How will they rule ??!

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Welp. Looks like CISA going to pass. Data sharing bill. hahaa Some of the worst shit has been enacted during his reign.

Patriot Act (renewed with more gov't power)
Freedom Act

I hope Feinstein dies a horrible death.

But not the Republicans who voted for it? IOKIYAR?
Oh WKYcat- hahaha. There was evangelical shift that Republicans took with Reagan. It was plotted by an elite of young Republicans who called themselves "the Federalists". There was a Supreme Court book called The Nine that covered the Evangelical rise in power. It worked for awhile. Now that people are wising up and dropping religion (ask older church members about young kids not going to church) the church will lose its influence because guess what WKYcat- People are figuring out you can be moral without religion.

"A free society needs moral laws" buddy, that's contradictory. Who exactly gets to create those "moral laws"? A Christian church hellbent on making its power influence government, that's who.

Moral laws are necessary. I can't kill, steal, etc.
You will always have relevant social issues that reflect on, and affect society. I'm guessing that back in the day, abolition of slavery was considered a 'social issue'.
WaPo on the continued fallout of the FBI Director going off script and telling the truth about the affect of continuous racebaiting by certain leaders.

FBI Director James B. Comey, it seems, is in a spot of trouble with the boss -- or rather, his many bosses.
By most accounts, the problem stems from the content of a pair of Comey speeches. On Friday, he told an audience at the University of Chicago Law School that he suspects that, along with cheaper drugs and guns, increased public scrutiny faced by police officers has humbled or frightened law enforcement, emboldened criminals and fueled an increase in crime, the New York Times reported. This has come to be known as the "Ferguson effect."

Comey said officers have told him privately that they respond to calls only to find themselves surrounded by civilians with cellphones. The people are there to record their every move. These cellphone-equipped masses are hoping, in essence, to catch them violating someone's rights.
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Marco Rubio hates being a Senator and quit showing up for work, but still likes that $174K salary he collects for doing nothing. Is called out by local paper:

. . . .You are paid $174,000 per year to represent us, to fight for us, to solve our problems. Plus you take a $10,000 federal subsidy — declined by some in the Senate — to participate in one of the Obamacare health plans, though you are a big critic of Obamacare.. . . .Your job is to represent Floridians in the Senate. . . . . .Either do your job, Sen. Rubio, or resign it. You are ripping us off, senator.

I guess Marco thinks being President would be more fun.
Woman uses her car to mass murder 4 innocent people and suspected to be mentally ill, yet not heard one Liberal, or one news source start yelling about more restrictions on who gets to drive a car. Had she used a gun and it would be front page news. Can't be sure, but I doubt the dead care about how they died, whether by a car, a bomb , a knife or a gun. This is proof that it is NOT about saving lives, but about a political agenda.

Automobiles have a designed purpose to transport people from point A to point B. They are an essential tool that a large part of our economy is built upon and dependent upon. For the record we have greatly strengthened laws regarding the improper use of automobiles and we restrict driving privileges at a much higher rate than in the past. We require that you obtain an operators license which requires one demonstrate knowledge of the laws that govern automobile use and demonstrate the ability to operate the vehicle.

Firearms have a designed purpose to inflict damage on their target. Other than killing/injuring things, their only other purpose is entertainment...the "joy" of shooting. We do not require any training or even that someone demonstrates they know how to operate a firearm.
True story: Years ago I was living in an apartment when there was a knock on the door. It was my neighbor who lived above me. She holds out a 9mm Glock and a full clip and asks me if I would load her gun. She thought she heard/saw someone crawling through some bushes out behind the apartments. What was worse is that when she handed the gun over to me there was a round in the chamber and the safety was off. She had bought the gun because as a "young female living alone" she was told by someone that she should "get a gun" so she went down to the local pawn shop and bought the Glock. Actually learning how to use it never crossed her mind.
I'm personally more disturbed at the thought that police no longer want to do their jobs because they're afraid they'll be caught violating someone's rights.

But then again, I understand why the director of the FBI is frustrated considering his boss has made it his goal to shit all over the Constitution and individual rights. Do as I say and not as I do and those kinds of things.

And it doesn't help that his boss also immediately comes to the Defense of the piece of shit criminals who gets shot by a cops for valid reasons.
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Can someone ask Defense to reconcile his positions on Obama constantly campaigning and vacationing with his position on Rubio? TIA.
Can someone ask Defense to reconcile his positions on Obama constantly campaigning and vacationing with his position on Rubio? TIA.
You do realize that FactCheck has documented that Obama has actually taken fewer vacations than any Prez in the last 50 years except for I think it was Carter.
You do realize that FactCheck has documented that Obama has actually taken fewer vacations than any Prez in the last 50 years except for I think it was Carter.
Best comp would be Obama as a Senator (or State Senator for that matter) where he campaigned for President just like Rubio is doing. As State Senator he also had more missed votes than anybody.
You guys want to talk about where the left has moved...where the blue dogs are etc?

