How will they rule ??!

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I'm saying the life he has led gives ZERO credence to him being a "wacko". If you have any other evidence you'd like to share with us, please do.

If you think because he compares "blank" to nazis or slavery makes him crazy, then you better line up every GD democrat that's ever ran for office and do the same.

The life that man has lived has been one of character and principle. Hard to find anyone who would say otherwise. Maybe you know more about the man than everyone else, many of which who are trying to tear him down. I'll wait for you to post more evidence of how wacko he is outside of a few political sound bites that you didn't agree with.
Tell him that one again.
Nice quote from Walter Russel Mead:

"People who think themselves too rational for religious belief end up believing in “astral forces”, ghosts and other phenomena. Sometimes these superstitions take the deadly form of political ideologies that fanatical believers take up with religious fervor—communist atheists murdered tens of millions of people in the 20th century in the irrational grip of an ugly ideology. They scoffed at the credulity of religious believers even as they worshipped the infallible insights of Stalin. Similarly, the Nazis presented their faith as an alternative to the “outgrown superstitions” of historic Christianity.

It’s something very much worth remembering: a world without faith in God wouldn’t be a more rational or more humane place."

He's a Dem by the way.....
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The "Carson is crazy" talk all circles back to Article of Faith Number 1 of the Left: If you are a conservative, there is something fundamentally wrong with you. Some character flaw. Just has to be the case. Normal = us. If you aren't with us, you, ipso facto, are not normal.

The first line of attack is typically, well, must be stupid. I have all these studies that show Repubs are less educated, have a more limited vocabulary, whatever. If that fails for some reason - as it must here, since Carson is obviously brilliant - you have to move on to some other character flaw. Belief in a higher power is, ipso facto, facial evidence of loose screws. So let's go with that.....

ipso facto, ya know....
Most people who are critical of him find it surprising that he holds whacko ideas AND is a surgeon. You don't expect the two together. It's like putting tooth paste on a burger.

As for his Nazism comparisons, they're whackball because they're comically wrong. Listen to him talking to Wolf Blitzer where he moaned about the country using the IRS to intimidate opponents. First that is pure invention. Checking out whether advocacy groups deserved their tax exempt status isn't coercion. It's common sense. Political contributions aren't charitable contributions. And then he moaned that PC was inhibiting people from speaking their minds. In what universe? People air their lunatic (and worse) ideas in this country every second of the day. Constantly. In every venue and modality imaginable. And his imaginary repression is equal to the Holocaust? He was given every opportunity by Blitzer to modify or even explain his imagery. Which he declined to do. So, no. Not soundbite.

Hello Z. This makes your,like, 100th name on this board?
I was going to do research on the number of times a democrat has compared something (typically another ACTUAL person) to nazis, but I decided against it as it would take up most of my day.

I'm not a fan of that comparison when used by anyone, but let's be real..... The deme/liberals have that shit cornered.

Keep providing political sound bites you don't agree with. I'll be waiting for real life proof of his wackiness. It's one thing to not agree with his policies or how he words political sound bites, but it's borderline racist to impugn his character because of it.

I do believe the Liberals had posters of Bush 43 with a mustache and made to look like Hitler. Yet they forget that.
Hello Z. This makes your,like, 100th name on this board?
hoo boy. Another county heard from. I'm not an alt. Anyone who'd like to bet that I am the terms are as described above. It will cost you $1 and you have to sing I'm a little tea pot. (And do the little kindergarten dance where you mime the tea pot,)
Is there a difference in your world between random people and a man who wants to be president?

Can't use the Nazi comparisons unless you include both sides, both sides are guilty of doing it. Unlike you, I call it as I see, regardless if it is a R or a D doing it.

Ask Obama or Cankles for yo' dolla. I am fresh out.
The dems have moved past the nazi comparison to a more updated version. The cool thing to do now is compare the GOP to terrorists.
Can't use the Nazi comparisons unless you include both sides, both sides are guilty of doing it. Unlike you, I call it as I see, regardless if it is a R or a D doing it.

Ask Obama or Cankles for yo' dolla. I am fresh out.

You can still sing "I'm a Little Teapot". We promise not to laugh.
Ben Carson is purely a values voter guy. He'll probably win Iowa (like Santorum and Huckabee did), which says more about the politics of Iowa than it does his viability as a national candidate. I know anti-establishment is in, but electing someone without executive experience - which is an Obama criticism as well - let alone any experience holding office or, say, running a large company is borderline idiotic. It's quite literally the hardest job in the world, and we still haven't evolved much past the "I'd like to have a beer with Bush" level of thinking.

We have a terrific federal system in which executive power is found at many levels of government, allowing (potentially) for diverse and experimental forms of governance. States often incubate innovation. We see over and over that the best presidents tend to be former governors. And here we have: 1) a real estate mogul and celebrity (Trump); 2) a retired neurosurgeon (Carson); 3) a former SoS and senator (Clinton); 4) a socialist senator (Sanders); 5) a former governor (Bush); 6) a sitting governor (Kasich); and 7) a sitting senator (Rubio) still realistically running. Why is Kasich still relegated to also ran status here? Bush I get - Bush fatigue, something from which Wilt Chamberlain surely suffered.

