No, you idiot. They don't earn wages. The wealthiest earn dividends and use attorneys to shelter their income. So your argument about taxing the wealthy is disingenuous.I'm aware that they quit paying after so much (120k)?
It's easier to be on the offense all the time. Mike, you are now president. Besides massive cuts, how are you helping the bottom 25% of americans?
The answer to your question is by getting government out of the way.
A rising tide lifts all boats. The best way to help people is to give them incentives to chase the American dream, not make them dependent on handouts:
Slash regulations, free up small businesses by eliminating corporate taxes, getting rid of the income tax so S corps can prosper and hire the bottom 25%. Get rid of the fed, which ties up too much capital in this country and controls too much. Pay off the national debt and stop wasting/defrauding the treasury. Stop taxing gasoline, oil, air, anything generated by government that adds to the cost of goods. No more death tax. Kick out all illegals, who drain the treasury and steal American jobs and productivity. Stop LEGAL immigration for at least 10 years to allow the country to take a breath. We can't absorb the ones coming in now. Make it illegal for anyone in Congress or in their immediate family to buy and sell stocks. Start selling off national park land. Drill ANWR and pipe Keystone. Drill the gulf. Drill everywhere. Make oil so cheap the Saudis go broke. Enact tariffs on the biggest countries trading with us. Wages will go up when that happens as a ton of mfg. will come back to the U.S. Pass a Constitutional Amendment placing a cap on federal regulations. You want a new one, you have to take off an old one.
That's just off the top of my head.