GOP used to represent more of the elite, and Dems more the working class. Completely flipped over the years. Now the GOP represent the working class and the Dems represent the elite, the illegal, and the poor. Odd.

The Republican Party has become a party of fund raisers bilking the easily frightened.

News flash: thats both parties. But its OK when the Dems do it? Amirite?

You know she carries a gun, right? Yet she don't want you or me to have one.

As with most on the left, they want everyone to do as they say, not as they do. Al Gore comes to mind, preaching energy conservation while flying private jets and living in a mansion.

Woman uses her car to mass murder 4 innocent people and suspected to be mentally ill, yet not heard one Liberal, or one news source start yelling about more restrictions on who gets to drive a car. Had she used a gun and it would be front page news. Can't be sure, but I doubt the dead care about how they died, whether by a car, a bomb , a knife or a gun. This is proof that it is NOT about saving lives, but about a political agenda.

Doesnt fit the Dem agenda, so they dont care. Dems see dead people as worthless unless they were killed by a gun.

I'm personally more disturbed at the thought that police no longer want to do their jobs because they're afraid they'll be caught violating someone's rights.

But then again, I understand why the director of the FBI is frustrated considering his boss has made it his goal to shit all over the Constitution and individual rights. Do as I say and not as I do and those kinds of things.

And it doesn't help that his boss also immediately comes to the Defense of the piece of shit criminals who gets shot by a cops for valid reasons.

I definitely agree with the first statement. But I also think its extremely troubling the president and the justice department have intentionally created a war on police; making everyone less safe.

FL GOP goes to Hillary event and asks for her accomplishments, got just what you would expect.

Note: correct answer was....has a vagina

Both hilarious and scary. Basically "because all the cool kids do it". Lemmings like this are how we got Obama twice, and are about to get Hillary.
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You do realize that FactCheck has documented that Obama has actually taken fewer vacations than any Prez in the last 50 years except for I think it was Carter.

No. And if that is true I don't really care (and don't care enough to look up whether your claim is true or not). I've always been of the opinion the longer Obama is on vacation, the less damage he's doing to this country, so he should take the time off. But you completely missed the point (unsurprisingly). I'd was asking why Defense thinks Rubio can't campaign and work, but hasn't once criticized Obama for all his campaigning and vacations.

That being said, Obama's taken a shitload more vacations than I have during his presidency, that's for sure. And I'm haven't taken vacations because I'm building a career. I'm not one of the unlucky people living in Obama's economy that can't afford to take a vacation while he flies his wife and daughter and friends all over the world for millions and millions of taxpayer dollars. If I was I'd probably be pretty pissed.
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GOP used to represent more of the elite, and Dems more the working class. Completely flipped over the years. Now the GOP represent the working class and the Dems represent the elite, the illegal, and the poor. Odd.

Represent the working class? Really? Repeal the ACA is a big working class issue? Tax cuts for the rich is a big working class issue? Hamstring the EPA is a working class issue? Eliminate Dodd-Frank is something the working class is high on?

Lots of the Tea Party are poor, but the Tea Party core issues aren't economic issues. And a lot of them don't appear to understand some of the basics. "Keep the Government Out of My Medicare" isn't the slogan of economic sophistication. And the Tea Party was originally an astroturf organization. Not a lot of Tea Party concern for budget deficits during the Bush years. The Tea Party got away from the GOP. They thought they could control them. Hence the current clown show. It's particularly telling that if you poll people about aspects of the ACA that they favor them. But when you call it Obamacare, whoa Nellie. That's not economics at work.

But the issue isn't a new one. As Jay Gould famously said, "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half". Would you say Gould represented the working class?

Here in Kentucky, it's illlustrated by the politics of the mountains. When miners were going underground a lot and the UMW was strong, the coal fields were a hotbed of left-wing politics. Now, they elect the likes of Hal Rogers. People are odd.
Woman uses her car to mass murder 4 innocent people and suspected to be mentally ill, yet not heard one Liberal, or one news source start yelling about more restrictions on who gets to drive a car. Had she used a gun and it would be front page news. Can't be sure, but I doubt the dead care about how they died, whether by a car, a bomb , a knife or a gun. This is proof that it is NOT about saving lives, but about a political agenda.
Because guns and cars arent the same thing, and only an idiot would compare them as such.
Represent the working class? Really? Repeal the ACA is a big working class issue? Tax cuts for the rich is a big working class issue? Hamstring the EPA is a working class issue? Eliminate Dodd-Frank is something the working class is high on?

