How will they rule ??!

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If it wasn’t obvious to you Joe would pardon Hunter, you need to ask yourself why you’re so stubbornly dumb when people continuously tell you you’re a gullible idiot.

Sharp as a tack. Joe won’t pardon Hunter. Trump is a Russian asset.

At some point, anyone with a functioning brain cell would wake up and realize everything they are consistently told by the DNC media is a lie.

No one should be upset Biden lied about pardoning Hunter. You should only be upset if you were stupid enough to actually believe it. Doubly so if you actually used Hunter’s conviction as some sort of evidence that Biden’s DOJ wasn’t corrupt to its core.

Once again, I, along with other who agreed with me, we’re right. And sambowieshin was embarrassingly incorrect.

Well, sambowieshit is a complete idiot, so there is that.

And truly just a loathsome human being.

I won't wish ill will upon anyone, but if he announced he had a scabies infestation under his skin, I would laugh and laugh.

If you dig into any political family, you're going to fine some sketchy behavior.
Let's not act like Trump is innocent in familial shenanigans

If republicans keep pushing this nonsense about the 2020 election, we should just quit having elections.

Or, we could require voter ID, and make it so BOTH sides can't complain when they lose. See, eg, 2000, 2016.

But for some reason, you liberals don't want that. Shocking.
How does one get a blanket pardon for a time period he wasn’t even charged for? So you can just murder someone we’ve yet to know about and then because your dad said “He’s protected from this time period on” you just get away with it? 😂

The Biden crime family will all rot in hell one day.

Imagine committing so many crimes, the pardon requires a large time frame to capture them all lol.

Bill Clinton and Joe Biden - the only two US Presidents in history to pardon a close family member for their felonies.

Joe Biden ~ "Character MATTERS!!"

I've never been more proud... 🙄🙄🙄

Adults are back in the Whitehouse. That was one of their winning taunts.
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I think there needs to be drastic prison reform, especially for nonviolent offenders. Legalizing marijuana and everything that goes with that. I believe that welfare programs are more robust under democrats, and finally I think that corporations are taxed and workers benefit more under democrats.

Another leftist idiot that doesn't realize corporations pass on the tax to the consumer, aka the working guy you reference doing better under democrats taxing corporations higher.

Show your work, like its a high school math problem. Explain it like an economics professor. I'm dying to hear your economic theories.
Another leftist idiot that doesn't realize corporations pass on the tax to the consumer, aka the working guy you reference doing better under democrats taxing corporations higher.

Show your work, like its a high school math problem. Explain it like an economics professor. I'm dying to hear your economic theories.
It would make prices go up and there are better and more punitive ways to go after corporations than taxes. I think making stock buybacks illegal again would be a good move. Instead, I would tax the high income individuals at a higher rate.
Additionally, I would love to see a way to tax loans on unrealized gains. Most of these billionaires are able to live as they do because they can get loans for the value of their stock without having to pay tax on those gains. Not until they sell at least.

Can I ask you something, Marley? Do you believe there is a massive wealth gap in this country? Do you believe that low income families should work 2 and 3 jobs to survive? Besides immigration, what are some of the biggest stressors to low income families, in your opinion?


It's a requirement to hate white people and anything traditionally American in order to be a writer for the DNC Press.
Why do they insist to change everything?

Santa is great, and the story when you were a kid was receiving things you wanted if weren’t on the naughty list?

Waking up early to half your shit missing isn’t nearly as fun.
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It would make prices go up and there are better and more punitive ways to go after corporations than taxes. I think making stock buybacks illegal again would be a good move. Instead, I would tax the high income individuals at a higher rate.
Additionally, I would love to see a way to tax loans on unrealized gains. Most of these billionaires are able to live as they do because they can get loans for the value of their stock without having to pay tax on those gains. Not until they sell at least.

Can I ask you something, Marley? Do you believe there is a massive wealth gap in this country? Do you believe that low income families should work 2 and 3 jobs to survive? Besides immigration, what are some of the biggest stressors to low income families, in your opinion?
The wealthiest in America don't pay income taxes.

How deep does your ignorance go?
I'm aware that they quit paying after so much (120k)?

It's easier to be on the offense all the time. Mike, you are now president. Besides massive cuts, how are you helping the bottom 25% of americans?
No, you idiot. They don't earn wages. The wealthiest earn dividends and use attorneys to shelter their income. So your argument about taxing the wealthy is disingenuous.

The answer to your question is by getting government out of the way.

A rising tide lifts all boats. The best way to help people is to give them incentives to chase the American dream, not make them dependent on handouts:

Slash regulations, free up small businesses by eliminating corporate taxes, getting rid of the income tax so S corps can prosper and hire the bottom 25%. Get rid of the fed, which ties up too much capital in this country and controls too much. Pay off the national debt and stop wasting/defrauding the treasury. Stop taxing gasoline, oil, air, anything generated by government that adds to the cost of goods. No more death tax. Kick out all illegals, who drain the treasury and steal American jobs and productivity. Stop LEGAL immigration for at least 10 years to allow the country to take a breath. We can't absorb the ones coming in now. Make it illegal for anyone in Congress or in their immediate family to buy and sell stocks. Start selling off national park land. Drill ANWR and pipe Keystone. Drill the gulf. Drill everywhere. Make oil so cheap the Saudis go broke. Enact tariffs on the biggest countries trading with us. Wages will go up when that happens as a ton of mfg. will come back to the U.S. Pass a Constitutional Amendment placing a cap on federal regulations. You want a new one, you have to take off an old one.

