How will they rule ??!

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To claim that those are "liberal" issues is pure folly. It is the liberals that oppose those things...certainly more so that the conservatives...but don't let that ruin your narrative.
I'm pretty damn sure that you can get an insurance company to write you a policy with whatever deductible you'd prefer. You're required to have insurance...your deductible is up to you and what you can afford.
But again I ask...if you cannot afford your deductible, how could you afford to pay the entire cost of your health care? I guess you liked the good ole days when you just defaulted on the whole amount and let the entire cost get cost shifted to those who did pay.

and yet, Obama has happily supported all of it. Obama, a liberal president. Just needed to remind you of that.

and those people are still defaulting on medical bills. This bill has hurt more people than it has helped. There was an article awhile back that stated people can't afford it despite being covered.

and Fuzz, you are being misleading when you say "liberals oppose those thins". NO they effing don't that is complete bullshit. Absolute bullshit. As Teachable Moe corrected me, There has been 6 years of dem majority and the last two years with repub majority. Most those anti-freedom bills came early in Obama's reign. NDAA, which is the most heinous act against American freedom was done with a democrat congress, senate, and executive
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No, you're right. They don't set deductibles, but they enforce that you be in position in a high deductible or you get fined. Which a lot of people are doing. Paying the fine. But I'm sure that fine amount will increase over time.

It's almost 70% Fuzz, not 50%. and it's not 95% for repubs, it's almost 80%. Go count'em it's on online. And yet that almost 70% and 80% "help" which Obama, a Liberal president, is most happy to sign.

As in, bi-partisan support. I'm not really sure what point you're making. To me it sounds like you've just gone over to the fund raisers side: NO AGREEMENT! To which I'll just add, "They aren't after your interests. They're after your money."
But again I ask...if you cannot afford your deductible, how could you afford to pay the entire cost of your health care? I guess you liked the good ole days when you just defaulted on the whole amount and let the entire cost get cost shifted to those who did pay.

My insurance premium increased by $150 per month because of ACA. My wife who is healthy had a policy with a high deductible paying around $70 per month. In Sept the year before ACA went into effect, her insurer asked her via letter if she wanted to keep her policy (that's what obama PROMISED would happen....a lie) she said yes......about a month later, she received a letter saying the policy she had was no longer available. I have no problem with everyone being long as I don't have to pay more to insure my family....and my tax burden does not increase...and some bureaucrat doesn't try to tell my what I can afford and how much of my income should be spent in health insurance.
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So when does our government start taking money from you if you don't have health insurance?

. There are basic common sense principles you can use in determining if someone is a genuinely good person imho. I guess some people can't decipher the difference between right and wrong. I think people find creative ways to justify what they know is wrong to be acceptable, so much so that they brainwash themselves. Then they use these techniques to convince others that there is nothing wrong about how they live think and believe.
There are precepts that are not debatable. There are absolute truths. I thank God that he has given me the ability to recognize what these are.
Because guns and cars arent the same thing, and only an idiot would compare them as such.

Care to explain to this idiot what the difference is if I kill someone with a gun, knife, poison or a car? Murder is murder. Your turn. However, I am going to be more adult than you and not call you a name.
Yeah. Hysterical. What was wrong with just waiting around the emergency room?
What I actually found funny was bigblueinsanity seemed to be saying you and Fuzz are the same person, much like someone yesterday suggested Deefense and myself are the same person posting in different accounts. Because, surely there can't be that many people out there who do not toe the conservative line.
Emergency room visits haven't gone down though. Even though that was a major selling point of ACA. Since implementation of the Bill ER visits have increased significantly.

Medicaid expansion seems to do that at first. Then, usage becomes more in line with other rates. As of August of this year the only data available from the CDS is from 2012 which is a couple of years before the ACA became fully implemented. The widely touted 50% figure is spitballing from surveys. California implemented Medicaid expansion early and after an initial surge usage declined to levels like other insured patients.
What I actually found funny was bigblueinsanity seemed to be saying you and Fuzz are the same person, much like someone yesterday suggested Deefense and myself are the same person posting in different accounts. Because, surely there can't be that many people out there who do not toe the conservative line.

Why don't you show us the post from yesterday where someone said that?
I'm watching the world series, will just wait on the debate breakdown from the liberalatarian and faux moderates.
In my super liberal class today, my professor cites a story by a comedian that claims studies show that people with self esteem issues should watch the GOP debate to feel better about themselves. He and another student then called the GOP candidates "dumbasses."

Not a single time have we had any discussion or negative thing said about the Dems or their debate. It is frustrating to see this daily bias.
Medicaid expansion seems to do that at first. Then, usage becomes more in line with other rates. As of August of this year the only data available from the CDS is from 2012 which is a couple of years before the ACA became fully implemented. The widely touted 50% figure is spitballing from surveys. California implemented Medicaid expansion early and after an initial surge usage declined to levels like other insured patients.

The rub is that you think people will start going to routine Doctor appts if they have that option therefore lowering ER visits.
That's what responsible people do, but responsible people weren't the ones abusing the ER before. Those people are still going to go to the ER when it's not an emergency.

