Blaming all this on vaccines is the joke. Excellent scapegoat for people who are afraid of critical thinking. So many factors play into these types of illnesses and I hate that this family is going through this, but to pin it all on vaccines is asinine.
You don't know wtf you're talking about. You don't know the situation. You ignorantly laughed at it.
You can try to back out of your callousness all you want. Laughing at it is on you, so own it. You don't "hate that it happened" to them. You laughed.
WHEN it happens to you or someone you love, come back and laughingly tell us how it wasn't the shots in spite of there being NOTHING ELSE when it happens, as it was for this family and MANY others. We'll comfort you with assinine comments like yours.
And as for your "critical thinking" comment, AGAIN, you haven't been researching this sht for 15 years. You've been getting anecdotal sht from CNN and late night talk shows. You have no FKN CLUE what's in these things and what affect they have on people. So go crawl back in your comfy vagina of ignorance and smoke some more weed, and wail about "critical thinking" to your cognitive dissonance buddies the shamstains.