How will they rule ??!

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Dems want to go after them more than the gang members. An investigation would never have happened if the owners hadn't been vocal about the gang take over.

"Documents obtained by 9NEWS Investigates show the Colorado Attorney General's Office has issued subpoenas to CBZ Management over recent months. They're investigating potential violations of the state's safe-housing laws that regulate housing conditions."
It’s idiotic simply because you don’t like it. Requires a bit of self reflection. You want your neighborhood to look like a neighborhood in SF?

Started with Obama btw and is continuing with Obama behind the scenes. You know the guy who set out to “fundamentally change”’ the US.
You mean this guy?

Or this guy? Yeah....He really knowns how to unite Americans. 🤡
Dems want to go after them more than the gang members. An investigation would never have happened if the owners hadn't been vocal about the gang take over.

"Documents obtained by 9NEWS Investigates show the Colorado Attorney General's Office has issued subpoenas to CBZ Management over recent months. They're investigating potential violations of the state's safe-housing laws that regulate housing conditions."
Sounds like a lot more problems there than a few Venezuelans.
The poster you're siding with used Alex Jones talking points in a thread a few weeks ago to verbally shit on the father of a slain child from a school shooting. I mean, you probably don't care but I figured you'd like to know who is on your side on societal issues. Nole is a gd nut who got put in his place in that thread and then came here to his safe space to whine that he's all alone there.

Again, you probably don't care but that's the type of person you're agreeing with.
Dems want to go after them more than the gang members. An investigation would never have happened if the owners hadn't been vocal about the gang take over.

"Documents obtained by 9NEWS Investigates show the Colorado Attorney General's Office has issued subpoenas to CBZ Management over recent months. They're investigating potential violations of the state's safe-housing laws that regulate housing conditions."
Message is clear to property owners: would you rather deal with gangs, or gangs AND bureaucrats?
The poster you're siding with used Alex Jones talking points in a thread a few weeks ago to verbally shit on the father of a slain child from a school shooting. I mean, you probably don't care but I figured you'd like to know who is on your side on societal issues. Nole is a gd nut who got put in his place in that thread and then came here to his safe space to whine that he's all alone there.

Again, you probably don't care but that's the type of person you're agreeing with.
Alex Jones sucks. I just don't agree with flaunting that stuff around.
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The problem is that Biden (and I expect Harris to be the same or worse) would just use Executive Orders to enact law that Congress would not pass. Reducing the power of the Executive branch has to be accomplished. We're electing the head of one branch (out of three), not a king who rules by fiat. Biden has misused that power many times, most egregiously on border security. We also desperately need to rein in the agencies who are unelected government drones but write laws/regulations that Congress did NOT pass (see: EPA regs re: EVs and fossil fuels). That is not how our government is supposed to work.
# of Trump Executive Orders? 220
# of Biden Executive Orders? 142
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Alex Jones sucks. I just don't agree with flaunting that stuff around.
I'm sorry but LGBTQ folks exist and angry guys online aren't going to make them hide in their homes. This thread is all angry talk and no action. You're not a "freak" if you're comfortable with being yourself and your post came off like something a bully would say in a 1980s teen film. Regardless, you've got Nole's crazy ass on your side who thought it'd be smart to attack a father on a public message board whose child was shot to death in a school. That's who you're agreeing with on societal issues. If you're okay with that, that's wild to me but whatever lol.
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I'm sorry but LGBTQ folks exist and angry guys online aren't going to make them hide in their homes. This thread is all angry talk and no action. You're not a "freak" if you're comfortable with being yourself and your post came off like something a bully would say in a 1980s teen film. Regardless, you've got Nole's crazy ass on your side who thought it'd be smart to attack a father on a public message board whose child was shot to death in a school. That's who you're agreeing with on societal issues. If you're okay with that, that's wild to me but whatever lol.
My soul goes back before the 1980s. Look, if you struggle with sexual identity or whatever, that's fine. Hell, I know people who do--but let's not celebrate it like it's normal.
Same for Republicans in blue states. If states’ Electoral College votes were awarded proportionally instead of winner-take-all we’d all be represented.

