They need to make it a rule that if you get on the fence you are immediately shot by Secret Service. Because what if one of these people have a bomb or something? Just shoot the motherf*****s and I bet this shit stops.
They need to make it a rule that if you get on the fence you are immediately shot by Secret Service. Because what if one of these people have a bomb or something? Just shoot the motherf*****s and I bet this shit stops.
EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Was Board Member Of Firms Linked To Russian Investors
Rep. Louie Gohmert, an outspoken House Republican from Texas, is calling for a congressional investigation of John Podesta’s role with Rusnano, a state-run company founded by Russian President Vladimir Putin, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.
Saw Congressman Brat say that it may not happen until late tonight. He also said Trump has sent some strong signals to the Freedom Caucus that regulations and mandates would be nixed from final bill, making them much more optimistic.Any word on timing on health care bill vote?
They need to make it a rule that if you get on the fence you are immediately shot by Secret Service. Because what if one of these people have a bomb or something? Just shoot the motherf*****s and I bet this shit stops.
You can't just kill them. That would make us as bad as them. I think what we need to do is open a line of communication. I think you would be surprised by how many things we have in common. I'm thinking the talks should feature a nice fondue. There's nothing like a good fondue to generate good feelings among friends. Call it a Freedom Fondue if you'd like.Europe needs to hire an undercover group of bad ass mercenaries. Any time someone is "well known", just contract the hit out and go execute them and anyone preaching fundamental Islam. A quick bullet to the head x8 How hard is that?
Sounds about right. Trump is a master negotiator. I'm sure hes working hard to make the bill better.Saw Congressman Brat say that it may not happen until late tonight. He also said Trump has sent some strong signals to the Freedom Caucus that regulations and mandates would be nixed from final bill, making them much more optimistic.
You drank a whole 2 liter of Mountain Dew before lunch again, didn't you?Welp, that guy has certainly lost his job now..
...if that were real, which it's not.
You don't have to make up dramatic e-shit to prove the point that Muslims hate western culture.
Politics is the worst.
Hillary been tried yet? Trump ended domestic spying yet? Keep me posted!
This why healthcare reform needed to be left out of the whole 'holding Trump's feet to the fire on the first 100 days' thing. You guys were screaming for repeal/replace RIGHT NOW b/c Trump said so, then we get what we get and aren't happy about that, either.Does "momentum towards #repealandreplace" mean towards actual repeal and replace, or towards passing Obamacare Lite with promises from the executive to act like Obama and just change the law as he sees fit?
Pretty sure the solution is to find those among the intelligence community responsible for the illegal unmasking of American names/leaking of classified information and prosecute them.So, what's the solution, and when's it happening?
This why healthcare reform needed to be left out of the whole 'holding Trump's feet to the fire on the first 100 days' thing. You guys were screaming for repeal/replace RIGHT NOW b/c Trump said so, then we get what we get and aren't happy about that, either.
He can't win. He's dodging bullets by the hour while knocking the majority of this shit out of the park and people are pissed he didn;t produce the perfect, foolproof, universally accepted healthcare plan from his ass as he took oath.
I say those that screamed the loudest for it to be repealed/replaced immediately are getting exactly what they wanted.
He's a puppy, he only knows how to follow Spike around wag his tail and do what the other snowflakes tell him to do.LOL. Jesus. Is this what they're teaching kids these days?
Perhaps if we just gave them Jane Fondue to do with as they please, they would be more open to talking. That would at least make me happier.You can't just kill them. That would make us as bad as them. I think what we need to do is open a line of communication. I think you would be surprised by how many things we have in common. I'm thinking the talks should feature a nice fondue. There's nothing like a good fondue to generate good feelings among friends. Call it a Freedom Fondue if you'd like.
This is the reason I have abandoned the GOP. They continue to lie and not do what it was they were voted in to do.If they didn't plan on actually repealing Obamacare, every single Republican federal legislative candidate top to bottom shouldn't have run on repealing Obamacare. Not sure how you come to the conclusion the people who wanted it repealed and replaced are getting what they wanted.
