How will they rule ??!

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Except Klinger was doing it to prove he was mentally ill.
Disagree. You can be for the US being great & not be lockstep with whatever Trump says & wants. To imply there's no room for disagreement with Trump & having TDS is a rejection of freedom.

It is not what was implied. It is just simply expressing basic insight into MAGA. 100% MAGA does not mean you agree totally with everything he does, it simply means you agree with the concept and general idea of MAGA. Once again, it is just as simple as that. TDS keeps you and some others from getting on board simply because of a caustic kind of hate.
It's not really possible. SS was doomed to fail unless our population grew exponentially.
What's not possible? Keeping the current payments and starting a new system? If so, I can agree to a point unless you can divert some of the money we currently spend on pork, the Ukraine laundering scheme, green new deal, and a myriad of other programs we could either dissolve or lesson the cost of.
The accounting systems used in DoD today (BQ & CRIS being 2 of the biguns) were not designed to do what you're asking it to do. And they were definitely not designed to comply with gaap. In that sense, you're right and the expenditures will never balance to a purchase. Esp when you consider all that goes into a program office and testing, facilities and what not. When you try to amortize all of those other costs to eventually buy a hammer, that is literally how you end up with a 100 dollar hammer. (and it is probably nuke certified lol)

I am NOT saying there isn't problems with how DoD spends money ... I love Newt's line at the F-22 rollout outside of ATL ..."let's turn the Pentagon into a triangle".

There is where the problem lies IMO. When Executive staffs are manned at 100% and Command staffs are manned at 90% and actual execution staffs manned at 60%, AND the only way the "Executive staff" member gets ahead is by creating a new policy ... you end up with a bunch of dumbass policies and no one to ever execute it fully (sometimes a good thing!) nor adequate time to train or understand. They can tell you where $$ went in terms of contractor, test event, sub-contractors, manpower, TDY, but not in terms of one asset.

I can agree with you to this end. The fraud comes from knowing what you put in is not what comes out. Key word, "knowing". I have been thankful to not have been near the end product(s), maybe I should have been nearer the end products as I know in my heart what I'd do. The issue that will get the scum in the end is that their SME's love talking and explaining what they were able to accomplish. That will be what costs them in the end...
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What's not possible? Keeping the current payments and starting a new system? If so, I can agree to a point unless you can divert some of the money we currently spend on pork, the Ukraine laundering scheme, green new deal, and a myriad of other programs we could either dissolve or lesson the cost of.

Yes Sir,

The thing with SS is, it has never been a lock box. SS has been robbed, pilfered, and luted as desired. Never has been a "lockbox" like Al Gore himself stated and W used too in the same debate thinking it sounded smart. Instead of telling Gore that was as stupid remark. SS has never been a lock box.

Take away ALL the stolen wealth of this country and there is more than enough to take care of our citizens who earned the right of SS by paying into it.
What's not possible? Keeping the current payments and starting a new system? If so, I can agree to a point unless you can divert some of the money we currently spend on pork, the Ukraine laundering scheme, green new deal, and a myriad of other programs we could either dissolve or lesson the cost of.
The math doesn't seem feasible or fair. I only see two scenarios to even coming close to making this work for the next 50 years.

Scenario 1:
  • Boomers get their full SS benefits
  • Generations that come afterwards fund boomers, but their payout structure is significantly less
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
Scenario 2:
  • Immediately switch Boomers to means tested SS benefits (e.g., you only get full benefits if you need it and if you're worth millions you get nothing).
  • Generations that come afterwards are subject to same rules as boomers.
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
In either case, the younger generations aren't getting paid out like the older generations did (e.g., greatest generation).

in the second scenario, boomers would never go for it.

Boomers have significantly more wealth than those who are younger. Kind of effed up that the poor young are funding the rich old.
The math doesn't seem feasible or fair. I only see two scenarios to even coming close to making this work for the next 50 years.

