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Sandy Hook and 9/11 were government jobs, Hillary and Obama are literal demons because they smell like sulfur, the pizza shop with no basement is running a child sex trafficking ring for democrats out of their basement, etc etc.

All of that is absolutely crazy to me.

Ha. Oh, is that what we believe? Right. Because Alex Jones is reflective of all of us. BTW, the left believes 9/11 to be an inside job more than any conservatives ever did.

But I'm sure you believe in about a million genders, believe Islam is peaceful, get triggered like every SJW pussy out there.
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Sandy Hook and 9/11 were government jobs, Hillary and Obama are literal demons because they smell like sulfur, the pizza shop with no basement is running a child sex trafficking ring for democrats out of their basement, etc etc.

All of that is absolutely crazy to me.
Hillary and Obama comments maybe but, the Sandy Hook 911 comments are wrong. Many on the left came up with those theories.
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1. Bill Clinton is 30 million times worse than Trump will ever be.
2. If there were ever someone so desperate to be POTUS, it wasn't Trump. It was Hillary. I've never seen anyone so determined to be POTUS than Hillary.

No question that Hillary spent most of her adult life angling for the office and was a terribly flawed candidate.

My opinion is that this wasn't a binary choice. At the end, sure. But there were many other candidates that I felt were superior to both HRC and Trump. How we ended up with the 2 worst in history is the question. I understand the working class rallied behind Trump, but like I said earlier - people need to be making their own opportunities, not counting on someone to turn back the clock on technological advancements for the purpose of creating more unskilled labor jobs. That ship had sailed.
Finally figuring this out. Progress.

His admin showed all the traits you would expect to see from a legit counter movement initially

He's even backtracking on the NATO stance which is disturbing ... I believe someone may have found / dug up or otherwise leveraged something against him or his

The idea of getting into the WH with one identity and then changing so dramatically so quickly doesn't seem like a sound strategy for anyone......

I also just may be mis-reading what's happening or looking into it too much -- I certainly concede that as a possibility!
Ha. Oh, is that what we believe? Right. Because Alex Jones is reflective of all of us. BTW, the left believes 9/11 to be an inside job more than any conservatives ever did.

But I'm sure you believe in about a million genders, believe Islam is peaceful, get triggered like every SJW pussy out there.

I get triggered when the ace pitcher on my fantasy baseball team coughs up 9 runs in 4 innings. That's more important to me than any of the shit that gets discussed here.
Sandy Hook and 9/11 were government jobs, Hillary and Obama are literal demons because they smell like sulfur, the pizza shop with no basement is running a child sex trafficking ring for democrats out of their basement, etc etc.

All of that is absolutely crazy to me.

People from the left are the ONLY ones that parroted that 9/11 was an inside job.

Kids at Sandy Hook were killed by a deranged, sick kid.

I don't put much stock in pizzagate, it seems outlandish, but pedophelia seems outlandish to me too. I do think the shooting inside it seems fishy. In a world where people get offended and post videos of someone who farts in public no one in a high end neighborhood videoed this? Or posted pics online of the bullet holes?

I think Hillary is a bad politician and isn't a leader that rode her husbands coat tails to damn near the presidency.
I don't think Obama's idea of America has anything to do with the Founding Fathers views.
I think it's dangerous when the media chooses sides in politics, that isn't its purpose. They gained Constitutional protection to hold ALL politicians accountable.
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My philosophy has typically been that government leadership has very little influence on my life.
I understand (although you may dig a little deeper on that one and see what you find) that's your entitled opinion but not the case for an inordinate number people including myself.

I am also a fantasy baseball nerd, I'm concerned that I have something in common with you, you maple syrup chugging bastard.
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No surprise here, it tends to go hand in hand with planned parenthood.

Here's the link with the quotes from F. Engels (Co-author of the "Manifesto" with Marx)

Pretty much ALLof the "Patriarchal society" / marriage is slavery and the nuclear family must go" propaganda you hear.....and you DO hear it ...... it generally seems to come from him

And of course, like Marx, he was taking bits and pieces from earlier German and French philosophers as well

But the direct quotes about society being built on the nuclear family (something Marxists don't EVER want you to say) and how that must be eliminated --- that's in the article, comes from one of the Marxist Founding Fathers, and I am quoting a Pro-Marxist publication

Please feel free to read it over if you like - hope you aren't asked to log in again
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Again - the blog isn't a money maker - no ad's etc

So here's the "Communist / Marxist source quotes on family" so you don't have to hit the blog if you don't wanna --- have a good one

(article excerpted a bit for formatting otherwise, the content is there)

Happy Easter!