That's just off the top of my head.
Biden just handed Trump a live hand grenade by claiming Hunter's prosecution was political. Trump should announce that one of the first orders of business after he takes office will be to investigate that claim. He should point out that the DOJ should not be used for political purposes and that he will stop at nothing to find those responsible, for the sake of Hunter and his poor dad. And he should demand that Joe testify as to what he knows about it so that he can get to the bottom of it, for the sake of the country and the rule of law.
It would make prices go up and there are better and more punitive ways to go after corporations than taxes. I think making stock buybacks illegal again would be a good move. Instead, I would tax the high income individuals at a higher rate.
Additionally, I would love to see a way to tax loans on unrealized gains. Most of these billionaires are able to live as they do because they can get loans for the value of their stock without having to pay tax on those gains. Not until they sell at least.

Can I ask you something, Marley? Do you believe there is a massive wealth gap in this country? Do you believe that low income families should work 2 and 3 jobs to survive? Besides immigration, what are some of the biggest stressors to low income families, in your opinion?
Everyone should be taxed less. The govt should be more responsible with spending. It's that simple.

It's amazing ppl think corporations are always evil, but magically humans that work in govt are altrustic. A corporation is nothing more than a collection of people. Cut out all these govt we really need 4,000 ppl at the department of education, for instance. Whos actually accomplishing something there? Now do that for every agency. Then think about all the caring welfare type of things you could pay for.

It's the same thing, when you all talk about free college. You'll go on and on about evil corporations...but then say nothing when every major university in the country has an endowment of over a billion dollars, which is nothing more than a tax free hedge fund. We not doing the pay your fair share thing? Let me help you out...imagine a drug company marked up a drug % wise as much as schools mark up textbooks and how often they make you buy new'd be protesting in the street.
Everyone should be taxed less. The govt should be more responsible with spending. It's that simple.

It's amazing ppl think corporations are always evil, but magically humans that work in govt are altrustic. A corporation is nothing more than a collection of people. Cut out all these govt we really need 4,000 ppl at the department of education, for instance. Whos actually accomplishing something there? Now do that for every agency. Then think about all the caring welfare type of things you could pay for.
When corporations eff up, you get stuff like Enron or Sam Bankman Fried.

When governments eff up, you get stuff like Vietnam. Or Camp LeJeune. Or 9/11.

Governments are far more dangerous than corporations.
It would make prices go up and there are better and more punitive ways to go after corporations than taxes. I think making stock buybacks illegal again would be a good move. Instead, I would tax the high income individuals at a higher rate.
Additionally, I would love to see a way to tax loans on unrealized gains. Most of these billionaires are able to live as they do because they can get loans for the value of their stock without having to pay tax on those gains. Not until they sell at least.

Can I ask you something, Marley? Do you believe there is a massive wealth gap in this country? Do you believe that low income families should work 2 and 3 jobs to survive? Besides immigration, what are some of the biggest stressors to low income families, in your opinion?
Why would you pay a tax on unrealized gains?
Are you trying to tank the stock market?
Please stop.
It would make prices go up and there are better and more punitive ways to go after corporations than taxes. I think making stock buybacks illegal again would be a good move. Instead, I would tax the high income individuals at a higher rate.
Additionally, I would love to see a way to tax loans on unrealized gains. Most of these billionaires are able to live as they do because they can get loans for the value of their stock without having to pay tax on those gains. Not until they sell at least.

Can I ask you something, Marley? Do you believe there is a massive wealth gap in this country? Do you believe that low income families should work 2 and 3 jobs to survive? Besides immigration, what are some of the biggest stressors to low income families, in your opinion?
Tax the rich folks. It was always obvious, but generally it gets said out loud.
Tax the rich folks, a trope as old as time.
Here's the thing about these pardon...he didn't just say, "i can't let my only son go to jail" most ppl would absolutely understand that. Instead he attacked the judicial system, said it was politicized, etc. I've been reliably told by ppl like @sambowieshin that's a threat to democracy and infact fascism.

Also, have fun:

But anyway, the bidens are corrupt opportunist scum bags, they always have been.
Biden and Trump are trash. Most politicians are. Trump will pardon garbage too. Just wait.
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If it wasn’t obvious to you Joe would pardon Hunter, you need to ask yourself why you’re so stubbornly dumb when people continuously tell you you’re a gullible idiot.

Sharp as a tack. Joe won’t pardon Hunter. Trump is a Russian asset.

At some point, anyone with a functioning brain cell would wake up and realize everything they are consistently told by the DNC media is a lie.

No one should be upset Biden lied about pardoning Hunter. You should only be upset if you were stupid enough to actually believe it. Doubly so if you actually used Hunter’s conviction as some sort of evidence that Biden’s DOJ wasn’t corrupt to its core.

Once again, I, along with other who agreed with me, we’re right. And sambowieshin was embarrassingly incorrect.
Get back to me when Trump pardons his cop beaters.
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