WI has 10 EC votes. If someone wins it 60/40 why should they get all 10 votes? They should be split 6/4 to reflect the will of the people.

Funny how only the two biggest dipshits on this site agree with this thinking. 🤣
Every poor ass welfare red state in America outside of Florida and Texas suck off of the big blue teet fool.
You literally benefit daily from the economic engine and generosity of blue states like New York, Maryland, Illinois, Michigan and California.
Kentucky is one of the biggest recipients of federal dollars in the nation.
Good luck if those blue states told you to kiss their ass and their shipping ports, technology and trade are no longer available to you.
7 of the top 10 states most reliant on federal $$$ are red states. 🤣🤣🤣

California is the 5th largest economy in the world for the seventh consecutive year, with a nominal GDP of nearly $3.9 trillion in 2023 and a growth rate of 6.1%.

New York's GDP in 2023 was $1.79 trillion, making it the third-largest economy in the United States, behind California and Texas.

Then move there, and stfu about how awful where is. You're retired, right? Move the f out of ky. We won't miss you.

It's tiresome. All you do is bitch and whine like a toddler not getting your way.
I'm sorry but LGBTQ folks exist and angry guys online aren't going to make them hide in their homes. This thread is all angry talk and no action. You're not a "freak" if you're comfortable with being yourself and your post came off like something a bully would say in a 1980s teen film. Regardless, you've got Nole's crazy ass on your side who thought it'd be smart to attack a father on a public message board whose child was shot to death in a school. That's who you're agreeing with on societal issues. If you're okay with that, that's wild to me but whatever lol.
Nobody wants to eradicate LGBTQ ppl, or, force them to stay in hiding. Most ppl just want them to stop shoving it down everyone’s throats 24/7 & to leave the f**king kids alone. But, they can’t do that.

And, there’s no denying it. Why are Bert & Ernie gay? Or, SpongeBob? Or, any character from a show/movie aimed at TODDLERS?! Why is it so important for drag queens in lingerie to read stories to children? Same ppl who want to mutilate kids & remove them from parents who disapprove.

If they would just stop trying to glorify & push their lifestyles onto everyone else & their kids, they would get very little pushback, IMO. The vast majority don’t care who you sleep with or what you do behind closed doors. We just don’t want to hear about it, perpetually. But, again & most importantly, leave the kids ALONE.
I'm sorry but LGBTQ folks exist and angry guys online aren't going to make them hide in their homes. This thread is all angry talk and no action. You're not a "freak" if you're comfortable with being yourself and your post came off like something a bully would say in a 1980s teen film. Regardless, you've got Nole's crazy ass on your side who thought it'd be smart to attack a father on a public message board whose child was shot to death in a school. That's who you're agreeing with on societal issues. If you're okay with that, that's wild to me but whatever lol.
Oh enlightened one...please look up the definition of red herring.

As always this is a fantasy to change the conversation so you don't have to examine the actual substance and not come up with points.

Always easier to lay out an extreme assumption or claim as if its the true stance
The whole point is the Legislature determines how to implement it & they can be voted out if there program(s) are disliked. As is, state education is in a monopoly box primarily for the benefit of those that run the monopoly - School Boards & those that kowtow to them. Why people wouldn't want alternatives for their kids escapes me.

But I'm not worried, the deplorables will show them themselves by voting to keep the monopoly. It will be quite strange to see Trump win 60%+ of KY's vote in part because he wants government off our backs & his adherents support that, yet many will turn around and vote to keep the state on their childrens' backs. F-ed Up I tell ya.
Netcat, the question I responded to was about how it affects rural kids. The entire point of my post is there are no other options for rural kids. It’s homeschool or public school. There isn’t enough clientele or infrastructure for private schools in rural areas. Schools can’t fill teaching positions as is, much less at private schools where they pay less with less benefits. Like I said, if you’re in a metro or populated area, this is a good amendment even though the wording is vague. But if you’re in a rural part of the state, your kids won’t benefit from it and it will make the pot for funding smaller for their schools if the state goes. Each group should vote how they want but it’s not necessarily a partisan issue.