Scenario 1:
  • Boomers get their full SS benefits
  • Generations that come afterwards fund boomers, but their payout structure is significantly less
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
Scenario 2:
  • Immediately switch Boomers to means tested SS benefits (e.g., you only get full benefits if you need it and if you're worth millions you get nothing).
  • Generations that come afterwards are subject to same rules as boomers.
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
In either case, the younger generations aren't getting paid out like the older generations.

in the second scenario, boomers would never go for it.

Boomers have significantly more wealth than those who are younger. Kind of effed up that the poor young are funding the rich old.

At first glance that is just weird... A heckuv a weird take...
Trey Gowdy was on the other day saying he thought Trump should pardon Hunter because Biden has already lost one son and for an old man to worry about Hunter in his senior years is just not right. My reply to Gowdy would be, f**k Biden AND Hunter, I have zero empathy for the criminal things they have done, and they never not once worried about the American people.
And, F Gowdy, too. They don’t deserve one ounce of empathy. Biden’s bs has directly led to countless other fathers losing sons/daughters. The Afghanistan withdrawal & the border debacle, alone, have led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths & destroyed families. He won’t even acknowledge the victims, either. Much less worry about those parents missing their children.

F him! He DESERVES to be burdened by that worry & I pray to God that it happens & it tortures him every waking second. Actually, I hope he’s also punished to the fullest extent of the law & that he isn’t even around to worry about that lost pos son. And, he’s only the start. This entire administration needs to be dealt with, accordingly. Everything they’ve done has been intentional. And, they should pay for that. Dearly.
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The math doesn't seem feasible or fair. I only see two scenarios to even coming close to making this work for the next 50 years.

Scenario 1:
  • Boomers get their full SS benefits
  • Generations that come afterwards fund boomers, but their payout structure is significantly less
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
Scenario 2:
  • Immediately switch Boomers to means tested SS benefits (e.g., you only get full benefits if you need it and if you're worth millions you get nothing).
  • Generations that come afterwards are subject to same rules as boomers.
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
In either case, the younger generations aren't getting paid out like the older generations did (e.g., greatest generation).

in the second scenario, boomers would never go for it.

Boomers have significantly more wealth than those who are younger. Kind of effed up that the poor young are funding the rich old.
The SS ponzi scheme math doesn't work out in the end. Esp when new benefits are added. There is an easier answer but i don't want to type it all into the phone. In (very) short, let ppl opt out. Their employer continues to pay the match and the employee keeps his 6.2%. That is a 6.2% raise right now. But do not come back 10 yrs from now expecting govt funded retirement.
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What's not possible? Keeping the current payments and starting a new system? If so, I can agree to a point unless you can divert some of the money we currently spend on pork, the Ukraine laundering scheme, green new deal, and a myriad of other programs we could either dissolve or lesson the cost of.
If we go back to 2019 spending levels, we can not only fund SS but also pay off the national debt eventually.
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The math doesn't seem feasible or fair. I only see two scenarios to even coming close to making this work for the next 50 years.

Scenario 1:
  • Boomers get their full SS benefits
  • Generations that come afterwards fund boomers, but their payout structure is significantly less
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
Scenario 2:
  • Immediately switch Boomers to means tested SS benefits (e.g., you only get full benefits if you need it and if you're worth millions you get nothing).
  • Generations that come afterwards are subject to same rules as boomers.
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
In either case, the younger generations aren't getting paid out like the older generations did (e.g., greatest generation).

in the second scenario, boomers would never go for it.

Boomers have significantly more wealth than those who are younger. Kind of effed up that the poor young are funding the rich old.
Again. You don't have to rip off people's money.

Just go back to 2019 spending levels and freeze it there for, say, 10 years. Maybe even five. SS is funded and the national debt gets a big dent in it.
Can you give me an example of how SS has been robbed, raped and pillaged? Be specific.

Yeah, Ye Ole SS payroll deductions are taken from employers and employees equally and put into the general fund via direct deposits from employers and withholding taxes on employees which are paid by the employer for the employee via payroll deductions. (Guess what comes out of that fund???) (Think where a grant of 5 million dollars comes from for a study for how moss grows on a rock but doesn't turn colors.) (Hint, that comes out of the general fund as well.) Do you even know what a business pays into SS, also what an employee pays into SS? Do you know the percentage?

