Holy Botched FEMA Responses, Batman!
Impeach every GD one of those Democrat swine immediately if not sooner.
This is why I'm not a 100% pro team blue guy. There are certainly a lot of good cops and I am thankful for them, but at the end of the day they are agents of the state and will do what they are told to get that paycheck.
I wasn't there. Trump is a reactor. Yeah, he probably overreacts. Just based on what Trump's personality is, I would assume that guy had done something disrespectful to him. When you disrespect the President of the United States, things like this maybe should happen once in awhile. Also Trump is 6'3 and 235 lb so once in awhile you bump into people.Explain why the president of the U.S. would need to physically behave like that?
That's a sound counter argument and I'll offer another. If we didn't provide handouts so easily and people had to work in order to survive, you wouldn't have as much trouble filling those jobs. The pay for those jobs would also increase to meet demand, so better paying jobs. Of course, prices for those services would increase, but you could lower taxes to compensate because you would decrease expenditures while increasing the tax base thus more revenue. Not to mention the savings from not providing free stuff to illegals.I'm waiting for another dumbazz Democrat to say " We need the illegals for the labor... we don't have enough people to work!!".
Well... maybe if you Democrats didn't kill 63 MILLION babies since 1973... we'd have enough workers.
FVCK you Democrats.
FifyHarris supporters mostly peacefully burned down st Louis Minneapolis Baltimore etc. did Kamala do those things???
Sambortion is the lowest IQ poster on here. I read that he is "special needs" or "challenged." So take it easy on him.I love Sam’s fake links that he thinks is actually true. It’s like watching someone link MAD magazine as if it’s a legitimate source
Hillary conceded on election night.
The Dems are wrong calling him illegitimate.
The Russians did try to interfere but the American people's votes were 100 percent legitimate. I've never said anything different. Trump's win was a free and fair election period. But so was Biden's.
The Pubs took that playbook and put it on steroids with the election lies and refusing to even concede.
BOTH parties need to stop with this BS. It's not how a healthy democracy operates.
This is an interesting thread
"The French Broad River (Asheville) is an upstream tributary where flood control dams weren't constructed due to local opposition.
Rather than the devastation of Hurricane Helene on Asheville illustrating the effect of climate change, the success of the flood control dams in other sectors of the Tennessee Valley illustrates the success of the TVA flood control program where it is implemented.
Hurricane Helene did not show the effect of climate change, but what happens to settlements in Tennessee Valley tributaries under "natural" flooding (i.e. where flood control dams have been rejected.)" .....
Plus i guarantee they didn't dredge which is the real issue.
People can yell climate change all they want but it was a miracle this didn't happen sooner.
"May the best man win"..
Not "prosecuted"... " convicted and hanged" would be much better.
If only we had sent in more tax dollars...
Yes, it's unbelievablely dumb and desperate. Literally countless millions of Americans have altered surnames so they're more easy to pronounce or because of the way language changed. I have a basic Irish last name, at some point in time hundreds of years ago they added an extra vowel to be pronounced the way they said it in Ireland, the way ppl kept saying it here, to differentiate from another family, etc.Wait a second, Dionysus is blaming Donald Trump for “grifting” because his family changed their name hundreds of years ago and thats the name he was born with?
That’s even more retarded than what I thought he was claiming.
Jesus Christ, the left can’t meme.
Wrong. SCOTUS has held that constitutional rights apply to people here who aren't citizens. The Constitution gives "persons" rights, as compared to "citizens" when referring to things like voting that only citizens can do. Again, basic civics. How can you be so uninformed on simple topics?Illegal immigrants don't have constitutional rights either.
Only after his attempt to maintain it failed. What would have happened had Pence done as Trump asked?Trump handed over power. The election was rife with fraud. But he walked away.
Only after his attempt to maintain it failed. What would have happened had Pence done as Trump asked?
Indeed. Same with my maternal 5th great grandfather's family, German immigrants.Yes, it's unbelievablely dumb and desperate. Literally countless millions of Americans have altered surnames so they're more easy to pronounce or because of the way language changed. I have a basic Irish last name, at some point in time hundreds of years ago they added an extra vowel to be pronounced the way they said it in Ireland, the way ppl kept saying it here, to differentiate from another family, etc.
They all got hard about this bc John Oliver came up with it, a brit, who can't say "water" properly
The same thing that did happen, he’d be elected. Makes you wonder, hmmm?What would have happened had Biden received legitimate, actual votes?
Dude I hate the Democrats. I dunno whether you just haven't been here long enough to see me bagging on them because I spend the majority of my time here swimming against the conservative tide, but Democrats are worthless. They're the same imperialism and capitalism, bombs and bosses, just with rainbows on them. Go back and look at who voted for the Iraq War. It wasn't just Republicans. I was a child at the time and even I knew the geopolitical implications and situation better than those numbskulls. I can go on and on about Democrats, Pride Month, the Deep State; much of the same shit you'd hear out of any redneck's mouth. I live and work every day in deep EKY. My critiques of those things are just from a dialectical materialist leftist position and not from the right.
It really sucks and I've been predicting it for years while the thread tells me I'm crazy. The business and defense communities have to go somewhere now that they've been kicked out of the Republican coalition, and in America we only have one other option.
Yes youre right, bc this one hurts you...the government doesn't give rights.Wrong. SCOTUS has held that constitutional rights apply to people here who aren't citizens. The Constitution gives "persons" rights, as compared to "citizens" when referring to things like voting that only citizens can do. Again, basic civics. How can you be so uninformed on simple topics?
Only after his attempt to maintain it failed. What would have happened had Pence done as Trump asked?