Great post. Politics aside sometimes you wonder if voters bother to consider the resume of the applicant for chief executive of arguably the worlds only super power.

To me when you look at the background, experience and likelihood of success Kasich stands above the crowd but so far isn't getting much traction.
^^ Dr. Carson is right!
Yet two posts earlier, you condem all democrats.

People like you are the problem. You preach divide rhetoric, then say we need to unite.

I don't think people have become more stupid, it's just the Internet single handedly makes us more aware and allows the stupid person to reconfirm their beliefs at the same time.
The great thing about figuring out candidates a year before the election is the time needed to convince yourself that the piece of shit you're gonna vote for is somehow a "great" candidate.

Rationalization kills all POTENTIAL insight, but meh, what the f*** do I know, right?

Damn do I hate human beings with every inch of my everhating body.
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The great thing about figuring out candidates a year before the election is the time needed to convince yourself that the piece of shit you're gonna vote for is somehow a "great" candidate.

Rationalization kills all POTENTIAL insight, but meh, what the f*** do I know, right?

Damn do I hate human beings with every inch of my everhating body.
What is worse is after they are elected they feel the need to justify their vote to the end. And in politics the only real accountability is that that comes from within your party.
"I don't get it" - Trump on Carson's rise in the polls, including one national one out today.

catdaddy on racebaiting has less self-awareness
What is worse is after they are elected they feel the need to justify their vote to the end. And in politics the only real accountability is that that comes from within your party.

Oh it definitely rings true about Obama voters. Justification based on no accomplishments. Well, I guess gay marriage is the only thing he accomplished. Kudos for him, he'll get that credit despite the trend that was already going that way anyway.
Yet two posts earlier, you condem all democrats.

People like you are the problem. You preach divide rhetoric, then say we need to unite.

I don't think people have become more stupid, it's just the Internet single handedly makes us more aware and allows the stupid person to reconfirm their beliefs at the same time.

As usual, you only read and comprehend what you want. I have said in more than one post that I would take a serious look at Jim Webb, but he dropped out. Also, I have never condemned ALL democrats, I only condemn their tactics and use of the race card too easily, or the gender card too easily. I give the Dems credit for ALL sticking together, unlike the Republicans, which has become the party of which can do or say the most stupid thing. Frankly, I despise ALL politicians, but I think Obama has made too many bad decisions that has hurt this country that another Democrat will only continue down that bad path, so IMO, it will take a Republican to turn it around, but I trust none of them to do what is best for the country.

All I see is what we have now, and willing to give the R's another chance.

So, do you think Obama has united this country, or is the divide greater now than it was 7 years ago? Are the poor doing better now, like he promised? Are the blacks in better shape than 7 years ago. Are more people working higher paying, full time jobs now? Are more people on some form of government assistance or less? Is the world a safer place now than 7 years ago? You tell me.
"I don't get it" - Trump on Carson's rise in the polls, including one national one out today.

catdaddy on racebaiting has less self-awareness

Last time around the Republicans had a Flavor of the Month leader. Driving the clown car isn't always a good idea.
So, do you think Obama has united this country, or is the divide greater now than it was 7 years ago? Are the poor doing better now, like he promised? Are the blacks in better shape than 7 years ago. Are more people working higher paying, full time jobs now? Are more people on some form of government assistance or less? Is the world a safer place now than 7 years ago? You tell me.

The "divide" gag is surely the most disingenuous complaint of all time. Everyone who seriously "blames" Obama get's a Vonnegut asterisk beside their name.

As for your other questions, yes, the poor are doing better. Obama's job creation record is greater than Reagan's. Thanks for asking.

Is the world a safer place under Obama? That's really not his purview. Recently he kept us from escalating our conflict with Russia and let that autocrat Putin royally fark himself. Republicans (as per usual) were all hot to trot at every sound of trouble and join in the shooting. As for the Middle East, you really can't be serious. Our MidEast adventures under W stirred up exactly the kinds of unrest predicted and warned about and you complain that Obama hasn't put W's mess back in order.
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Great post. Politics aside sometimes you wonder if voters bother to consider the resume of the applicant for chief executive of arguably the worlds only super power.

The poster who said this actually worked on Obama's campaign.

That mind numbing stupidity of 90% of this country is why I pretty much have given up on following politics.

If you'd consider voting for Hilary Clinton (which Defense and all the lefties on here will do when push comes to shove), I actually legitimately dislike you as a person. It's not politics. If you're so goddam stupid that you would drive to the voting booth on a Tuesday morning in November and ask that criminal to go represent you in Washington, you really are too goddam stupid to participate in society.
LOL at Obama's job creation record. What the hell does that even mean?