Now go look up the GDP for "payroll" in this country. (That will give you an idea once you look up the proper percentage for SS taken away from the GDP. (What amount of money should be in the general fund now for SS IF it wasn't raped, robbed, and pillaged? (If you want me to take you down this rabbit hole I can but you'd need to make a good down payment on your bill owed to me. I do not work for free.

Gave you a slight taste of what you asked BY providing an example... Was VERY specific. Use your old calculator and figure somethings for yourself if you can afford yourself.... Not sure you can afford anymore lessons from me (This one was free.) but, who knows. I hope you are very well off....

Now........... IF SS truly had a "lock box" AND the money never was touched except for SS. There would be PLENTY of funds for the payee's who now are the recipients...

Please anyone, let me know if I wasn't specific enough... Thanks

Type me your follow-on questions... I will do this, just once...

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Here is an idea ... what about Byron Donald for Senate to replace Rubio.

And Ben Shapiro or Cahrlie Kirk for press secretary. They would never do it, but it would be interesting to watch!
Think I saw something the other day (maybe it was posted on here...can't remember) that Kirk is wanting to run for Governor in Arizona I believe it was.
The math doesn't seem feasible or fair. I only see two scenarios to even coming close to making this work for the next 50 years.

Scenario 1:
  • Boomers get their full SS benefits
  • Generations that come afterwards fund boomers, but their payout structure is significantly less
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
Scenario 2:
  • Immediately switch Boomers to means tested SS benefits (e.g., you only get full benefits if you need it and if you're worth millions you get nothing).
  • Generations that come afterwards are subject to same rules as boomers.
  • Eliminate ceiling for paying into SS
In either case, the younger generations aren't getting paid out like the older generations did (e.g., greatest generation).

in the second scenario, boomers would never go for it.

Boomers have significantly more wealth than those who are younger. Kind of effed up that the poor young are funding the rich old.
I don't see how boomers are considered rich though. Boomers may have more money simply by working more years and hopefully saving to that point which everyone can do. The younger ones will get that way when their time comes. However, I know more boomers who are just living on SS than not (yes anecdotal). Including those in my family except me (5 other siblings). Many of my friends too. The only saving grace for me is between Military retirement, Civil Service retirement, SS, and my 401K I am doing ok. Not rich, but comfortable.
The SS ponzi scheme mayh doesnt work out in the end. Esp when new benefits are added. There is an easier answer but i dont want to type it all into the phone. In (very) short, let ppl opt out. Their employer continues to pay the match and the employee keeps his 6.2%. That is a 6.2% raise right now. But do not come back 10 yrs from now expecting govt funded retirement.

I typed it for you... (Have an idea we be kin in an area of endeavor...)
The SS ponzi scheme mayh doesnt work out in the end. Esp when new benefits are added. There is an easier answer but i dont want to type it all into the phone. In (very) short, let ppl opt out. Their employer continues to pay the match and the employee keeps his 6.2%. That is a 6.2% raise right now. But do not come back 10 yrs from now expecting govt funded retirement.
Now that is the problem when you have young people entering the workforce. You give them 6.2% more money and they will not save it for the future. Problems is, we can say that they don't come back expecting government to help them later, but you and I both know the bleeding hearts club band will demand that we help these poor people out.
Now that is the problem when you have young people entering the workforce. You give them 6.2% more money and they will not save it for the future. Problems is, we can say that they don't come back expecting government to help them later, but you and I both know the bleeding hearts club band will demand that we help these poor people out.

Just create a "real" lock box... if it was done at inception, no issues...
So 50% of American seniors rely on SS to provide at least half of their income. Half of those people basically get all of their income from SS. So 25% of seniors have ZERO economic support outside of SS. What would you replace it with and how do you keep seniors from being on the street?
Phase it out gradually over many years essentially weaning the country to a point when people keep and invest the money they would otherwise have paid in SS taxes.

Is this a perfect solution? No. Will someone get screwed in the process? Probably. Will elected leaders ever have the wherewithal to actually carry out such a protracted process? Virtually impossible. But every Ponzi scheme must eventually fail one way or another.