Nah. It's the religion of peace remember? We just need to drop more love letters than bombs.
I'm thinking copies of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet should make things better
Nah. It's the religion of peace remember? We just need to drop more love letters than bombs.
I'm in an industry that does both, and I can tell you that automation has had a substantially bigger impact than offshoring. Not that offshoring/nearshoring doesn't exist, but again, the economy went global long ago and that clock isn't getting turned back.
It's the same in the industry I'm in too, but the industry I'm in can't go out of the Country.
However, it's not the way in most manufacturing jobs. Automation is a natural progression, it's easier to swallow. Moving a plant from Mayfield, KY to Mexico isn't.
Elizabeth Warren is certifiably insane.
And this is who dems want in 2020?
Elizabeth Warren is certifiably insane.
And this is who dems want in 2020?
You supported Obama over Romney, right?I'd like to see a moderate, but unfortunately the bases are dug in way too deep for a moderate to win a primary. Warren is way too far left for my taste.
I'm man enough to admit that you didn't have to admit it. Thanks for the back up though.I'm man enough to admit I was a dick - .
You supported Obama over Romney, right?
Clinton was president when I moved here and I had little clue about American politics back then.
Agreed. Some of our stuff has to stay domestic as well, but the segment that is able to goes offshore or near shore. Financially it's a no brainer. Bottom line is king.
I agree, I don't blame the companies that move. I blame the elected officials that make it a walk in the park to move offshore.
Laying that at the feet of one party is disingenuous though IMO. We made our biggest moves offshore under Bush. Also, if you're a defender of the free market and true capitalism, I'm not sure how you reconcile that with desire for the government to step in and tell companies how they should run their businesses.
....and would call myself staunchly atheist.
Never would've guessed after you so condescendingly mocked those who do believe...
Never would've guessed after you so condescendingly mocked those who do believe...
I'm more Atheist than JohnKBA. Im straight conservative. His,Atheism is a joke.
I like him. But he has no clue about Atheism
As a believer myself, I have no problem with those who are not. Have buddies who believe & have buddies who don't.
I just get a kick out of the "tolerant" crowd sometimes. They are very long as you believe exactly like they do.
My wife showed me something on Instagram last night that was too funny and sad. It was a girl who got a college scholarship from the American Atheist organization to UK for being LGBT or something. Ha.
You need to create an organization for something you don't believe in? And being gay is worthy of getting your school paid for?
I'm not the least bit worried about terrorists and would call myself staunchly atheist.
Then you are a person with major malfunctions.
Good quote I heard last week about NK about our past policies of ignoring or giving little treats to them for chilling for a bit...Watching the news about the North Korean situation Richard Fowler, a liberal talk show host when ask about Trumps actions sending ships to the region being good or bad simply said that what Obama did over the last 8 years was the best decision. He said ignoring such people is the best actions because, with no attention they will simply go away. That has been Obama and the left's strategy from the beginning. It hurt us here in the states and hurt the world even more as the world is in chaos now more than it has been in a long time. This simply shows that the left lives in a bubble and ignores the outcomes of their many failures.
I worry about soccer moms doing makeup in their SUVs at rush hour. I worry about falling off a ladder and snapping my neck. I worry about being taken out by a drunk driver. All of these and hundreds of other things are exponentially more than likely to harm me than a terrorist. As such, I choose not to stress about something that's about as likely to happen to me as winning the lottery.
Worry no more my friend. Your fears will spark another attack on our liberties. Soon we will have self driving cars and no more terrorists, soccer moms, and drunk drivers will be able to harm you.