As I've repeatedly said in the past, doing anything for the sake of doing something is far worse than just doing nothing.
I don't even blame Trump. I blame Ryan and the establishment for steamrolling the process. They never intended on actually repealing Obamacare like they promised. That's abundantly clear.
I just don't know whether they're doing this because they want Republicans to get swept out of office because those at the top always remain at the top (Ryan, McConnell, McCain, etc.), and churning the lower seats perpetuates their power, or if they have large donors in their pockets telling them to do it so they can continue receiving payments and perpetuate their power.
If they didn't plan on actually repealing Obamacare, every single Republican federal legislative candidate top to bottom shouldn't have run on repealing Obamacare. Not sure how you come to the conclusion the people who wanted it repealed and replaced are getting what they wanted.
As I've repeatedly said in the past, doing anything for the sake of doing something is far worse than just doing nothing.
I don't even blame Trump. I blame Ryan and the establishment for steamrolling the process. They never intended on actually repealing Obamacare like they promised. That's abundantly clear.
I just don't know whether they're doing this because they want Republicans to get swept out of office because those at the top always remain at the top (Ryan, McConnell, McCain, etc.), and churning the lower seats perpetuates their power, or if they have large donors in their pockets telling them to do it so they can continue receiving payments and perpetuate their power.
Haha. Has @BigBlueRick made one post that hasn't been trounced on with facts. Man, our school system at its finest. Hel, make kids read the paddock and they would be better off.
Pinocchio Sanchez is a white guy. Bet you didn't know that."Mommy, what's a Dirty Pinocchio?"
Pretty sure the solution is to find those among the intelligence community responsible for the illegal unmasking of American names/leaking of classified information and prosecute them.
This isn't some political bone they're throwing to the public. Plenty of people have been prosecuted for similar crimes. The hard part is finding out who they are. These are lifelong bureaucrats buried deep into the government with plenty of cover. Not to mention, it also doesn't help that the FBI seems to not be cooperating with them in their investigation.
When is it happening? The investigation is ongoing as we speak, so I guess the answer is they're trying to make it happen asap.
That's what Nunes and Gowdy are working on. From the looks of it, they're doing a damn good job and are already rattling cages.
Intelligence officials are already turning on their own and blowing the whitsle, and we're only a couple weeks into the investigation. If this is something you expect to happen overnight, then it's probably best you just move on because that's a pipe dream.
Pinocchio Sanchez is a white guy. Bet you didn't know that.
The GOP should really postpone the healthcare bill and release a statement "Based on the successful propaganda put out by the DNC and their good friends in the media, we have decided to postpone our proactive efforts to fix a failing healthcare system. We will renew efforts when it totally collapses and the the left has no choice but to acknowledge their failure."
Historians rank him among the top 3 presidents. Look at the context of his presidency, buddy. 1/4 were unemployed, 1/10 were homeless, stock market practically shut down. The new deal, though controversial, got us out of the (conservative caused) GD, even though some will say it was WWII
That's true regarding trying to figure out who leaked the classified information to the media. With the signing of that EO it could be any number of people because that EO allowed them share from agency to agency, with no boundaries. It's perfectly clear what Obama was up to when signing that EO.The problem is that Obama's executive order 12333 in his final days dramatically increased the number of people that could be leaking info.
Thats the EO that allowed the entire intelligence community access to raw NSA info. He signed that EO to cover his ass.
Jesus people. The bill is going to suck. Nothing is going to get better, and now the Republicans are sliding in to own the failure.
Various private parties will get rich. The middle class will get screwed. D's will blame the R's for healthcare being a disaster and win some seats back. The circle of life goes on.
Don't fall for this shit.
Also, saw a headline that Congress is voting on allowing ISPs to sell internet search histories? Is that true? And Jesus Christ how is that flying under the radar?
People on here have their own distorted view of history to favor their political beliefs. FDR ruined America? What? Someone else said JFK wasn't actually liberal. He launched Peace Corps, which is the conservatives worst nightmare (welfare for other countries), modern Health Care, and space race.