I couldn't agree more G, and that's exactly how my dad taught me, and I taught my boys. A responsible parent will teach their child gun safety, an irresponsible one does not. Some lessons teach better than others. Case in point :
When I was 13 or 14 we were going to a big dove hunt with about a dozen or so other men and their sons from our church. My best friend came along with us, and as we exited the truck and were walking to the big field to take up our positions, a lone dove flew right in front of us. I knew I wasn't supposed to attempt a shot with the three of us together like that, but the excitement was more than I could bear, so I raised my shotgun, ( which was already loaded and wasn't supposed to be until we reached our position), tracked the bird for a second and fired.
That was the only bird I got all day because my father took my gun away from me for the day ; apparently when I took the shot my friend was very close, way too close. I was so embarrassed because everyone knew my dad had taken my gun from me for being an idiot, but it taught me a hellava lesson, no doubt. That was exactly what he should have done, although I didn't see that at the time.
My dad turned 91 a few months ago and physically just isn't able to go hunting anymore, although we do still fish when we can. Thank you dad for taking the time and effort to teach me, and to for introducing me to the great outdoors.