Fanstake just launched a 10x boost campaign for kentucky fans regarding NATE AMENT

Yeah, thanks but no thanks...I'm actually starting to hope he goes somewhere else...

It is not his fault, he's just playing the game created by the system in which he emerged.

But it's a damn circus and the Kentucky program has too much history, pride and dignity to be hijacked by some 18-year-old who may be Skal in a year, and at best will be a promising freshman who shows flashes of brilliance while making the inevitable mistakes, hitting the inevitable wall, vanishing inevitably in a critical tournament game, like even some really good freshmen like Reed Sheppard, Devin Booker, Jamal Murray and many others have, then heading out to the NBA before coming close to his potential.

Use the scholarship for some 22-year-old who outweighs him by 50 pounds, has played 70-plus games against college competition and is starving to prove he really belongs at an elite program -- rather than that the program has to mortgage itself for his services for five months.

I saw those seniors last night who Pope cobbled together in a few weeks thank BBN for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to prove something to themselves and the basketball world. And it felt sincere. Highly touted freshmen aren't mature enough to feel that, haven't faced the struggles and setbacks that generate authentic gratitude when you finally get your chance. It felt good as a fan to hear that and know it was real.
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If Pope wants him, I'll take him. However, he really seems like a Cal type guy that is frustrating to watch in his one year of college. I can't believe "blocked by the rim" Justin Edwards is playing so much for the Sixers, as bad as he was here. If we don't get Ament:

"We here at the University of Kentucky will not cancel our schedule." - Adolph Rupp
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I want Ament at UK, but he is going to struggle against grown men next season! Anything over $150,000 is throwing money down the drain compared to his potential production value as an underweight freshman.
The thought of giving some dude money before his HS prom is laughable to me . Or promising it to him .i mean , why work ? if institutions just throw tens / hundreds of thousands at you … just ride and collect .
Nature of the beast and it's not going away and we as fans have to adapt and support or we will be bi@#*ing about not having enough athleticism on our team every year and end up like Indiana . We need a good mix but we still have to get a couple of freak athletes to play for us every year . PONY UP 👍
Louisville in the lead at $83,000 you mean to tell me that they have that many fans that can give that kind of money? I guess so it was just the first of the month a few days ago.....
83000 is chump change when talking about an entire fan base
That was my whole point what is there like 10 of them? Are they using Katrina money? I just can't stand that team or fanbase to be honest but heck I can say that about a quite a few teams. Heck if it was aloud I would love to give that portion of the state to Indiana and I wouldn't lose any sleep over it (sorry for all the Cats fans that have to live in that city).
I have no issue with this kid getting paid, but I don't trust this group. It just seems weird to me. Feels like an unnecessary middle man.
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Nature of the beast and it's not going away and we as fans have to adapt and support or we will be bi@#*ing about not having enough athleticism on our team every year and end up like Indiana . We need a good mix but we still have to get a couple of freak athletes to play for us every year . PONY UP 👍

Absolutely not.
I wouldn’t give $1.00 if I knew it would make him come here. I honestly think we can portal and get a tougher, more experienced player. Why would I pay to make us not as good??? He’s a guy that wants to leave after 1 year anyway. It ain’t like he’s gonna grow and get better after a couple years or 3.
Also, if you look at the documentation Fanstake has provided and inteviews they've done, the money committed to a recruit is not granted to a recruit. There is no guarantee they get that money.

It's that Fanstake is saying with the commitment of X money, they aim to secure that amount in endorsements for the recruit. The money committed basically becomes a metric to conclude market value in endorseements, but that's also misleading because it assumes fan engagement in Fanstake is the arbiter of value. It's voodoo math. I don't like voodoo math.
I still think we need to build a roster as follows:

4-5 Returnees
3-4 Portal Studs
2-3 Recruits 15-40
1 top 5 guy

Ament fits the top 5 category and we already have the 3 other recruits to fit the 15-40 category.
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Rumored that a Duke alum “Staked” 20k on this site for this kid… kid just locked in an official visit to Arkansas for this Saturday, not looking great.
I wouldn’t give $1.00 if I knew it would make him come here. I honestly think we can portal and get a tougher, more experienced player. Why would I pay to make us not as good??? He’s a guy that wants to leave after 1 year anyway. It ain’t like he’s gonna grow and get better after a couple years or 3.
You gotta pay for them too
Nature of the beast and it's not going away and we as fans have to adapt and support or we will be bi@#*ing about not having enough athleticism on our team every year and end up like Indiana . We need a good mix but we still have to get a couple of freak athletes to play for us every year . PONY UP 👍
There will never be any pony for me. It can all go away before I’ll do that. My ultimate faith and joy are not in basketball games on Tuesday and Saturday night.
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