Let's look to history to see the evidence of Marxist/Communist hatred for families.

Here's the source I'm quoting - it's a PRO-MARXIST publication:


"Marx for Beginners" by Rius
Published by Pantheon in New York 1976.

The quotes I will share are from the co-author of the Communist Manifesto, F. Engels.

Mr Engels protests against the idea of the nuclear family being a private arrangement - he taught that it should essentially "belong" to society (and you WILL hear that exact teaching from modern "social justice" types if you pay attention. He categorizes a marriage between a man and woman as slavery for the woman and then builds on the idea of women being exploited in the "traditional" institution of marriage.

When you continue reading his ideas you will see that the Communists clearly acknowledge that the 'traditional family' IS the foundation for society --- and THAT'S why they must destroy it.

"The modern individual family is based on the open or disguised enslavement of the woman; and modern society is a mass composed solely of individual families as its molecules."

And WHY wage this war?
Is it because the Communists - who teach that there's no morality, no "right" nor "wrong" no guilt nor innocence -- CARE for people?

Is it because they are more tolerant?

Nyet / Nein.

It is a social war waged to seize CAPITAL and the INSTRUMENTS OF PRODUCTION.
It's about economics and having fewer people placed in charge of MORE STUFF and YOU no longer owning ANYTHING.......while simultaneously trusting these people to have FULL CONTROL OVER E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I--N-G

Here's another quote to support that (same source):

"...the first step to revolution ... is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class. The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree (author - i.e. PROGRESSIVELY) all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of The State."

Engels goes on to note that this can't happen without the means of "despotic means" used a against the rights of property.
People from the left are the ONLY ones that parroted that 9/11 was an inside job.

Kids at Sandy Hook were killed by a deranged, sick kid.

I don't put much stock in pizzagate, it seems outlandish, but pedophelia seems outlandish to me too. I do think the shooting inside it seems fishy. In a world where people get offended and post videos of someone who farts in public no one in a high end neighborhood videoed this? Or posted pics online of the bullet holes?

I think Hillary is a bad politician and isn't a leader that rode her husbands coat tails to damn near the presidency.
I don't think Obama's idea of America has anything to do with the Founding Fathers views.
I think it's dangerous when the media chooses sides in politics, that isn't its purpose. They gained Constitutional protection to hold ALL politicians accountable.

I agree with most of this - I'll also say that the media is guilty on both sides. Fox News is no less partisan than MSNBC. I think the line between entertainment and news has become blurred. Hannity told Ted Koppel that he's an entertainer, and that Ted should give people more credit because he believes they recognize that - but my social media feeds say otherwise. And again, this happens on both sides. It's not exclusive to the left or right.
but like I said earlier - people need to be making their own opportunities, not counting on someone to turn back the clock on technological advancements for the purpose of creating more unskilled labor jobs. That ship had sailed.

As opposed to the exponential increase in useless liberal degrees over the years? haha

Man, there are always going to be people who don't give a shit about education. But I would say every job presents its self with a trainable skill even at the most menial level.
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As opposed to the exponential increase in useless liberal degrees over the years? haha

Man, there are always going to be people who don't give a shit about education. But I would say every job presents its self with a trainable skill even at the most menial level.

Understood - but remember that in the private sector, everything is driven by money. If a company can save dollars by automating a menial task, they are damn sure going to do it, and the advancements that have been made in that space are already staggering. Manufacturing jobs are on a long downswing, but we are making more product than we ever have - that trend isn't going to reverse itself.
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Understood - but remember that in the private sector, everything is driven by money. If a company can save dollars by automating a menial task, they are damn sure going to do it, and the advancements that have been made in that space are already staggering. Manufacturing jobs are on a long downswing, but we are making more product than we ever have - that trend isn't going to reverse itself.


In theory, almost every job will be automated. Makes sense that the most menial of jobs are the first ones on the chopping board.

In theory, almost every job will be automated. Makes sense that the most menial of jobs are the ones on the chopping board.

The wheelhouse to be in right now is in those jobs that are figuring out how to automate more complex tasks.

