The IRS took millions from innocent people because of how they managed their bank accounts, Inspector General finds.
While structuring is technically a crime, it's something of a secondary one. The reporting requirements were enacted in order to detect serious criminal activity, such as drug dealing and terrorism. They "were not put in place just so that the Government could enforce the reporting requirements," as the Inspector General's report puts it.
But according to the report, that's exactly what happened at the IRS in recent years.
The IRS pursued hundreds of cases from 2012 to 2015 on suspicion of structuring, but with no indication that it was related to any criminal activity. Simply depositing cash in sums of less than $10,000 was all that it took to arouse agents' suspicion, and the eventual seizure and forfeiture of millions of dollars in cash from people not otherwise suspected of criminal activity.....
Thanks, Obama!