How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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What election process was destabilized? Honest to God do you not remember Trump getting raked over the coals by the Dems and Media for basically not admitting he would accept losing the election? The very same thing both of the aforementioned have done since election night?

You're the ones looking for ANYTHING to prove a Trump/Putin alliance, and you guys are the ones still running with the Russian nonsense 6 months after the election trying to destabilze our democracy.

Hillary was a bad candidate, she never won a national election, she needed help to beat Sanders for crying out loud. Her only qualification for being a Presidential candidate was being Bill Clinton's wife, thats it.

Now, the previous administrations international policies, and baktracking have gotten the US in a bad spot, and even while the current administration tries to navigate the pit falls with Russia you STILL claim Trump and Putin are in bed... unbelievable!
Dude, Hillary was a terrible candidate...I've written those words many times and did so before the election, before she ever announced she was running. She was well qualified to be, if not more qualified than Bush 2, Obama, JFK, Eisenhower...that's 4 of the now 11 men who have been POTUS in my lifetime. Ford was never elected so I give him a pass. DJT was certainly not more qualified. No, I don't think that she needed help to defeat Sanders which makes it all the more stupid that the DNC took the actions it took. Your comment "she never won a national election" is head shaking worthy. We only have one national election and she did actually get 3 million more votes than anyone else running in that election.

I'm not looking for anything. I'm just shooting holes in the faulty logic thrown around on this board.

Again, it is pretty well universally accepted by all in the intelligence community and all intelligence committee members who have seen the information that Russia did indeed try to interfere with the election. That doesn't mean that they changed votes that had been cast. It means that they hacked servers, and used bots to give credibility to stories on social media and helped create the climate where the election took place.
What do you think the first conspiracy in American history was? Take all the time you need, google knows all.
I'm not sure what the first, second, third or any of the hundreds that have existed have to do with anything other than your willingness to believe any or all.
Dude, Hillary was a terrible candidate...I've written those words many times and did so before the election, before she ever announced she was running. She was well qualified to be, if not more qualified than Bush 2, Obama, JFK, Eisenhower...that's 4 of the now 11 men who have been POTUS in my lifetime. Ford was never elected so I give him a pass. DJT was certainly not more qualified. No, I don't think that she needed help to defeat Sanders which makes it all the more stupid that the DNC took the actions it took. Your comment "she never won a national election" is head shaking worthy. We only have one national election and she did actually get 3 million more votes than anyone else running in that election.

I'm not looking for anything. I'm just shooting holes in the faulty logic thrown around on this board.

Again, it is pretty well universally accepted by all in the intelligence community and all intelligence committee members who have seen the information that Russia did indeed try to interfere with the election. That doesn't mean that they changed votes that had been cast. It means that they hacked servers, and used bots to give credibility to stories on social media and helped create the climate where the election took place.

No, she wasn't more qualified than Bush 2, Eisenhower, JFK, or Trump. They all had been leaders before,I'll give you Obama. She became a Senator of NY because her husband, she became a Presidential candidate because of her Husband, she became SOS because of her husband. Without being Bill Clinton's wife she never sniffs any of that.
Something is about to go down in N.Korea. Reports on twitter of fat f*** telling people to evacuate, and that a big event is about to happen
I think she was posing for a new show called "What's My Lie" in which contestants get to ask three questions to determine what her lie is about. I am sure most lies could be figured out by these three easy questions. Does it involve Bill and interns/women? Is there an internet video of it? or, Does it involve a Pizza Joint, staff members and little children.

I think her show is: "who's lie is it anyway"
Lmaooo there is no way that we true, but idc if we murder that country. Seems like something we've really wanted to do, but now we have a president with enough balls to do it.

"Sources, apparently, could..."

I would love to eat cake and objectify women with Trump.
Dude, Hillary was a terrible candidate...I've written those words many times and did so before the election, before she ever announced she was running. She was well qualified to be, if not more qualified than Bush 2, Obama, JFK, Eisenhower...that's 4 of the now 11 men who have been POTUS in my lifetime. Ford was never elected so I give him a pass. DJT was certainly not more qualified. No, I don't think that she needed help to defeat Sanders which makes it all the more stupid that the DNC took the actions it took. Your comment "she never won a national election" is head shaking worthy. We only have one national election and she did actually get 3 million more votes than anyone else running in that election.

I'm not looking for anything. I'm just shooting holes in the faulty logic thrown around on this board.

