When it comes to the health AND SAFETY of a child, it's EVERYONE'S F*CKING BUSINESS you sick POS.I have not one solitary time in my life discussed this topic with ANY minor. Never have. Never will.
I shouldn't be telling them to do it and you shouldn't be telling them not to.
It's none of our business. It's nobody's business but the family, doctor and therapist.
Quit perverting their minds with lies about the evils of their actions.
Their family.
Their doctor.
Their therapist.
Their body.
Their choice.
Leave the children alone!!!
Their very own family IS LETTING THEM DOWN when they promote/allow the child to fixate on an issue that they ARE NOT MENTALLY ready to handle.
We don't allow children to smoke, drink, drive, vote, purchase guns, go to war, etc, etc, etc. All because their brains HAVE NOT YET FULLY DEVELOPED. They may SAY they know they want to be the opposite sex, but they're simply not equipped yet to make SUCH a major, life altering decision, they just aren't.
Personally, I'd like to see a law enacted whereby a person must be at least 18 before any such decision can be made. Leave the children alone.