As obvious as having a DNC staffer murdered for leaking emails?
If Clinton was elected she c
The host of the WH Correspondents Dinner
Sounds like DJT made a good decision not to attend that shitfest.
As obvious as having a DNC staffer murdered for leaking emails?
If Clinton was elected she c
The host of the WH Correspondents Dinner
Nothing a Haitian heart can't fix. They will Weekend at Bernie's her ass to the bench until she is 113.
Linda Hunt. Liked her in Silveradoshe's 84. And certainly determined to out-serve Oliver Wendell Holmes (90). If she croaks before then the libs will put a pair of heels (and a nose-job) on that woman who played the school principal in Kindergarten Cop and nobody will know the damn difference.
Just when you get discouraged about "America First". Hildabeast reminds us all why we blocked the beef.
Hillary Clinton Models Katy Perry's 'Hillary Clinton' Shoe Design (Lucite Heel and All)
This is really going to disappoint those wanting, hoping for war.
Mattis - "There's a limit to what we can and are willing to do. We cannot enter into the most complex civil war raging on the planet. Syrian strike will not spiral out of control into war with Russia. Our military policy in Syria has not changed. Our priority remains the defeat of ISIS."
Yes Spicer made a gaff. Yes it's a pretty dumb one, but if he gets ousted over this after Trump got rid of Flynn when the autistic liberals started screeching then he will never get any peace. Ride it out with Spicer or replace him somewhere down the road, for now Trump has to stick it out if he knows what's good for him.
Yes Spicer made a gaff. Yes it's a pretty dumb one, but if he gets ousted over this after Trump got rid of Flynn when the autistic liberals started screeching then he will never get any peace. Ride it out with Spicer or replace him somewhere down the road, for now Trump has to stick it out if he knows what's good for him.
No, just the last episode.The last episode, yes. Leading up to that?
Also, your joke about autism is childish and disrespectful, but I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise from a redneck Trump apologist.
I'm not getting in the conserva-jerk, but the fact flat earth guy identifies as a righty makes my heart smile.
Also, your joke about autism is childish and disrespectful, but I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise from a redneck Trump apologist.
Also, your joke about autism is childish and disrespectful, but I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise from a redneck Trump apologist.
The irony is fvcking thick in here.
Care to unpack this? Autism is a physiological condition that is not chosen by those who suffer from it, whereas being a redneck Trump supporter is most definitely a choice. I don't see any irony in calling a guy out for making fun of autism when he's the one who made the choice to support a dbag.
Nonsense from her as usual. Women are not minorities...there are more women in this country than men...which also means there's also opportunity to be more women voters that decide elections.Hillary gave a speech I assume yesterday outlining more excuses to why she lost. basically in a nut shell she said when men become successful, gain wealth and position, they are looked up to and loved and respected. when women do the same thing, people feel the opposite, the woman is judged and looked at in a bad light for her drive and success. so blaming sexism once again as another reason to her defeat.
first of all, what exactly is her success story? swinging on ole Bill's dick and looking the other way when every other woman came around and did the same thing so she could keep is name sake? this woman is beyond delusional. every day, no matter what the Donald does or doesn't do, we are in a better place because this nutcase didn't win.
Nonsense from her as usual. Women are not minorities...there are more women in this country than men...which also means there's also opportunity to be more women voters that decide elections.
That's because I see the truth in all situations. It's a blessing and a curse.
By chance, would your name happen to be Zach and do you hail from Paducah? I used to be in a facebook group with a guy named Zach from Paducah who was a flat-earther, conservative and wrote in a similar manner to you.
first of all, what exactly is her success story? swinging on ole Bill's dick and looking the other way when every other woman came around and did the same thing so she could keep is name sake? this woman is beyond delusional.
Not really. Although, one day, you just might be able to figure it out on your own.Care to unpack this?
Surely you did not type this with a straight face after eight years of the worst president in our life time. If so, you suck at this.Anyone he puts in that spot is gonna be another disaster because the administration is indefensible. Might as well stick with Spicer, it won't get any better or worse with a new Press Secretary, unless Trump does a 180 and stops acting like a douche all the time.