Again, it is pretty well universally accepted by all in the intelligence community and all intelligence committee members who have seen the information that Russia did indeed try to interfere with the election. That doesn't mean that they changed votes that had been cast. It means that they hacked servers, and used bots to give credibility to stories on social media and helped create the climate where the election took place.

i will put this in an analogy maybe you will finally understand. you take a best of 7 series, in 3 games your team wins by an average of 30 points, but you lose the other 4 games by only 1 point, who wins the series? it literally doesn't f***ing matter that your team can go out and win L.A. and New York by 5 million more votes when you lose the rest of the damn country.

she won nothing in her life. nothing she has ever done she can say she did without Bill's name sake, other than lose.
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i will put this in an analogy maybe you will finally understand. you take a best of 7 series, in 3 games your team wins by an average of 30 points, but you lose the other 4 games by only 1 point, who wins the series? it literally doesn't f***ing matter that your team can go out and win L.A. and New York by 5 million more votes when you lose the rest of the damn country.

she won nothing in her life. nothing she has ever done she can say she did without Bill's name sake, other than lose.
Tennis too. You can win the first two sets 6-0 6-0 and lose the last three 4-6 4-6 4-6. You've won 24 games and your opponent has won 18. Who get's the trophy?
Anyone listen to the NATO speaker?

All he talked about was how everyone must pay their portion of the costs. Wonder where he got that narrative?

And China threatening North Korea?

Win win win win win winnnnnninnngggg
And the Trump train goes rolling along. Hop on board libtards and join a real leaders movement.
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Dude, Hillary was a terrible candidate...I've written those words many times and did so before the election, before she ever announced she was running. She was well qualified to be, if not more qualified than Bush 2, Obama, JFK, Eisenhower...that's 4 of the now 11 men who have been POTUS in my lifetime. Ford was never elected so I give him a pass. DJT was certainly not more qualified. No, I don't think that she needed help to defeat Sanders which makes it all the more stupid that the DNC took the actions it took. Your comment "she never won a national election" is head shaking worthy. We only have one national election and she did actually get 3 million more votes than anyone else running in that election.

I'm not looking for anything. I'm just shooting holes in the faulty logic thrown around on this board.

Again, it is pretty well universally accepted by all in the intelligence community and all intelligence committee members who have seen the information that Russia did indeed try to interfere with the election. That doesn't mean that they changed votes that had been cast. It means that they hacked servers, and used bots to give credibility to stories on social media and helped create the climate where the election took place.
The dumbest post in Paddock political history. You are badly brainwashed you poor little man
Tennis too. You can win the first two sets 6-0 6-0 and lose the last three 4-6 4-6 4-6. You've won 24 games and your opponent has won 18. Who get's the trophy?
Wow! "Duh huh oh now I get it" says almost every libtard on here.
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I love how the media is trying to push that Trump has no doctrine...this is propaganda put out to look negative..because the reality, no president has ever had a doctrine by day 80
Trump has a doctrine, it's called "**** the MSM", they just don't want to admit it.
Why is it that alt right whack jobs seem to only exist on the internet? I know lots of rednecks and have lots of friends who voted for Trump, but none of them act like most of you clowns. Do you guys just never leave your houses?
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Why is it that alt right whack jobs seem to only exist on the internet? I know lots of rednecks and have lots of friends who voted for Trump, but none of them act like most of you clowns. Do you guys just never leave your houses?
Pot meet the big kettle. You idiots can't get any worse and you talk about us. So blind that you cannot see the glaring hypocrisy. If we were as bad as you say, you would think you would be happy if we never left our houses. Can you imagine the civil unrest if we acted like you libtards have been the last few years. We would have done kicked your asses out of every decent state and left you with those few we don't care about.
Pot meet the big kettle. You idiots can't get any worse and you talk about us. So blind that you cannot see the glaring hypocrisy. If we were as bad as you say, you would think you would be happy if we never left our houses. Can you imagine the civil unrest if we acted like you libtards have been the last few years. We would have done kicked your asses out of every decent state and left you with those few we don't care about.

Come and try, big boy.

Oh, you live in Mobilhoma. That explains a lot.

This kind of stuff is my favorite treat. There is nothing keeping you from going back to America's Hat.

Self-imposed limitations, homie.

I've got a career and a family here, plus I hate winter, so there's that. Plus, like I said earlier, I manage to avoid encountering any of the psychopaths who permeate this thread in my day to day interactions with other humans, so it's not all bad. You guys have a nice echo chamber going here though. Sorry to interrupt your white power party.
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I've got a career and a family here, plus I hate winter, so there's that. Plus, like I said earlier, I manage to avoid encountering any of the psychopaths who permeate this thread in my day to day interactions with other humans, so it's not all bad. You guys have a nice echo chamber going here though. Sorry to interrupt your white power party.
Ah, and there it is, the stereo typical race card comment because they do not have an intelligent response for the argument. This epitomizes the ignorance of the libtard. Bravo.
Exactly, leaves his own country because it probably sucked for him or they run him out and now he wants to tell us how to live.

It's actually because the education system in this country, and particularly Kentucky, is a travesty. It was easy to come here and get a great job because there isn't much competition in the intellectual department.
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