How will they rule ??!

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False, BC was challenged to read up on HRC's "mainstream" and "reasonable" positions back on page 12 by FTS and he refused to do his homework. He took some more of you repugs to task as well to research her and to trust her stated positions. If you can't do that, that is on you.

Seriously, that whole page is hilarious, worth the time.....Libertarian!

Before the email scandal blew up I said was Hillary was likely to win based on the positions, and yes I invited Cosby to get an overview. I never once said I supported her as you have tried to claim repeatedly, just an opinion that her positions are more mainstream, and therefor give her a better chance to win.

It's an idea supported by The Wall Street Journal - that's not a liberal publication is it? I invite you to check it out. I really don't have a problem with most of the other conservatives on this board.

Before the email scandal blew up I said was Hillary was likely to win based on the positions, and yes I invited Cosby to get an overview. I never once said I supported her as you have tried to claim repeatedly, just an opinion that her positions are more mainstream, and therefor give her a better chance to win.

It's an idea supported by The Wall Street Journal - that's not a liberal publication is it? I invite you to check it out. I really don't have a problem with most of the other conservatives on this board.


Liberal independents, right?
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Oh spin away FTS...not like you have posted anything against her since page 12. You were all in, deny all you want....and likely still are. Don't know for sure since you only post about GOP candidates.

But how do you define her positions when she changes them daily? We are on Hillary 8.0.

But I love the selective use of public opinion of Dems....conveniently ignored on TPP, Iran, UCA, spending, late term abortion, etc. Great stuff.
FTS, I don't know what to say about that poll.

Not to get smirky with ya man, it's just that well, 3 of those issues are social. Abortion, gay marriage, and guns. 1 outta 2 ain't bad.
The rest are tied to fiscal matters directly or indirectly. So after 8 years of awful economic policy from the left (mind you dems had full control for a few years) and 20 Trillion in debt. An unbiased group of voters think Republican's fiscal issues are out of mainstream? haha And you don't sense the polling bias?
FTS, I don't know what to say about that poll.

Not to get smirky with ya man, it's just that well, 3 of those issues are social. Abortion, gay marriage, and guns. 1 outta 2 ain't bad.
The rest are tied to fiscal matters directly or indirectly. So after 8 years of awful economic policy from the left (mind you dems had full control for a few years) and 20 Trillion in debt. An unbiased group of voters think Republican's fiscal issues are out of mainstream? haha And you don't sense the polling bias?
Again, I don't know what methodology was used to get the results, but it's not like I quoted a Rolling Stone magazine poll. And anything the WSJ researches has to be more accurate than trusting members of this board to give unbiased opinions about what is a mainstream political position.
Again, I don't know what methodology was used to get the results, but it's not like I quoted a Rolling Stone magazine poll. And anything the WSJ researches has to be more accurate than trusting members of this board to give unbiased opinions about what is a mainstream political position.

That's my point. I don't think there is anything unbiased about that poll. No one who is truly up in the air can look back over what has happened over the course of the last 8 years and answer that poll the way they did.

If you look at the 3 biggest gaps, you'll notice that CC, abortion, and gay marriage are all trending liberal these days. Thus prolly, showing why it was such a landslide last election. Repubs, if they want the executive branch, have to drop the social issues. Let's just say the poll is unbiased. The biggest gaps are still wide enough that it would cost an election.
I'm old enough to remember that there used to be Republican moderates. The 1952 Republican platform would cause seizures among the current lot. This Halloween sneak up behind a Republican and whisper "Eisenhower ..." Even after I reached man's estate, I remember one of my favorite politicians was Kentucky Republican senator John Sherman Cooper. Thruston Morton -- of the same era and party -- was a bit much but not completely horrifying. (Show of hands: who here remembers either? I don't remember the 1952 Republican platform, BTW. I read it much later.) Nelson Rockefeller. Edward Brooke. Margaret Chase Smith. Moderate Republicans of my youth. I remember there was in some magazine an hysterical photograph of Edward Brooke dancing at a disco. Good times.

I was a small child during that era but we had a black and white TV and our family was always politically oriented. Ike was an outstanding president, historically underrated IMO. Other moderate Republican statesmen that we highly regarded were Howard Baker who later became Reagans' COS, Evertte Dirkson, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabbot Lodge to name some. Yea they were giants compared to the current group of wackos and empty suits.
Ronald Reagan didn't drop the social issues. A free society needs moral laws IMO.

Ronald Reagan traded guns to fund terrorists. So, I'm not awed by his vision of morality.

Besides, St. Ronnie couldn't get the nomination these days. He gets invoked a lot but his actual policies have been repudiated.
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Ronald Reagan didn't drop the social issues. A free society needs moral laws IMO.
Reagan was head of a Labor Union, Reagan raised taxes, Reagan signed into law a measure allowing abortions while Governor of California, Reagan supported immigration reform that granted amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens in 1986.