The advice I give to my kids is to learn how to convince people to spend money. If you can sell, you will never hurt for income - unless everyone runs out of money, in which case we are all screwed anyway :)
Liberals who have been pushing Russian bullshit shouldn't be lecturing people on conspiracy theories, especially since 90% of conspiracy theories come from their side anyway.
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Look at that

Me jumping on johnkba swung him into actually discussing his views and beliefs in a legitimate manner instead of just calling everyone a bunch of racist rednecks.

There is hope, folks.

I'm man enough to admit I was a dick - I'd rather have real discussions than argue back and forth. My apologies for the aggression.
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I'm man enough to admit I was a dick - I'd rather have real discussions than argue back and forth. My apologies for the aggression.
Don't have to apologize for that, most of us get that way from time to time. Just apologize for being a liberal Canadian.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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I'm man enough to admit I was a dick - I'd rather have real discussions than argue back and forth. My apologies for the aggression.

Fair enough.

I apologize for the low blow, yesterday.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programs.
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Sandy Hook and 9/11 were government jobs, Hillary and Obama are literal demons because they smell like sulfur, the pizza shop with no basement is running a child sex trafficking ring for democrats out of their basement, etc etc.

All of that is absolutely crazy to me.

Now I know your trolling. Your doing a great job.
I agree with most of this - I'll also say that the media is guilty on both sides. Fox News is no less partisan than MSNBC. I think the line between entertainment and news has become blurred. Hannity told Ted Koppel that he's an entertainer, and that Ted should give people more credit because he believes they recognize that - but my social media feeds say otherwise. And again, this happens on both sides. It's not exclusive to the left or right.

Hannity is an editorial program, like Matthews and Maddow, they by definition are opinion based programs.
I was speaking about the actual journalists and News casters.
Fox reporting of the actual News isn't nearly as biased as CNN, WAshington Post, NY Times, CBS.
Having written all that, my point was more with the proven collusion between the media and Democrats. It's not even in doubt, and that is a HUGE problem.
Understood - but remember that in the private sector, everything is driven by money. If a company can save dollars by automating a menial task, they are damn sure going to do it, and the advancements that have been made in that space are already staggering. Manufacturing jobs are on a long downswing, but we are making more product than we ever have - that trend isn't going to reverse itself.

No one is opposing automation, that isn't why workers are pissed.
They're pissed because our Govt made it easier for companies to sell out Americans and move jobs to third world countries, then ship the product back here.
They aren't moving because of automation, they're moving because the labor is dirt cheap, and regulations are extremely lax.
No one is opposing automation, that isn't why workers are pissed.
They're pissed because our Govt made it easier for companies to sell out Americans and move jobs to third world countries, then ship the product back here.
They aren't moving because of automation, they're moving because the labor is dirt cheap, and regulations are extremely lax.

I'm in an industry that does both, and I can tell you that automation has had a substantially bigger impact than offshoring. Not that offshoring/nearshoring doesn't exist, but again, the economy went global long ago and that clock isn't getting turned back.
Hannity is an editorial program, like Matthews and Maddow, they by definition are opinion based programs.
I was speaking about the actual journalists and News casters.
Fox reporting of the actual News isn't nearly as biased as CNN, WAshington Post, NY Times, CBS.
Having written all that, my point was more with the proven collusion between the media and Democrats. It's not even in doubt, and that is a HUGE problem.

Agreed, and you and I and a lot of people are smart enough to recognize cable news entertainment shows for what they are - entertainment geared toward their bases.

I can tell you that not everyone sees it that way though - a lot of people take what Hannity and Maddow say as gospel and actual "news." That's a big problem IMO.
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I'm in an industry that does both, and I can tell you that automation has had a substantially bigger impact than offshoring. Not that offshoring/nearshoring doesn't exist, but again, the economy went global long ago and that clock isn't getting turned back.

Toyota is actually turning back that clock mainly because it's cheaper, dipshit.

You sound like LEK, btw. Time for a new username.
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Sandy Hook was real. Dirty fvcking Muslim terrorists were responsible for 9/11 and they all need to be eradicated from the face of the Earth. Alex Jones is a loon. I'd imagine that Hillary smells like Avon and booze, and Obama smells like Soul Glo. The Podesta brothers and company are pedophiles, regardless.
I'm not in the auto industry and was speaking of my own business. Your comprehension prowess needs work.

lol idgaf who or what you are. I just know you're an awful poster who has to keep switching names because you're embarrassed of yourself.