How will they rule ??!

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Carson speaks softly, but thinks before he does it. I believe he has character, makes good decisions, and may have the least amount of ego of the candidates. He would need a really good cabinet. I will be voting for him in May.

If you watch him being interviewed you can actually see him take a second or two to think before he responds instead of just blurting out a canned talking point.
The Dems don't have a single candidate better than the top 5-6 the Reps could produce.
Watched an interview of John Dickerson @ Patrick Henry college on YouTube that took place in April this morning. At the very end of it John was asked what he believed in. The last two minutes of the 1 hour interview revealed to me that this guy believes exactly what I believe. I could not have said it any better. FACE THE NATION
So Biden didn't think he could win. Going to be interesting to find out why.

Because the Democratic establishment thinks that Cankles is their best hope to keep the POTUS. They may be right, after all, the stupid people in this country elected Obama twice.
FBI Director James Comey goes off script, good for him. Huge uptick in violent crime in major cities is an underreported story, well only in context of gun control, due to the divider in chief being culpable:

FBI director James Comey, in a speech to the University of Chicago Law School on Friday, gave voice to a controversial theory that scrutiny of police conduct and the threat of exposure through “viral videos” has generated a “chill wind blowing through American law enforcement over the last year.”

Comey’s description of “The YouTube Effect” as “the one explanation that does explain the calendar and the map and that makes the most sense to me” contrasts with the uncertainty ofhis remarks following a meeting with the nation’s law enforcement officials on October 7:

“We stare at the math, and stare at change in cities that seem to have nothing in common with one another. What’s the connection among Boston, Washington, Minneapolis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Houston, Dallas, other than being American cities?” he said. “Has policing changed in the YouTube era? I don’t like the term ‘post-Ferguson,’ because I actually believe the ‘YouTube era’ captures it better.

The question I keep asking my staff is, ‘Do these hypothesis fit the map and the calendar?’ ” he continued. “Cities with nothing in common are seeing in the same degree and in the same time – dramatic increases in violence, especially homicides — does heroin explain that? I struggle with that … is it guns? Well, what’s changed with guns in the last nine months? Is it the criminal justice system? Well, I keep asking my staff, what has changed that would explain that this is happening in the first nine months of this year and all over the country?”
So Biden didn't think he could win. Going to be interesting to find out why.
1.She has a vagina
2.He is not black and thusly not protected from the Clinton machine

Edit, HRC plays the vagina card in response to Sanders talking about the "shouting" about gun control:

“I haven’t been shouting, but sometimes when a woman speaks out, some people think it’s shouting"
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For someone considered so thoughtful, Carson has said some pretty strange things that would be turned against him in a general election, i.e. his most recent comparison of women seeking abortions to slave owners.

I read that his campaign people at first wanted to reign in those types of comments before they realized how much his poll numbers spiked each time he uttered one. Sort of the Trump effect, only with a softer voice. Probably just more a manifestation of the anti-establishment sentiment.
As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. Of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone.
For someone considered so thoughtful, Carson has said some pretty strange things that would be turned against him in a general election, i.e. his most recent comparison of women seeking abortions to slave owners.

I read that his campaign people at first wanted to reign in those types of comments before they realized how much his poll numbers spiked each time he uttered one. Sort of the Trump effect, only with a softer voice. Probably just more a manifestation of the anti-establishment sentiment.

It seems every time he talks about a controversial issue - abortion, guns, health care etc. he draw comparisons to slavery or Nazis. This guy is a real whacko bird IMO. He's selling in Iowa right now becasue evangelicals rule the Republican caucus voting block. This is the same bunch that went for Pat Roberts, Mike Huckabee & Rick Santorum.

Trump still owns every other state poll and national poll by huge margins.
As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. Of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone.

If this statement isn't bad enough on it's own, it was in response to Chuck's question about Trump saying he was "low energy". IOW this is his example of his "energy". Unbelievable.

This guy should be teaching classes on how to self-destruct.
Nothing says crazy wacko bird like coming from nothing to be one of the world's best neurosurgeons. Damn wacko, I tell ya.
Nothing says crazy wacko bird like coming from nothing to be one of the world's best neurosurgeons. Damn wacko, I tell ya.

