How will they rule ??!

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Truth. The Muslims in my chemistry classes were known for stealing chemicals from the lab for their terrorist plots. One TA actually got kicked out for being racist because he tried to keep a Muslim out of the lab. He probably saved thousands and his reward was expulsion by liberal progressives obsessed with diversity and multiculturalism. It's a shame, really.

Truth. The Muslims in my chemistry classes were known for stealing chemicals from the lab for their terrorist plots. One TA actually got kicked out for being racist because he tried to keep a Muslim out of the lab. He probably saved thousands and his reward was expulsion by liberal progressives obsessed with diversity and multiculturalism. It's a shame, really.

So the committee was able to figure out what most already knew which was that the administration lied about the attack when they said it was due to a Youtube video. It was a terrorist attack and was a cover up purely for political gain because of the upcoming elections and Clinton's 2016 run.

600+ requests for more security and Clinton knew nothing about it? That many requests and she left it up to her security folks to handle?

I know Democrats will or have convinced themselves that Hilary does no wrong, but any sensible person has to review these facts and wonder how competent she is in general more less being the POTUS. Also, how can anyone look at her personal server situation and honestly believe she was not trying to hide her dealings from public records?

She is 100% guilty and should see prison time for the server situation. She has proven she is a lier or simply incompetent when it came to her time as SOS.
Funny, it was reported by ABC last night and again this morning. Also heard it reported on PBS last night. CNN has it on their "Top Stories" list.

If so then my prediction was wrong.

Benghazi hearings are a joke. The members are spending 90% of their time making partisan speeches and squabbling with each other instead of questioning the Chipmunk.

The optics being generated are that of the Chipmunk being the only adult in the room - something I'm sure the Pubs didn't set out to do.

I agree. In the midst of their grandstanding, they forgot to hone in the on the damning part of the scandal - that she ignored hundreds of requests for added security and that she knowingly lied to the US people when telling them it was because of a goofy video (which they imprisoned a man over).

Instead it turned into a discombobulated, disorganized marathon which did nothing but reinforce each partys views of Hillary, while probably invoking sympathy from many undecideds.

Plus it helps that the MSM continues to run the narrative of her "presidential" presence in the hearings.
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The similarities between of UL/Louisvillemedia/fanbase and Dems/political media/fanbase are tangible. Throw a little faux outrage with pulled punches and when the storm seems to be close to over jump back onboard. No flaw too large to overlook for the cause.
Meh. I listened/watched from noon until close. Didn't really see anything get established. Just a lot of political grandstanding by both sides on the panel. Felt like they knew they were on TV, so they were content with cutting promos that could be cut up into political adds for the 2016 election (which I think most, if not all, are up for reelection in that cycle).

In terms of information, really nothing new. More spin and narrative driven by each side of the committee than anything.
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So the committee was able to figure out what most already knew which was that the administration lied about the attack when they said it was due to a Youtube video. It was a terrorist attack and was a cover up purely for political gain because of the upcoming elections and Clinton's 2016 run.

600+ requests for more security and Clinton knew nothing about it? That many requests and she left it up to her security folks to handle?

I know Democrats will or have convinced themselves that Hilary does no wrong, but any sensible person has to review these facts and wonder how competent she is in general more less being the POTUS. Also, how can anyone look at her personal server situation and honestly believe she was not trying to hide her dealings from public records?

She is 100% guilty and should see prison time for the server situation. She has proven she is a lier or simply incompetent when it came to her time as SOS.

I watched about 3 hours of this and from what I could gather there were numerous request for additional security, they went to the security team in the State Department, some of those request were honored and additional assets were provided, some were not, there is reason to believe that some of this was mishandled at the department level, Clinton, for whatever reason did not personally receive the requests.

From all of this I agree with you that this is managerial deficiency on the part of her as Secretary. There should have been policies and procedures in place that would resulted in a better and more timely response.

Also I think the Republicans have overplayed their hand on this situation and I think that will be wind up being problematic for them. There was no evidence anyone acted improperly in response to the attack, in fact the emergency team arrived in 24 minutes (too late though).

I don't think most people really care about "was it the video or was it a planned attack" Truth be told it was planned but the video was just more gas on the already burning fire. The bigger issue is how we can improve our internal handling of similar situations in the future to minimize the risk to our foreign diplomats.
Meh. I listened/watched from noon until close. Didn't really see anything get established.

