticism." [emphasis mine]
Aldous was stricken with a very serious eye disease that left him nearly blind. So he was well aware of how a "physical shortcoming" (like blindness) could lead to enhanced sensory abilities (i.e. "mental excess") elsewhere.
Within the context of "Brave New World" and the control of the masses that's being described - Mr Huxley notes that the "reverse effect" also has a tangible effect.
Overloading one's MIND to the extent that the sensory input results in a type of mental BLINDNESS or DEAFNESS>
Think about that for a minute.
Purposely overwhelming one's senses to the point that they become deaf and blind to the truth around them.
Surely no one took his theories seriously, right?
North Korea Offers Unconditional Surrender After Mike Pence Angrily Squints at It.
PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report)—In a major foreign-policy coup for the Trump Administration, North Korea offered to unconditionally abandon its nuclear program on Monday, after Mike Pence spent several minutes angrily squinting at the nation from just across the border.
Warning North Korea that the United States had jettisoned its policy of “strategic patience” and that “all options were on the table,” Pence fixed his steely glare on the isolated Communist nation and began furiously staring it down......
No problem. He can eat a can of feline AIDS riddled human dog shit.Local boy virtue signals all the way from his villa in southern France.
Johnny Rei · @johnnyrei
News · 2 hours
Johnny Depp has requested that Trump supporters should not go to see his new film. Great way to make your self go bankrupt.
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No problem. He can eat a can of feline AIDS riddled human dog shit.
Local boy virtue signals all the way from his villa in southern France.
Johnny Rei · @johnnyrei
News · 2 hours
Johnny Depp has requested that Trump supporters should not go to see his new film. Great way to make your self go bankrupt.
Reply Repost Quote
The people that are really hating this is comment is the film studios. He's going to cost them millions. Actors once enjoyed an almost royalty type status in the United States. Those days are no longer.
According to the Constitution, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives must be at least 25 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least seven years and a resident of a state. The Constitution does not require a representative to live in the congressional district he represents.Democrats great hope in the House election in Georgia doesn't even live in the District in which he is running. Just a minor detail I guess.
According to the Constitution, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives must be at least 25 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least seven years and a resident of a state. The Constitution does not require a representative to live in the congressional district he represents.
Nah. Obama would never lie about something.Start sending them to Guantanamo.
Oh shit Obama shut it down right.
Or wait, did he lie again?