Do you condemn the J6th cop beaters and the pardon they received??
They served their time and were eventually pardoned. They also weren't released to go out and commit numerous other felonies.
Thanks for playing numbnut.
Do you condemn the J6th cop beaters and the pardon they received??
this little twerp sounds just like another troll poster on here...
Agree, but they shouldn't have served any time due to the judicial malpractice by the Dims DOJ.They served their time and were eventually pardoned. They also weren't released to go out and commit numerous other felonies.
Thanks for playing numbnut.
Reality checkI love how the maga morons are having a meltdown over a balloon. ITs the end times! The Dems should hire a clown like Trump to do some balloon art.
I did not know libs loved their breakfast staples with such fervor.
My buddy's next door neighbor had a child over 5 years ago, and that the infant was having trouble with a skin condition. My friend told his neighbor what had happened to another child with a skin condition he knew of after vaccination. That child had been diagnosed as on the spectrum after their shots. My friend had learned from that event that the likelihood of landing on the spectrum after injection was up to 7x greater if there were any autoimmune issues at the time of administration. Told him he should wait on shots til the skin condition cleared up.
The neighbor brushed it off and went ahead with the schedule and the next checkup got them shots anyway. Their kid was immediately affected and began to hurt themself. They knew it was the shots and were freaking out, as they were perfectly fine 5minutes before the appt. When they asked my friend for help, they directed them to chelation foods and supplements right away, but the neighbor was worried that, because the child had stopped eating after the jabs, they wouldn't eat the chelation foods.
2 weeks later the neighbor reported the child was virtually ONLY eating the chelation foods and they had to portion control or they'd eat too much and purge it. After 6 months of the chelation regimen their improvement was significant and around that time stopped the head-banging and other physical trauma. 3 years more and there was very little left to see of what they'd become from the injections. They're going to school and doing well know.
Chelation isn't the only answer, and sometimes no remedies effect any significant change over the short term, but they are a great start, and are beneficial for those not onnthe spectrum that have deceloped congnitive issues and long term flu or resporatory symptoms.
There are other things in these shots besides metals that can cause severe reactions, long term harm, and autoimmune issues, as well as harming our natural immune defense against cancers.
I did not know libs loved their breakfast staples with such fervor.
It's a small inconvenience for repatriation of the "not their best" criminals who have flaunted our laws.
Blaming all this on vaccines is the joke. Excellent scapegoat for people who are afraid of critical thinking. So many factors play into these types of illnesses and I hate that this family is going through this, but to pin it all on vaccines is asinine.And may God bless anyone laughing at this, like @Bigmikeydelight with first hand experience of what this neighbor of theirs went through, so they'll understand for themselves going forward.
It's not funny. It's not a joke. Write back to us when your sibling, child, your siblings child, or your grandchildren have gotten ill or died shortly afterward, and know the why is that you laughed at it.
sam has been a little more hysterical than usual since TRUMP WON.They served their time and were eventually pardoned. They also weren't released to go out and commit numerous other felonies.
Thanks for playing numbnut.
They are not sending us their smartest either...
Part of me thinks kids getting a little dose of Uncle Sam is good for them but on the other hand they are not making enough to make a dent in the grand scheme of tax collection and to a teenager any amount of money they can keep is a big deal. The cost to buy a crappy car, go on a date, etc. is insane compared to when I was at that age.
How long before Tom Homan has this dude strapped into a plane heading to South America? LOL
Boom....thank you Mr. POTUS. I had a friend who was affected by this.
Part of me thinks kids getting a little dose of Uncle Sam is good for them but on the other hand they are not making enough to make a dent in the grand scheme of tax collection and to a teenager any amount of money they can keep is a big deal. The cost to buy a crappy car, go on a date, etc. is insane compared to when I was at that age.
Part of me thinks kids getting a little dose of Uncle Sam is good for them but on the other hand they are not making enough to make a dent in the grand scheme of tax collection and to a teenager any amount of money they can keep is a big deal. The cost to buy a crappy car, go on a date, etc. is insane compared to when I was at that age.
I'm glad BigMIkey finds this post humorous. It is yet again a display of his ignorance. Some people are genetically unable to detox heavy metals through inheritance and through mutations. Most of them have no idea until they are nearly dead, and some die before they find out that it was the metals that killed them.My buddy's next door neighbor had a child over 5 years ago, and that the infant was having trouble with a skin condition. My friend told his neighbor what had happened to another child with a skin condition he knew of after vaccination. That child had been diagnosed as on the spectrum after their shots. My friend had learned from that event that the likelihood of landing on the spectrum after injection was up to 7x greater if there were any autoimmune issues at the time of administration. Told him he should wait on shots til the skin condition cleared up.
The neighbor brushed it off and went ahead with the schedule and the next checkup got them shots anyway. Their kid was immediately affected and began to hurt themself. They knew it was the shots and were freaking out, as they were perfectly fine 5minutes before the appt. When they asked my friend for help, they directed them to chelation foods and supplements right away, but the neighbor was worried that, because the child had stopped eating after the jabs, they wouldn't eat the chelation foods.
2 weeks later the neighbor reported the child was virtually ONLY eating the chelation foods and they had to portion control or they'd eat too much and purge it. After 6 months of the chelation regimen their improvement was significant and around that time stopped the head-banging and other physical trauma. 3 years more and there was very little left to see of what they'd become from the injections. They're going to school and doing well know.
Chelation isn't the only answer, and sometimes no remedies effect any significant change over the short term, but they are a great start, and are beneficial for those not onnthe spectrum that have deceloped congnitive issues and long term flu or resporatory symptoms.
There are other things in these shots besides metals that can cause severe reactions, long term harm, and autoimmune issues, as well as harming our natural immune defense against cancers.