Well, there was one very important thing that got established. Of course, it will get lost in the endless posturing, yelling, and often intentionally obfuscatory coverage. What was the original controversy about Benghazi? Whether it was a terrorist attack. The Obama administration would go to any length to avoid using the word. If it was terrorist, then i) he's not keeping us safe, and ii) the word might upset all the good and decent Muslims. So, can't say it!! That was the centerpiece of the Obama/Romney debate moment with Candy Crowley, when she injected the statement that Obama was right on the point, only to days later admit she was wrong. Which is OK!! Damage done!! Correction next week on page A17!! Anyway, Hilary and everyone else said the attack resulted spontaneously out of a protest over some anti-Islamic video, on 9/11 no less. What a coincidence! 9/11. Dang, dumb luck there.

So we found out yesterday that on the day of the attack, as they were already spreading "these are good and honorable people!! they are only responding to this vicious video!! and where is the guy who made it, let's string him up right now!!" nonsense, she sent an email to Chelsea stating the obvious - it was a terrorist attack by an al-Qaeda like group.

Days later Susan Rice went on all the talk shows to blame the video. That was the whole argument - and yesterday it was resolved. She lied. Like she always does. About everything. I think she'd rather lie than tell the truth even if it doesn't matter.......
The whole "response to a video" and "terrorist attack" are not mutually exclusive concepts, so I think we need to be careful there. The issue is whether the terrorist attack was preplanned and coordinated, or whether it was a bubble over from protests over the video, and what the timeline on understanding that was. So I didn't read too much into her generally telling others that we lost an ambassador to a terrorist attack.

The narrative painted by some of the questioning was that Clinton knew it was preplanned and lied to the public about that. Clinton's testimony didn't establish that, it contradicted that - as we expected it would. Now, whether you're willing to take Clinton's testimony at face value, that's a different conversation.

She actually testified about the timeline of the intelligence she supposedly. In a nutshell, here's what she said:

9/13/15 - they got an intelligence assessment that stated that the intelligence community, as a whole, believed the attack to have originated as a spontaneous one fueled by the video

9/14/15 - this was the infamous media tour that everyone talks about.

9/18/15 - video of the attacks were acquired. After review of the videos, the intelligence community revised its assessment, stating that they now believed the attack to be a preplanned, coordinated event.

If Clinton's testimony turns out to be a lie - then we have established something. The committee should have documentation of all those assessments from one of, if not all, the past investigations, so if that's the case we will find out soon enough. And if that's the case, hello perjury and goodbye Hillary.

Otherwise, I still see this hearing as having resulted in a big nothing burger. But that's just my take away.
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We all knew she and the Obama admin lied about the video within a week to save face for re-election.

It's a damn shame that so many young people will vote for this piece of garbage and have no memory of what an evil piece of shit she has always been.
Good take, TheDonJiggy. There's nuance that's lost in the shouting on both sides; bumper sticker politics. For the reasons you stated (whether you're willing to take Clinton's testimony at face value), the hearing changed no one's mind. I'd be interested to see if the documentary evidence supports or disproves that timeline. What did the intelligence community think and when? Is that info already out? I don't know.

My initial take away (from what I remember) when this first became a thing was that 1) administration stated a plausible explanation that the intelligence community at least credited at the time, and 2) it repeated and/or failed to correct that narrative for political reasons - the 2012 election. #2 was the problem, and I don't recall who in the administration did what and when. #1 doesn't really concern me much. If there were multiple competing theories and they rode the most politically convenient one, I guess I'm just jaded enough to expect that. And I don't really care so long as the correct story is out once the facts are in. Would it be better to say "we don't know, still investigating?" Yeah.
Move along. Nothing to see here. The Obama administration cleared the Obama administration of any wrongdoing while targeting and discriminating against conservative groups.

Guess the case is closed.
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It's a damn shame that so many young people will vote for this piece of garbage and have no memory of what an evil piece of shit she has always been.

You say that as if there are any other choices that aren't equally evil pieces of shit.
I only hope that the candidate for which I will vote isn't yet a candidate because as it is I would have to hold my nose to vote for any of the current crowd.
" Days later Susan Rice went on all the talk shows to blame the video. That was the whole argument - and yesterday it was resolved. She lied. Like she always does. About everything. I think she'd rather lie than tell the truth even if it doesn't matter"

Proving one thing about this nation, We are screwed. There are at least about half of this country that will still vote for her and we have some who post here. Either too stupid to realize the danger in voting for her or they are just as deceitful and corrupt minded. If that is the case, any on here who votes for Hillary should never condemn UL or UNC for their corruption. It is called hypocrisy.
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You say that as if there are any other choices that aren't equally evil pieces of shit.
I only hope that the candidate for which I will vote isn't yet a candidate because as it is I would have to hold my nose to vote for any of the current crowd.