And don’t act like it’s getting the state off your back when you turn and say the legislature is going to decide the programs that are acceptable. They’re in control for statewide education standards and accountability already. The legislature could change standards or anything else they choose but they haven’t. The legislature IS the monopoly as far as standards go. And local voters and stakeholders ARE the monopoly as far as board members and school site based councils go. They actually elect them. Most people just don’t understand how they work and don’t want to be involved.
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I vacation in blue states as well. Love visiting California, Colorado and Washington State.
It's really just ridiculous that our dumbass politicians have divided Americans so much to even be having this idiotic discussion.
This is the mostly the product of 10 years of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.... but Dems haven't helped either.
It’s always Trumps fault. He calls out the media’s bias and division, but he’s to blame.
More TDS bs.
Dems want to go after them more than the gang members. An investigation would never have happened if the owners hadn't been vocal about the gang take over.

"Documents obtained by 9NEWS Investigates show the Colorado Attorney General's Office has issued subpoenas to CBZ Management over recent months. They're investigating potential violations of the state's safe-housing laws that regulate housing conditions."

Hey, you think they'll find any housing code violations in those places, after they finally get the gangs out?
Sounds like a lot more problems there than a few Venezuelans.

Hm, shoddy plumbing, maybe some leaks, maybe heat is spotty, a/c doesn't work, vs. literal Venezuelan gangs taking over and making me pay them rent or get f'd up or killed.

Clearly, give me the Venezuelan landlord's every time. I know they'll fix that place right up, Village Idiot.
Most ppl just want them to stop shoving it down everyone’s throats 24/7 & to leave the f**king kids alone. But, they can’t do that.
Most people don't believe the gays or the trans are being "shoved down their throats 24/7." Most people do not think about things like this 24/7. You sound unhinged. Why are you thinking about the LGBTQ community all the time?
The problem is Executive Orders don't enact law.

Reducing the power of the Executive Branch runs counter to Republican interests, Your Republican SCOTUS just put the President above the law and undid the American Revolution. So, if you're looking for a less powerful executive, you gotta move on.
3 scoffers. 0 rebutters.

Did they forget the presidential immunity decision?
Did they forget who welcomed it?
Do they believe the contradiction in wanting presidential immunity AND wanting a weaker executive.

As I've mentioned, not offering reasons makes me imagine you're a drooling ijut.
Rasmussen also has a history of coordinating with Trump's campaign team. Silver has mentioned that more than once. They typically lean right and are very Trump friendly. Does that automatically make them wrong? No, but just pointing that out.
So you are saying the accurae polles arer mo
I'll likely be happy Tues night. As far as sense of humor goes, I love The Big Lebowski, Curb, Norm, Gilbert...stuff like that. The memes here are rarely funny, the jokes aren't any better, and being called "stupid" or "idiot" by angry men in their 50s or 60s isn't really a laugh-riot either. Political humor usually isn't that funny. Just being honest.

Now what is funny is Larry on Curb not wanting to take meetings or be around people so he begins wearing a MAGA cap around Los Angeles. Everyone left him alone lol. That's creativity. Not a meme or calling someone stupid online.

And some people wish they could be left alone for wearing a MAGA hat.
Write an addition equation. It must have a 1 digit, a 2 digit, and a 3 digit addend and must use ALL of these numbers.

6 6 2 2 8 8 0 0 0

(this is a second grade problem)

Honor system, no cheating. (it took me longer than I'm comfortable admitting LOL)
Here’s one for you. What is the only number (other than 1) that the cube of each digit adds up to the number itself. Example: 24
2 cubed + 4 cubed = 72 not 24