If North Korea launched a bomb that was just average...could only get as far as, oh, say California...would there be any real reason to shoot it down?
I would send them the exact targeting instructions.If North Korea launched a bomb that was just average...could only get as far as, oh, say California...would there be any real reason to shoot it down?
How Republicans and Democrats in Congress are joining forces to defeat Sessions’ war on weed.
Rep. Carlos Curbelo is a two-term Republican from a South Florida district that was once the epicenter in the country’s war on drugs. But last month Curbelo, one of a new generation of Cuban-Americans in Congress, did something that, not too many years ago, would have been unthinkable. He co-sponsored a bill that is the top priority for the nation’s booming marijuana industry......
Sanity, at last.
This is kinda not fair, when the industry up and runs to Mexico and elsewhere and abandons the manufacturing infrastructure, this is the aftermath.Nat Shupe@NatShupe Apr 14
Images of the destruction of the #MOAB strike in Afghanistan. Just kidding, that's Detroit, a city ran by Democrats for decades.pic.twitter.com/3ssXCr7fut
How Republicans and Democrats in Congress are joining forces to defeat Sessions’ war on weed.
Rep. Carlos Curbelo is a two-term Republican from a South Florida district that was once the epicenter in the country’s war on drugs. But last month Curbelo, one of a new generation of Cuban-Americans in Congress, did something that, not too many years ago, would have been unthinkable. He co-sponsored a bill that is the top priority for the nation’s booming marijuana industry......
Sanity, at last.
I don't know about you all, but I can't wait until they recast Reservoir Dogs with a bunch of fags. Excited to see who's going to play the role of Mr. Brown Eye.
Laying that at the feet of one party is disingenuous though IMO. We made our biggest moves offshore under Bush. Also, if you're a defender of the free market and true capitalism, I'm not sure how you reconcile that with desire for the government to step in and tell companies how they should run their businesses.
If North Korea launched a bomb that was just average...could only get as far as, oh, say California...would there be any real reason to shoot it down?
Not necessarily. That said, the Russian connection was brought up before the inauguration.If the transition team had done anything wrong they would have said so before the inauguration so this should be a non story anyway.
I don't think you've seen me discuss anything about the bombing. That's one issue I could not care less about.It's pretty funny listening to dumb fux like @fuzz77 @JohnKBA @cardkilla discussing the death count of this bombing. Have no earthly idea that the Moab blows up in the air to create pressure that collapses underground tunnels.
It will kill anyone in sight, but it was used to destroy underground compounds. These effing morons wouldn't know a damn thing about anything to do with military.
Dude, there are rules that allow for unmasking. If a POTUS candidate or his people are talking to Russians who are under surveillance...that could very well qualify as a national security issue.So, basically, according to you, Muslims half way across the world, who have never stepped foot in America should be protected by the Constitution, but Americans shouldn't.
What you suggested is against the law. You can't unmasked an American just because they spoke to someone from Russia. You're advocating for the violation of the American rights and a third world, police state government.
There are very strict protections put into place to protect Americans from being spied on by our government, and very strict rules and laws to actually unmask an American. The only way the American can be unmasked is if there's a national security threat. Simply speaking to a Russian doesn't cut it.
Bottom line, there's zero proof of Trump/Russian collusion, and tons of proof that Trump and his team were spied on. Oh, and you're a Russiaphobe.
Good Lord, this entire forum is one big circle jerk with you and others "like"ing tons of shitty posts. In fact, 95% of the postings on this board are shitty posts.LOL at John and Fuzz just jackin each other off with likes on all their shitty posts
I guess you're too stupid to realize that the biggest difference between a liberal and conservative is about 25 years.We'll all be better off when we come to the conclusion as a society that liberalism is anti civilizational and eradicate if from existence.
I guess you're too stupid to realize that the biggest difference between a liberal and conservative is about 25 years.
And you're too stupid to realize that 25, 50, 100+ years ago they were saying the same thing.I guess you're too stupid to understand that I'm talking about liberalism in its current form.
I guess you're too stupid to realize that the biggest difference between a liberal and conservative is about 25 years.
need to make one of those with her vide of having the herky jerky seizure.
Mexican cartel money keeping it illegal.They need to end this crap for realz. Their is no reason for marijuana to be a schedule 1 drug, it has so many recreational and medical applications. Screw big pharma and their war on weed.
Only if we drop most of ours and just have a few with all of yours would we get to the 95% you posted because, you suck bigly.Good Lord, this entire forum is one big circle jerk with you and others "like"ing tons of shitty posts. In fact, 95% of the postings on this board are shitty posts.
Yes, yes he is.I guess you're too stupid to understand that I'm talking about liberalism in its current form.
Mexican cartel money keeping it illegal.
The only time fuzz77 (or any lefty for that matter) doesn't like a circle jerk is when he wasn't invited.Good Lord, this entire forum is one big circle jerk.
Mexicans, big pharma, prudish conservative IDGAF it still needs to stop, and I don't even want to smoke that crap.
Be real Bill, you want to smoke that crap.
There was a funny/not funny article about a local hemp producer who had her entire crop burnt down bc it tested above the 0.3% thc threshold. Fn govt burnt it down. She was pissed. It was ranging 0.4-1.0. All gone now. Bastards.
Well, of course the authorities burned all of it. Hard to get a contact buzz at those THC concentrations without firing up a whole lot of it.Be real Bill, you want to smoke that crap.
There was a funny/not funny article about a local hemp producer who had her entire crop burnt down bc it tested above the 0.3% thc threshold. Fn govt burnt it down. She was pissed. It was ranging 0.4-1.0. All gone now. Bastards.
Yes, there are rules, and just speaking to a Russian who is under surveillance isn't one of those rules. Nothing they spoke about was illegal or a threat to national security. If that were the case, their communications would have already been leaked to the press when their names were leaked, and Trump would be facing impeachment. Nothing of substance was said during those conversations, and their names were unmasked illegally.Dude, there are rules that allow for unmasking. If a POTUS candidate or his people are talking to Russians who are under surveillance...that could very well qualify as a national security issue.
Spoken like a true American hating fascist.Also, IMHO if you're a candidate for POTUS, phuck your "Constitutional rights of privacy".
More proof than there is of Trump/Russia collusion.Lastly, there is no proof that Trump or his team was the target of any spying. Their Russian connections were being spied upon.