Yes. Pretty clearly all are working class issues except "tax cuts for the rich" which is nothing more than a leftist rallying cry.
Yes. Pretty clearly all are working class issues except "tax cuts for the rich" which is nothing more than a leftist rallying cry.

I don't think you can really divide the party lines along economic status these days. It's more along the lines of geographic and demographic. The Pubs rule southern and western states with large white populations, while the Dems rule on the coasts, and larger metro areas of the midwest that are more highly populated by minorities.

You can find a fair number of, working, middle, upper and elite class people in both parties.
I don't think you can really divide the party lines along economic status these days. It's more along the lines of geographic and demographic. The Pubs rule southern and western states with large white populations, while the Dems rule on the coasts, and larger metro areas of the midwest that are more highly populated by minorities.

You can find a fair number of, working, middle, upper and elite class people in both parties.

I think thats a fair assessment.
Yes. Pretty clearly all are working class issues except "tax cuts for the rich" which is nothing more than a leftist rallying cry.

"Pretty clearly" is pretty funny. Taking away access to insurance and fettering them to jobs they have to stay in for the sake of insurance is what every working person dreams about. Foul air and water? It's what makes life worth living. Making sure that banks can do what they want without regard for the risks As Eric Idle said in the Piranha Brothers sketch, "Fair's fair."

And damn right taxes are a leftist rallying cry. Appalling income inequality isn't an accident. The tax code had to be re-written to let it happen.
Sleep study from UC San Diego:

"Generally, people are thought to spend 20 percent of their night in slow-wave sleep, and the study’s white participants hit this mark. Black participants, however, spent only about 15 percent of the night in slow-wave sleep."

White privilege!
I see that John Harwood, of CNBC and the New York Times, will moderate the debate tonight. As someone delusionally paranoid about anti-right media bias, I feel better. Just saw a list of a few recent articles by Harwood, and, well, I suspect for once we won't have the obvious cheerleading for the left we had to endure with Candy and Gwyn, etc. etc. Look at these:
  • On the Economy, Republicans Have a Data Problem
  • Tax Plans of G.O.P. Favor the Rich Despite Populist Talk
  • Timing Gives Sanders a Lift in His Quest
  • Republicans Vow to Erase Obama’s Record, but Such Promises Are Rarely Kept
  • Outsiders Stir Politics, but Often Fail to Win or Govern Well
  • Angry Bent of Party Let Trump Rise
  • Bernie Sanders: A Revolution With an Eye on the Hungry Children
  • Republicans are Evil, Should be Stoned; Independents Support Plan.
One of those, I confess, I made it up.....
This dude was explaining how you get money for having babies, and I still don't get it, but here's what I was told from a respectable person who had managed degenerates his whole life...

- you get 1200 dollars per month per kid
- say you have no job, and you can't drive your car bc it needs tires. Government will pay for your tires so you can go "search for a job"
- say you got pain. You can get your pain pills paid for.

Basically, if you need stuff,, as long as you got babies, they will give it to you. He said the babies are key. As long as you can say "I need ___ bc my babies are ____ and I can't ____" you're pretty much golden.

Is this true? Very far from truth? Or straight up BS?
But not the Republicans who voted for it? IOKIYAR?

[laughing] Considering that dems held all three branches for the first two years. Still holds majority of the senate. Which every bill that originates goes. But All Republican faults.

Whatever gets you sleep tonight TeachableMoe.

The only one Act that had no Republicans vote Yes to, was the Unaffordable Care Act. The healthcare reform bill that has given 8-9 million insurance in which they can't even afford the deductible.

Look you can try to blow smoke up my ass all you want, but your smoke isn't even gonna break my sphincter. But keep trying..
That only explains TTIP and CISA (which CISA was a Feinstein spearheaded policy which has been regurgitated under different names for 15 years).

and Obama actually supports TTIP and I bet he has no problems with CISA either. They will be rolled out with the swift pull of his pen.
That only explains TTIP and CISA (which CISA was a Feinstein spearheaded policy which has been regurgitated under different names for 15 years).

and Obama actually supports TTIP and I bet he has no problems with CISA either. They will be rolled out with the swift pull of his pen.

I don't like the CISA but with 74 yea votes that doesn't sound particularly partisan. With 54 votes Republicans could have bottled it in committee, filibustered it, or defeated it. 20 Dems voted for it. That leaves 54 Republican votes. Out of ...let's check that number ... 54.

The same is true of the TTIP. I have no idea what's all in it. Nobody did. The AFL-CIO opposed it. opposed it. Most liberal organizations opposed it. And it passed 60-38. (13 Democrat votes.) If you want to come over to the liberal side over these issues, I don't know anybody who'd stop you.
Go back through the thread. Pretty sure there a lot of posters on here who were against the secret trade agreement and still are.

