How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Wrong. SCOTUS has held that constitutional rights apply to people here who aren't citizens. The Constitution gives "persons" rights, as compared to "citizens" when referring to things like voting that only citizens can do. Again, basic civics. How can you be so uninformed on simple topics?
Lots of people who live here LEGALLY aren't citizens. They are here on work visas or through other legal means but aren't nationalized citizens. They are here properly and therefore entitled to services. whereas Illegals aren't here with the proper documentation and therefore should NOT be entitled to benefits.
Wrong. SCOTUS has held that constitutional rights apply to people here who aren't citizens. The Constitution gives "persons" rights, as compared to "citizens" when referring to things like voting that only citizens can do. Again, basic civics. How can you be so uninformed on simple topics?

Lol oh i am aware. Was one of the most absurd decisions in the history of the court. Im also aware the current court would not reach such a result.

This is an interesting thread

"The French Broad River (Asheville) is an upstream tributary where flood control dams weren't constructed due to local opposition.

Rather than the devastation of Hurricane Helene on Asheville illustrating the effect of climate change, the success of the flood control dams in other sectors of the Tennessee Valley illustrates the success of the TVA flood control program where it is implemented.

Hurricane Helene did not show the effect of climate change, but what happens to settlements in Tennessee Valley tributaries under "natural" flooding (i.e. where flood control dams have been rejected.)" .....

The only way is to keep water up high with reservoirs. The locals blocked this.

There are many plans in the government to control flooding, but because of opposition from environmental groups, those plans do not get implemented.
Are people doing the stupid toilet paper 'panic buying' again? Like they did at the beginning of covid.

Apparently it has happened in the past.

It's amazing the ignorance that reoccurs over time. If you go to the government website, Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service, and look, it will show you this flood that happened in 1916. If you live below that level, you are subject to flooding.

The river is 1.5 ft higher than record. With all the urbanization and the rerouting of water with the additional homes and possibly a little more rain, that would explain the difference.

Historic Crests​

1.23.10 fton 07-16-1916
2.18.00 fton 06-01-1976
3.15.00 fton 08-01-1952
4.14.55 fton 09-08-2004
5.14.00 fton 04-01-1945
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A funny, not so funny story about the USGS gauges on the river. I used their data continually in my former job and was meeting with USGS once and told them that I was disappointed in the data that was often missing after Christmas. I asked why are gauges going out after Christmas so often.

Well, when they gave me the answer I felt like a real dummy. Apparently 13. 14-year-old boys get a 22 or bigger for Christmas. They drive down to the bridge by the river and practice shooting targets. The USGS River gauge makes for a nice target. And since there's so many rednecks here, that damn thing doesn't stand a chance
Funny.... Don't remember Kamala giving an angry riot inducing speech in any of those cities telling those people that she won an election she lost and that they have to "fight like hell" to get their country back.... And to follow her to the state Capitol to make them fix the election results.

She asked for people to donate to bail out criminals who under the false pretenses of protest broke the laws by hurting people and property. Her plea for donations simply encourages violent criminal behavior under the guise of legitimate peaceful protest. She encouraged violence.

No laugh emoji or denial will change that truth, even for the most foolish of simpletons.
She asked for people to donate to bail out criminals who under the false pretenses of protest broke the laws by hurting people and property. Her plea for donations simply encourages violent criminal behavior under guise of legitimate peaceful protest.

No laugh emoji or denial will change that truth, even for the most foolish of simpletons.
She didn't instigate the riots.
She gave zero speeches in front of zero BLM crowds.
She bailed out zero criminals.
She sang zero songs with anyone convicted of a violent crime like beating police officers.

You can't say the same which is why your argument is pure crap and you know it.

Apples to elephant comparison.
These are convicted criminals. Some of which beat the sh** out of Capitol police.
No story before this has illustrated more what the Dems aim of bringing in as many foreigners they can...will do to Americans in times of crisis. We don't have unlimited resources and right now illegals are the most privileged class in America. They commit heinous crimes they get released. They get free housing, free food, benefits. Every federal agency is prioritizing their needs and wants over American citizens.

Plus i guarantee they didn't dredge which is the real issue.

Everyone is boxed in with regulation.

If someone dredges a creek, that creek moves faster. That creek empties into another creek or river. That river into another river and so on.