Are you saying that there are no whack-ball surgeons? That if you're really good at cutting people open that you're good at everything else?
Ben isn't lying. Most of the racism and division comes from the shit stiring left. They always focus on social division and victimhood to brainwash total idiots into thinking they're the righteous saviors of them because they can't run on their record so they pit people against each other.

If there is a moral issue, you can bank on the left being on the wrong side all the effing time. Not saying Republicans are much better but the left is so crazy beyond belief.
God you are delusional. You bring up race AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY!! The right is full of racists and bigots. I mean it's a party full of white people, exhibit A. It's a party that shouts USA while a mexican american is being thrown out of a Trump rally. You have the biggest xenophobe winning the Republican nomination because he whips up the base with his race baiting tactics. In 2nd place you have another bigot who can get away with it because he's black(which ironically is exactly what Pugs say about Obama). They constantly blame their problems on blacks, Mexicans, the gays, and whoever else is the scapegoat of the day.
Are you saying that there are no whack-ball surgeons? That if you're really good at cutting people open that you're good at everything else?

I'm saying the life he has led gives ZERO credence to him being a "wacko". If you have any other evidence you'd like to share with us, please do.

If you think because he compares "blank" to nazis or slavery makes him crazy, then you better line up every GD democrat that's ever ran for office and do the same.

The life that man has lived has been one of character and principle. Hard to find anyone who would say otherwise. Maybe you know more about the man than everyone else, many of which who are trying to tear him down. I'll wait for you to post more evidence of how wacko he is outside of a few political sound bites that you didn't agree with.
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God you are delusional. You bring up race AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY!! The right is full of racists and bigots. I mean it's a party full of white people, exhibit A. It's a party that shouts USA while a mexican american is being thrown out of a Trump rally. You have the biggest xenophobe winning the Republican nomination because he whips up the base with his race baiting tactics. In 2nd place you have another bigot who can get away with it because he's black(which ironically is exactly what Pugs say about Obama). They constantly blame their problems on blacks, Mexicans, the gays, and whoever else is the scapegoat of the day.

No I bring up the hypocrisy and double standards about race to you idiots.

Republicans do not blame those groups for any plight. They blame lily white liberals hellbent on destroying this country with their idiotic ideology.
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God you are delusional. You bring up race AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY!! The right is full of racists and bigots. I mean it's a party full of white people, exhibit A. It's a party that shouts USA while a mexican american is being thrown out of a Trump rally. You have the biggest xenophobe winning the Republican nomination because he whips up the base with his race baiting tactics. In 2nd place you have another bigot who can get away with it because he's black(which ironically is exactly what Pugs say about Obama). They constantly blame their problems on blacks, Mexicans, the gays, and whoever else is the scapegoat of the day.

The democratic debate was very diverse...
I'm saying the life he has led gives ZERO credence to him being a "wacko". If you have any other evidence you'd like to share with us, please do.

If you think because he compares "blank" to nazis or slavery makes him crazy, then you better line up every GD democrat that's ever ran for office and do the same.

The life that man has lived has been one of character and principle. Hard to find anyone who would say otherwise. Maybe you know more about the man than everyone else, many of which who are trying to tear him down. I'll wait for you to post more evidence of how wacko he is outside of a few political sound bites that you didn't agree with.
Carson was violent as a youth. He freely admits to throwing rocks at cars and nearly stabbing another person when he at a camp retreat. No one really knows how much crazy is still inside the man.
Surely there is a former fellow student, teacher, colleague, girlfriend, janitor, or mistress out there willing to verify the crazy that is still left in the man. Surely.
I'm saying the life he has led gives ZERO credence to him being a "wacko". If you have any other evidence you'd like to share with us, please do.

If you think because he compares "blank" to nazis or slavery makes him crazy, then you better line up every GD democrat that's ever ran for office and do the same.

The life that man has lived has been one of character and principle. Hard to find anyone who would say otherwise. Maybe you know more about the man than everyone else, many of which who are trying to tear him down. I'll wait for you to post more evidence of how wacko he is outside of a few political sound bites that you didn't agree with.

Most people who are critical of him find it surprising that he holds whacko ideas AND is a surgeon. You don't expect the two together. It's like putting tooth paste on a burger.