It's no big mystery why there were so many "Reagan Democrats".

And no one in today's GOP nomination race comes close to the positions once held by Reagan.
Ronald Reagan didn't drop the social issues. A free society needs moral laws IMO.

Oh WKYcat- hahaha. There was evangelical shift that Republicans took with Reagan. It was plotted by an elite of young Republicans who called themselves "the Federalists". There was a Supreme Court book called The Nine that covered the Evangelical rise in power. It worked for awhile. Now that people are wising up and dropping religion (ask older church members about young kids not going to church) the church will lose its influence because guess what WKYcat- People are figuring out you can be moral without religion.

"A free society needs moral laws" buddy, that's contradictory. Who exactly gets to create those "moral laws"? A Christian church hellbent on making its power influence government, that's who.
His immigration number was actually 1.7m and the Dems went back on their end of the deal....sound familiar.

You guys want to talk about where the left has moved...where the blue dogs are etc?
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His immigration number was actually 1.7m and the Dems went back on their end of the deal....sound familiar.

You guys want to talk about where the left has moved...where the blue dogs are etc?

The left. What a quaint word. Who does it scare these days? (Besides yourself, I mean.) There hasn't been a real left wing politician in this country since Henry Wallace in the 30s and 40s. Bernie Sanders calls himself a socialist and means Nordic Welfare State socialism. "If this is torture, nail me to the wall."

There was a famous historian of Jewish issues. Amos Elon. He was called The Unofficial Historian of Israel. His most famous book, though, is about Jews in Germany called "The Pity of It All." Basically, it was the history of the rise of anti-Semitism from the days of Moses Mendelssohn to the rise of Nazism. He loved Israel and Zionism. Israel changed under him and he became so disillusioned he left and spent his last days in Italy. Even people you believe in lose their way.

The Republican Party has become a party of fund raisers bilking the easily frightened. Think for a second: can each new event really be the worst thing ever? Or maybe, just maybe, it's a fund raising pitch. Why are there so many Republican candidates running comic parodies of campaigns? Could it be that Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal really believe they can win? Or is it to position themselves at the media trough later? You can only play the No True Scotsman card so often. Maybe the Republican Party changed under you.
Ronald Reagan would be a bleeding heart liberal in today's GOP but for some reason they worship the guy like a God and then attack candidates who actually hold positions that he once had.

Then you've got guys like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump blasting big time donors while quietly taking their money. Trump thinks he was roughing it because he had to take a million dollar loan from his daddy.

They use the death of 4 American to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on a witch hunt to hurt Hillary's poll numbers. They've had control of Congress the past 2 years and can't do a thing other than another attempt to get rid of Obamacare without a legitimate replacement.

You've got the Head of the Committee on Science Space & Technology (Lamar Smith) wanting to gut peer reviews in determining what gets researched and basically turning our science and research into a political arm of the Republican party; I'm sure the hundreds of thousands of dollars he gets from oil companies has no affect on this. The same oil companies who knew decades ago that their products led to increased carbon emissions responsible for global warming. Republicans are literally a party who thinks we are still living in the 1800s.
Interesting the resident Libs are bringing up a POTUS that has been dead for years, and yet not one peep from them about Cankles and her lies and changing position as the wind blows.
If given a choice between Bernie and Cankles, I would vote for Bernie. You may not like his politics, but at least he will tell you what he believes in.
If given a choice between Bernie and Cankles, I would vote for Bernie. You may not like his politics, but at least he will tell you what he believes in.

HRC is a darling of Wall St. And she has vaguely liberal social positions. She won't default on the debt and she won't short circuit liberal trends in our private behaviors. If you want the economy to continue to grow and your private life to be your own concern, she's your guy. So to speak. She's this century's Chester Alan Arthur. No rocking the boat. A pure product of our latest Gilded Age. You want to bring down the temple, you vote for a Republican radical. Am I excited by HRC? No. But the Republican agenda seems savage in comparison.
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If given a choice between Bernie and Cankles, I would vote for Bernie. You may not like his politics, but at least he will tell you what he believes in.

Bernie Sanders lol I can't take some one serious whose name is "Bernie".
Interesting the resident Libs are bringing up a POTUS that has been dead for years, and yet not one peep from them about Cankles and her lies and changing position as the wind blows.
It was Wkycatfan who brought Reagan into the conversation, for the record.
Welp. Looks like CISA going to pass. Data sharing bill. hahaa Some of the worst shit has been enacted during his reign.

Patriot Act (renewed with more gov't power)
Freedom Act

I hope Feinstein dies a horrible death.
Woman uses her car to mass murder 4 innocent people and suspected to be mentally ill, yet not heard one Liberal, or one news source start yelling about more restrictions on who gets to drive a car. Had she used a gun and it would be front page news. Can't be sure, but I doubt the dead care about how they died, whether by a car, a bomb , a knife or a gun. This is proof that it is NOT about saving lives, but about a political agenda.