The thinking is that your dredging or widening of creeks affects everyone down stream. That if you make all of those tributaries efficient, then the Tennessee, Cumberland, Ohio and Mississippi are overwhelmed quicker. On a smaller scale, it's like local zoning calling for retention ponds for new construction.

I own property along both sides of the Ohio River. About five years ago I was informed by the Army Corp of Eng by letter that some county in Northern Kentucky wanted to widen a creek. If I had issue with it, I could come and state my objection at some meeting.

There isn't a happy medium with these people. It's all or nothingall. Just imagine them contacting every land owner from Covington to the Gulf of Mexico to try to get a rise. They've never informed me of any other request upriver since. Either no-one bothers to ask anymore or they don't need my opinion.

The answer was in that tweet above. TVA adding dams and reservoirs ended a lot of heart ache. We rarely see the wild, untamed streams and rivers in the US like we did two weeks ago in WNC. That's some third world shit where there's no plan for runoff.
Hey demo☭rats, why would they do this illegal maneuver???

demo☭rats can't win without fraud. It's how Katie Hobbs was installed as AZ Gov.

You know it, everybody knows it, but you DGAF. Power at any cost!

Pubs are a little more organized this time. Your cheat won't go unchallenged. GFY!

Imagine thinking that the Founders intended to allow an army of invaders the same legal rights as We the People.

Rights are god given.

The Constitution protects people from infringement upon those rights by the US government.

Should illegal aliens enjoy the same protections? No. But, I’d err on the side of limiting what the US government an do to people.

The more concerning thing is a government dead set on flooding the country with illegal aliens.
His son is a POS. That's the face of someone who is essentially non-verbal at this point. The open mouth like that is someone taking their last breaths. anyone who has seen death occur directly understands this, (I was by the side of my dad and two grandparents when they passed) That's a sign of someone who's body is shutting down. Hell, i'm not convinced he was actually alive there.
No... The intelligent MAN doesn't want dumbasses like you flying drones into military helicopter blades and causing downed aircraft in the mountains of NC.

You think a small home drone is going to down a military helicopter in the incredibly unlikely event someone that’s surveying for survivors clips one of the few vehicles Kamabla has sent to help?

I guess maybe if they’re Boeing, but shit. I thought we sent all our old worthless military equipment to Ukraine. You’re telling me we’re still flying choppers that can be downed with $50 drones so we need to let stranded people starve to death?
The only way is to keep water up high with reservoirs. The locals blocked this.

There are many plans in the government to control flooding, but because of opposition from environmental groups, those plans do not get implemented.
Dams & flood projects had nothing to do with the flooding. French broad and Nolichucky both run to Douglas lake. Douglas had already been dropped almost to winter pool. The water came too fast. Nolichucky has dams on it. It didn’t stop the water. Other rivers affected worse had dams too. The flood was just a freak occurrence where an absurd amount of water was dropped on mountains with major elevation changes. But you’re right, it’s not a climate deal. This has happened before over 100 years ago. It wasn’t climate change then either.
First the teamsters, now the firemen. It's the same situation. Leadership wants to endorse, but the rank and file is overwhelmingly against it. So, don't endorse anybody. Don't worry dems. You guys can count on the irs agents and the guys that carry the mail in ballots.

Unions not endorsing a dem has to be one of the biggest jaw droppers of my lifetime.

this is pretty ****ed up. The administration is purposely recalling the national guard deployed for coronavirus response 1 day before GI benefits kick in. Anything to save a buck. Support those troops!

An official with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said in an interagency call on May 12 reported on by Politico that the guardsmen will face a “hard stop” on June 24 to prevent them from reaching the 90 days of duty credit needed to qualify for early retirement and education benefits.
Business as usual

No... The intelligent MAN doesn't want dumbasses like you flying drones into military helicopter blades and causing downed aircraft in the mountains of NC.
Lol, no it's because he doesn't want ppl to see the devastation that they're dragging their feet on.

They did the SAME thing at the border

This election comes down to:

Are Republicans able to identify and minimize the demo☭rat cheat.
Will demo☭rats prevail at hiding their cheating in un-auditable chaos.

Man, I hate to break this to you. I know everyone has a shiver of hope. Because everyone knows that Kamala only has 30-40 million legitimate votes.

They are not going to let her lose. Arizona is illegally disallowing public access to the voter rolls of the 219k voters that don’t have to provide proof of citizenship.

They waited too long to fight the fraud set up.