As for his Nazism comparisons, they're whackball because they're comically wrong. Listen to him talking to Wolf Blitzer where he moaned about the country using the IRS to intimidate opponents. First that is pure invention. Checking out whether advocacy groups deserved their tax exempt status isn't coercion. It's common sense. Political contributions aren't charitable contributions. And then he moaned that PC was inhibiting people from speaking their minds. In what universe? People air their lunatic (and worse) ideas in this country every second of the day. Constantly. In every venue and modality imaginable. And his imaginary repression is equal to the Holocaust? He was given every opportunity by Blitzer to modify or even explain his imagery. Which he declined to do. So, no. Not soundbite.
Stakes are way too high.

Somehow the lefty dipshits that post in here never seem to get around to discussing Sanders or Hillary.

As for Carson, his wife is named Candy but looks like Madea. Wassupwithat?
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I was going to do research on the number of times a democrat has compared something (typically another ACTUAL person) to nazis, but I decided against it as it would take up most of my day.

I'm not a fan of that comparison when used by anyone, but let's be real..... The deme/liberals have that shit cornered.

Keep providing political sound bites you don't agree with. I'll be waiting for real life proof of his wackiness. It's one thing to not agree with his policies or how he words political sound bites, but it's borderline racist to impugn his character because of it.
Ben Carson is purely a values voter guy. He'll probably win Iowa (like Santorum and Huckabee did), which says more about the politics of Iowa than it does his viability as a national candidate. I know anti-establishment is in, but electing someone without executive experience - which is an Obama criticism as well - let alone any experience holding office or, say, running a large company is borderline idiotic. It's quite literally the hardest job in the world, and we still haven't evolved much past the "I'd like to have a beer with Bush" level of thinking.

We have a terrific federal system in which executive power is found at many levels of government, allowing (potentially) for diverse and experimental forms of governance. States often incubate innovation. We see over and over that the best presidents tend to be former governors. And here we have: 1) a real estate mogul and celebrity (Trump); 2) a retired neurosurgeon (Carson); 3) a former SoS and senator (Clinton); 4) a socialist senator (Sanders); 5) a former governor (Bush); 6) a sitting governor (Kasich); and 7) a sitting senator (Rubio) still realistically running. Why is Kasich still relegated to also ran status here? Bush I get - Bush fatigue, something from which Wilt Chamberlain surely suffered.
Ben Carson is purely a values voter guy. He'll probably win Iowa (like Santorum did).

Actually Santorum didn't win Iowa. Ron Paul did as it was discovered on a recount later in the Primaries.

By having Iowa fraudulently taken from him, it killed his momentum.
Actually Santorum didn't win Iowa. Ron Paul did as it was discovered on a recount later in the Primaries.

By having Iowa fraudulently taken from him, it killed his momentum.

Ah, did not know that. Still, sweater vest got a pretty decent chunk of Iowa votes.
God you are delusional. You bring up race AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY!! The right is full of racists and bigots. I mean it's a party full of white people, exhibit A. It's a party that shouts USA while a mexican american is being thrown out of a Trump rally. You have the biggest xenophobe winning the Republican nomination because he whips up the base with his race baiting tactics. In 2nd place you have another bigot who can get away with it because he's black(which ironically is exactly what Pugs say about Obama). They constantly blame their problems on blacks, Mexicans, the gays, and whoever else is the scapegoat of the day.
Hypocrisy^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Definition of.
The republican establishment
God you are delusional. You bring up race AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY!! The right is full of racists and bigots. I mean it's a party full of white people, exhibit A. It's a party that shouts USA while a mexican american is being thrown out of a Trump rally. You have the biggest xenophobe winning the Republican nomination because he whips up the base with his race baiting tactics. In 2nd place you have another bigot who can get away with it because he's black(which ironically is exactly what Pugs say about Obama). They constantly blame their problems on blacks, Mexicans, the gays, and whoever else is the scapegoat of the day.
Meanwhile leftist groups are out in street calling for the killing of cops....

See, this can go both ways. I label all Democrats cop hating thugs and you call me a bigot or racist for saying that. Point being each "side" has their fair share of all the bad traits of human society.