Can someone please draw a connection between some of Obama's policies and his "job creation record" whatever the hell that is?
Oh it definitely rings true about Obama voters. Justification based on no accomplishments. Well, I guess gay marriage is the only thing he accomplished. Kudos for him, he'll get that credit despite the trend that was already going that way anyway.

And despite the fact it was SCOTUS who made that change, not the president.

But like @Bill Cosby said - vast majority of the voters out there are way too stupid to understand things such as this. It wouldnt surprise me at all, if history books 10 years from now give Obama credit for it.
And despite the fact it was SCOTUS who made that change, not the president.

But like @Bill Cosby said - vast majority of the voters out there are way too stupid to understand things such as this. It wouldnt surprise me at all, if history books 10 years from now give Obama credit for it.

I agree, it was with SCOTUS. But Obama will get the credit.
We could make the bet more attractive. $100? $200? $1000? Are you really sure that I'm an alt or are you just looking for something to say?

The head cheerleader is also convinced the Defense and From-the-stands are the same person posting in two different accounts. So, he reasons that one person has craftily logged in an out of multiple accounts thousands and thousands of times over the last 12 years in a feeble attempt to fool him (as if?). A charade that had gone on for 12 years running until this gum shoe figured it out.
You are such a dipshit FTS. I said point-blank that I did not think you and deee were the same, others do though. Just pointed out you two dipshits mis-spell the same word, which is hilarious. You are actually dumber and more dishonest than deeee, he at least admits he is a democrat. And it is a very common thing here for the dumber trolls to use several usernames.

Several others were saying Moe was Z, I really don't care. His takes so far are that IRS was fake controversy and that BO has been good for the poor and jobs. Not too bright, probably not worth responding to.
The head cheerleader is also convinced the Defense and From-the-stands are the same person posting in two different accounts. So, he reasons that one person has craftily logged in an out of multiple accounts thousands and thousands of times over the last 12 years in a feeble attempt to fool him (as if?). A charade that had gone on for 12 years running until this gum shoe figured it out.

You must be talking about the same (ignored) genius that theorized I was an operative of the Obama campaign, dispatched here in an attempt to convince conservatives to vote for him. :D
No one theorized that about deeee. He admitted he was a campaign worker. Dozens merely called him on his bullshit when he claimed to be a moderate and and claimed to perhaps support a republican. The worst part of that post is the idea that he could effectively convince anyone of anything.
The poster who said this actually worked on Obama's campaign.

That mind numbing stupidity of 90% of this country is why I pretty much have given up on following politics.

If you'd consider voting for Hilary Clinton (which Defense and all the lefties on here will do when push comes to shove), I actually legitimately dislike you as a person. It's not politics. If you're so goddam stupid that you would drive to the voting booth on a Tuesday morning in November and ask that criminal to go represent you in Washington, you really are too goddam stupid to participate in society.

Post of the thread!!
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No one theorized that about deeee. He admitted he was a campaign worker. Dozens merely called him on his bullshit when he claimed to be a moderate and and claimed to perhaps support a republican. The worst part of that post is the idea that he could effectively convince anyone of anything.

I'm old enough to remember that there used to be Republican moderates. The 1952 Republican platform would cause seizures among the current lot. This Halloween sneak up behind a Republican and whisper "Eisenhower ..." Even after I reached man's estate, I remember one of my favorite politicians was Kentucky Republican senator John Sherman Cooper. Thruston Morton -- of the same era and party -- was a bit much but not completely horrifying. (Show of hands: who here remembers either? I don't remember the 1952 Republican platform, BTW. I read it much later.) Nelson Rockefeller. Edward Brooke. Margaret Chase Smith. Moderate Republicans of my youth. I remember there was in some magazine an hysterical photograph of Edward Brooke dancing at a disco. Good times.
You are such a dipshit FTS. I said point-blank that I did not think you and deee were the same, others do though. Just pointed out you two dipshits mis-spell the same word, which is hilarious. You are actually dumber and more dishonest than deeee, he at least admits he is a democrat. And it is a very common thing here for the dumber trolls to use several usernames.
And yet, you are the only one who keeps floating the idea - again, who are the "others"?

And also, do you really think your middle-school insults impress anyone?
Much more mainstream, and in my opinion - reasonable.

Post of the thread!!
False, BC was challenged to read up on HRC's "mainstream" and "reasonable" positions back on page 12 by FTS and he refused to do his homework. He took some more of you repugs to task as well to research her and to trust her stated positions. If you can't do that, that is on you.

Seriously, that whole page is hilarious, worth the time.....Libertarian!
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And yet, you are the only one who keeps floating the idea - again, who are the "others"?

And also, do you really think your middle-school insults impress anyone?
Don't care about impressing, just trolling trolls for the hell of it. FYI, you started at me, don't whine when you then get smacked around yet again. You never learn.

"keeps floating the idea" = one time pointing out you both referred to "boarders". Don't know how many times I have to say you are clearly dumber than deee thus not him.

Even one of the Dems said you were "worse than deeee"...want a copy of that?