What really happened with ACA is now the hospitals will get paid for those visits because the public is paying for it, but ER visits will continue to rise. Just as the DRs in the article stated.
What I actually found funny was bigblueinsanity seemed to be saying you and Fuzz are the same person, much like someone yesterday suggested Deefense and myself are the same person posting in different accounts. Because, surely there can't be that many people out there who do not toe the conservative line.

If I saw the right response, I believe he claimed the assertion was over the shared misspelling of a word. I was actually impressed that someone could remember such things. I regretted offering a bet over whether that [being an alt] was true or not about me. IIRC from my Catholic education, you're not supposed to bet over things you know. Future events, yes. But you shouldn't make a bet like "I bet you there's a goat in the closet" immediately after putting a goat in the closet. Whereas horse races and Bingo are ok. Particularly Bingo.

Alts are a weird phenomenon, but one of my favorite authors launched his career that way. The Irish author Brian O'Nolan carried on an elaborate controversy in the Irish Times using many pseudonyms. If one were clever like O'Nolan the practice could be funny, but mostly Internet alts are deadly dull. And here I'll toss conservatives a softball. Conservative humor has fallen on hard times. The next time someone asks you [you conservative, you] where are the conservative wits, pull the name Brian O'Nolan out of your bag. I had to put down one of his books the other night because I was laughing so hard it shook the bed**. He wrote novels under the name Flann O'Brien and a newspaper column under the name Myles na gCopaleen. The book the other night was The Poor Mouth. The scene was about killing a pig by shutting it into a house to die by its own stench. O'Nolan died in 1966 so it doesn't help their current problems, but he was definitely conservative and definitely funny. If you can read the first section of The Best of Myles without laughing, we're probably of different species.

**Myles and SJ Perelman are the only authors to make me literally laugh out loud. Back in my student days, a roommate of mine wouldn't let me read Perelman after it got late.
The rub is that you think people will start going to routine Doctor appts if they have that option therefore lowering ER visits.
That's what responsible people do, but responsible people weren't the ones abusing the ER before. Those people are still going to go to the ER when it's not an emergency.

What really happened with ACA is now the hospitals will get paid for those visits because the public is paying for it, but ER visits will continue to rise. Just as the DRs in the article stated.

Those people. Whoo boy.

As for the public now paying for it, who do you think paid for it before?

California is a big place and its experience is worth noting. ER visits went up at first and declined over time.
just made it to the 20min mark. Of the ones who have talked significantly so far, i'm ranking it:
1. Kasich
2. Trump
3. Fiorina
4. Carson

I swear I saw Jeb up on that stage somewhere, but maybe I'm mistaken.

EDIT: aaaaand at the 23:00 mark Rubio has rocketed up to the top. Coming in hot
With the amount of time you people spend on here, how is it not readily apparent when a usual poster disappears and a new one pops up immediate? 95% of the time it was a lefty moron, and the new poster is surprisingly also a lefty moron. Not often new posters come out of the blue and post non stop.

Also, how have you not picked up on Defenses spelling borders? If you spell it boarders multiple times, that not a typo, you're just a jackass. And really the only reason to read defense post is to point out how he's making an ass of himself again.

There's absolutely no way "teachable moe" is his first handle on this site. It's just a matter of what embarrassing posting history he's hiding from.
Pretty good debate. After Cruz hit the home run attacking the moderators, they all banded together, stopped the sniping, played to the crowd and went all in on the media bias. When you've got guys from the Washington Post complaining about abusive, loaded questions, you know something is going on.

Or, on the other hand, maybe people really need to know whether Rubio cashing out that $68,000 IRA early, incurring penalties and interest, reflects on his ability to handle the full US economy - while that measly missing $50 million from Hilary and the financial questions surrounding the Clinton Foundation were, of course, not really appropriate in the Dem debate.
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Glad the world got to see what a freaking joke the liberal moderators/media are. Total trash and it should becoming clear even to the biggest idiot.

Not a single Dem candidate is better than anyone in the GOP debate.
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Note to self in the future. Stay off Twitter during political debates to avoid getting angry at the absurd amount of liberal lunacy. At least here I only have to see like three ridiculous takes.
Yeah, somebody respond to Moe's inane ramblings and stats with no links!

Fuzzyq is in love.
just made it to the 20min mark. Of the ones who have talked significantly so far, i'm ranking it:
1. Kasich
2. Trump
3. Fiorina
4. Carson

I swear I saw Jeb up on that stage somewhere, but maybe I'm mistaken.

EDIT: aaaaand at the 23:00 mark Rubio has rocketed up to the top. Coming in hot
Trump is finally trending down. Bush is done. Worse roi than Rove's PAC in 2012. Look for the media narrative spotlight to hit Carson this week hard, the HRC campaign is most concerned about him right now.
In my super liberal class today, my professor cites a story by a comedian that claims studies show that people with self esteem issues should watch the GOP debate to feel better about themselves. He and another student then called the GOP candidates "dumbasses."

Not a single time have we had any discussion or negative thing said about the Dems or their debate. It is frustrating to see this daily bias.

Then speak up and quit being a bitch. You are 30 years old, grow a pair
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