Not surprisingly, Obama supports the piece of shit legislation. Reverse King Midas if there ever was one. Everything he touches is or goes to shit.
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I don't like the CISA but with 74 yea votes that doesn't sound particularly partisan. With 54 votes Republicans could have bottled it in committee, filibustered it, or defeated it. 20 Dems voted for it. That leaves 54 Republican votes. Out of ...let's check that number ... 54.

The same is true of the TTIP. I have no idea what's all in it. Nobody did. The AFL-CIO opposed it. opposed it. Most liberal organizations opposed it. And it passed 60-38. (13 Democrat votes.) If you want to come over to the liberal side over these issues, I don't know anybody who'd stop you.

5 Republicans voted no. So no. 54 weren't all Republicans and 4 didn't vote. So more than 20 dems voted yes. Which "liberal" president Obama will smile from ear to ear to sign when that final piece hits his desk. Hope he enjoys shitting on Americans. He's good at that.

Takes two parties make this mess. Sometimes one (ACA). Dems and Repubs can keeping voting these turds in with broken promises every 4 years, then go for it.
Teachable Moe- Looking at the vote count. 30 Dems votes Yes. If there's 44 Dem senators, then guess what? Almost 70% of the dems supported this garbage. No thanks to that side.
[laughing] Considering that dems held all three branches for the first two years. Still holds majority of the senate. Which every bill that originates goes. But All Republican faults.

Whatever gets you sleep tonight TeachableMoe.

The only one Act that had no Republicans vote Yes to, was the Unaffordable Care Act. The healthcare reform bill that has given 8-9 million insurance in which they can't even afford the deductible.

Look you can try to blow smoke up my ass all you want, but your smoke isn't even gonna break my sphincter. But keep trying..
Willy, go check the votes for all of those bills and who voted for and against. For the most part they received about 50% of the Dem votes and 95% of the GOP votes.

As for the ACA...I can promise you that providers would rather only be out someone's deductible than out $10,000...$100,000+ because someone has a heart attack or is injured in a car accident and gets transported to the ER. The gov't doesn't set the deductibles...the insurance companies do.
Question...if you cannot afford your would you afford your healthcare if you had no insurance?
Willy, go check the votes for all of those bills and who voted for and against. For the most part they received about 50% of the Dem votes and 95% of the GOP votes.

As for the ACA...I can promise you that providers would rather only be out someone's deductible than out $10,000...$100,000+ because someone has a heart attack or is injured in a car accident and gets transported to the ER. The gov't doesn't set the deductibles...the insurance companies do.
Question...if you cannot afford your would you afford your healthcare if you had no insurance?

No, you're right. They don't set deductibles, but they enforce that you be in position in a high deductible or you get fined. Which a lot of people are doing. Paying the fine. But I'm sure that fine amount will increase over time.

It's almost 70% Fuzz, not 50%. and it's not 95% for repubs, it's almost 80%. Go count'em it's on online. And yet that almost 70% and 80% "help" which Obama, a Liberal president, is most happy to sign.
I see that John Harwood, of CNBC and the New York Times, will moderate the debate tonight. As someone delusionally paranoid about anti-right media bias, I feel better. Just saw a list of a few recent articles by Harwood, and, well, I suspect for once we won't have the obvious cheerleading for the left we had to endure with Candy and Gwyn, etc. etc. Look at these:
  • On the Economy, Republicans Have a Data Problem
  • Tax Plans of G.O.P. Favor the Rich Despite Populist Talk
  • Timing Gives Sanders a Lift in His Quest
  • Republicans Vow to Erase Obama’s Record, but Such Promises Are Rarely Kept
  • Outsiders Stir Politics, but Often Fail to Win or Govern Well
  • Angry Bent of Party Let Trump Rise
  • Bernie Sanders: A Revolution With an Eye on the Hungry Children
  • Republicans are Evil, Should be Stoned; Independents Support Plan.
One of those, I confess, I made it up.....

No, you're right. They don't set deductibles, but they enforce that you be in position in a high deductible or you get fined. Which a lot of people are doing. Paying the fine. But I'm sure that fine amount will increase over time.

It's almost 70% Fuzz, not 50%. and it's not 95% for repubs, it's almost 80%. Go count'em it's on online. And yet that almost 70% and 80% "help" which Obama, a Liberal president, is most happy to sign.
To claim that those are "liberal" issues is pure folly. It is the liberals that oppose those things...certainly more so that the conservatives...but don't let that ruin your narrative.
I'm pretty damn sure that you can get an insurance company to write you a policy with whatever deductible you'd prefer. You're required to have insurance...your deductible is up to you and what you can afford.
But again I ask...if you cannot afford your deductible, how could you afford to pay the entire cost of your health care? I guess you liked the good ole days when you just defaulted on the whole amount and let the entire cost get cost shifted to those who did pay.