I think there are some choices that aren't "evil" and haven't done the type of craziness that Hillary has done. She's not the slightest bit fit for that position.
I think there are some choices that aren't "evil" and haven't done the type of craziness that Hillary has done. She's not the slightest bit fit for that position.

People would vote for Bin Laden if he was a Democrat. They do not care about the country, they only care about keeping a Democrat in power, to insure they keep getting "free" stuff
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I think there are some choices that aren't "evil" and haven't done the type of craziness that Hillary has done. She's not the slightest bit fit for that position.
Please name them. I don't like any of them. Hell, I would vote for Romney again over what's out there now if he jumped in at the last minute.
It would be amazing if we got rid of the two party system al together. It keeps stacking the deck and rigging the system.

We are way too effing radical and to the left. We have strayed so far away from what made our country and society so successful. We've become a joke to the world and our population is filled with just sacks of entitled/brainwashed garbage.

The fact that Obama can be in office for 8 years and we have Hillary supporters despite what she has done, shows how pathetic we are. And now the Republican Party is just filled with RINOs.

In an interview with conservative radio host Dennis Prager earlier this week and posted by BuzzFeed News on Friday, Carson claimed that most of the racism in the United States comes from the left.

At the Values Voter Summit in October 2013, Carson remarked that "Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery

While watching Obama’s sixth state of the union address with his business manager, Armstrong Williams, Williams remarked of Obama’s appearance, “He looks good. He looks clean. Shirt’s white. The tie. He looks elegant.” To which Carson replied “Like most psychopaths. That’s why they’re successful. That’s the way they look. They all look great.”

Yea, nothing partisan at all about ole Uncle Ben o_O
Carson is what is right in America. Came from nothing and WORKED harder than most people ever would to become a world renowned surgeon. If that does not impress you nothing will. My only issue with him is if he has the demeanor to deal with Washington. I am not convinced he has the ability to turn this economy around. Love him or hate him I do think that is one area Trump would do well at.

As a man I have zero questions about Carson's character or intelligence which cannot be said for 95% of the other pieces of garbage in Washington now.
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There you have it folks. Deeee showing his true colors. He is showing that racist nature that Carson was talking about from the left.
"Lois Lerner "Not Guilty" on Friday Afternoon..Was hoping new DOJ chief might bring some integrity to Administration..not today"

-Jack Welch
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WASHINGTON (AP) — No IRS official would face criminal charges arising from the political controversy over the processing of applications for tax-exempt status, the Justice Department announced Friday.

In a letter to members of Congress, the department said that while investigators had found "mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia," there was no evidence of a crime.

"We found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution," the letter stated.

What complete and utter horseshit. And libs love to talk about the Nixon and Bush Justice Departments - whatever they imagine those DOJs were capable of, this one does it with impunity. And the cheerleading press won't cover it.

Anyone who thinks the FBI investigation of Hilary could possibly lead to anything from this Justice Dept. is delusional. Rather deal with Stalin's KGB......good grief.
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In an interview with conservative radio host Dennis Prager earlier this week and posted by BuzzFeed News on Friday, Carson claimed that most of the racism in the United States comes from the left.

At the Values Voter Summit in October 2013, Carson remarked that "Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery

While watching Obama’s sixth state of the union address with his business manager, Armstrong Williams, Williams remarked of Obama’s appearance, “He looks good. He looks clean. Shirt’s white. The tie. He looks elegant.” To which Carson replied “Like most psychopaths. That’s why they’re successful. That’s the way they look. They all look great.”

Yea, nothing partisan at all about ole Uncle Ben o_O

Ben isn't lying. Most of the racism and division comes from the shit stiring left. They always focus on social division and victimhood to brainwash total idiots into thinking they're the righteous saviors of them because they can't run on their record so they pit people against each other.

If there is a moral issue, you can bank on the left being on the wrong side all the effing time. Not saying Republicans are much better but the left is so crazy beyond belief.
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Carson speaks softly, but thinks before he does it. I believe he has character, makes good decisions, and may have the least amount of ego of the candidates. He would need a really good cabinet. I will be voting for him in May.
There you have it folks. Deeee showing his true colors. He is showing that racist nature that Carson was talking about from the left.

Yep! He just can't hide it for very long. Deee tries, but his true colors come out sooner or later.