How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I cannot imagine why you would live in Berkeley, CA if you were a Trump supporter. It's such a radicalized leftist cesspool, I can't imagine anyone would grow up there with enough sense to not be a radical Marxist. That being the case, that leaves a population of Trump supporters made up of people who willingly moved there.

It just perplexes me that even one person would exist in Berkeley who would support Trump enough to go rally against the radical Marxists.
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Putin has already won. The Democrats and liberal MSM have given him exactly what we wanted. He and his cabal are sitting in the Kremlin toasting vodka, eating caviar, laughing their asses off at us dumb Americans.
Hopefully after all this deep state fighting we might actually get some of our liberties back but I fear it will be worse. More surveillance of citizens justified by some bs bill passed by these maniacs in power.
Trump more than likely heard a rumor and exploited it. His usual method of bashing democrats.

I also noticed in his speech he mentioned that there's no time more trivial fights.. and the next day attacks Schwarzenegger for his low rating on The Apprentice.

Some president we have. Smh
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This is all public information he has. He simply connected the dots.

Rest assured "The Swamp" will do everything possible to shitcan this as well because Trump is a threat to business as usual in Washington. How anyone can defend either aisle is beyond me. Who is really shocked that Ryan and others are trying to backdoor a new Healthcare bill? Who is surprised that a Texas Senator who is the Senate Majority Whip says Texans who voted Trump really do not want a wall? The Dems have no solutions. Obstruction is their only objective now.

The whole government needs blown up and started over again. It's that bad.
Trump more than likely heard a rumor and exploited it. His usual method of bashing democrats.

I also noticed in his speech he mentioned that there's no time more trivial fights.. and the next day attacks Schwarzenegger for his low rating on The Apprentice.

Some president we have. Smh

The Democrats have exploited a made up story that they created since September to damage Trump.
There is zero evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded during the election with the Russians, none, yet it's still being used.

Obama wanted Hillary to win, not for the party or the Country, but for his personal legacy.
Hell, Hillary had a come apart after the military sit down with Lauer. Reportedly stating they'll all hang if Trump wins.
If you think for a second that the Obama administration wouldn't have leaned on an agency and a judge to get into Trump headquarters you're nuts.
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Regardless of how this turns out, the United States and especially the office of the POTUS have been significantly diminished. Reagan's shining city on a hill is gone forever. We are entering a new dark age of propaganda on a massive scale. Truth is not just elusive it has become indecipherable.

Tell me this does not perfectly describe the rise of Donald Trump and especially the Trumplings in this very thread:

It was characteristic of the rise of the Nazi movement in Germany and of the Communist movements in Europe after 1930 that they recruited their members from this mass of apparently indifferent people whom all other parties had given up as too apathetic or too stupid for their attention. The result was that the majority of their membership consisted of people who never before had appeared on the political scene. This permitted the introduction of entirely new methods into political propaganda, and indifference to the arguments of political opponents; these movements not only placed themselves outside and against the party system as a whole, they found a membership that had never been reached, never been "spoiled" by the party system. Therefore they did not need to refute opposing arguments and consistently preferred methods which ended in death rather than persuasion, which spelled terror rather than conviction. They presented disagreements as invariably originating in deep natural, social, or psychological sources beyond the control of the individual and therefore beyond the power of reason. This would have been a shortcoming only if they had sincerely entered into competition with other parties; it was not if they were sure of dealing with people who had reason to be equally hostile to all parties.

- Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism.

Hillary was supposed to win and cover all of this up.
This is exactly right and if you remember, all of these lefties were salivating when thoughts of Trump becoming the nominee of the GOP were beginning to come true. They just knew that Hillary was guaranteed to win then. It was the reason they did not try as hard in some of the battle ground states.
Trump more than likely heard a rumor and exploited it. His usual method of bashing democrats.

I also noticed in his speech he mentioned that there's no time more trivial fights.. and the next day attacks Schwarzenegger for his low rating on The Apprentice.

Some president we have. Smh
Typical moronic take after so much info out there to state otherwise. No son nothings wrong other wise they would have reported it on CNN or MSNBC.
Z even if you had a point(I didn't read much but I know the rhetoric in the post) are you really happy seeing the level of corruption the democrats were willing to go to turn us into socialists?

It isn't like it was Trump of the best presidential candidate ever! We were wel past not being the America we should've would've could be. Pretty far from it TBH.
Regardless of how this turns out, the United States and especially the office of the POTUS have been significantly diminished. Reagan's shining city on a hill is gone forever. We are entering a new dark age of propaganda on a massive scale. Truth is not just elusive it has become indecipherable.

Tell me this does not perfectly describe the rise of Donald Trump and especially the Trumplings in this very thread:

It was characteristic of the rise of the Liberal movement in America and of the Communist movements in California after 2000 that they recruited their members from this mass of apparently indifferent people like Obama whom all other parties had given up as too apathetic or too stupid for their attention. The result was that the majority of their membership consisted of people who never before had appeared on the political scene. This permitted the introduction of entirely new methods into political propaganda, and indifference to the arguments of political opponents; these movements not only placed themselves outside and against the party system as a whole, they found a membership that had never been reached, never been "spoiled" by the party system. Therefore they did not need to refute opposing arguments and consistently preferred methods which ended in death rather than persuasion, which spelled terror rather than conviction. They presented disagreements as invariably originating in deep natural, social, or psychological sources beyond the control of the individual and therefore beyond the power of reason. This would have been a shortcoming only if they had sincerely entered into competition with other parties; it was not if they were sure of dealing with people who had reason to be equally hostile to all parties.

- Donald Trump The Origins of Liberal Democrats in America.

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Trump more than likely heard a rumor and exploited it. His usual method of bashing democrats.

I also noticed in his speech he mentioned that there's no time more trivial fights.. and the next day attacks Schwarzenegger for his low rating on The Apprentice.

Some president we have. Smh

Greatest president ever. I'm dancing on the graves of democrats and I'm loving every goddamn second of it.

Typical moronic take after so much info out there to state otherwise. No son nothings wrong other wise they would have reported it on CNN or MSNBC.
Trump doesn't look at the facts. The whole world saw it during the election and especially the debates. And don't give me the "Hillary's still worse" shit. She's not the president now is she? (Even if she won the majority of votes)

Until Trump stops his trivial attacks and lays off Twitter, he wont be presidential. You must agree with this on SOME level.
Trump doesn't look at the facts. The whole world saw it during the election and especially the debates. And don't give me the "Hillary's still worse" shit. She's not the president now is she? (Even if she won the majority of votes)

Until Trump stops his trivial attacks and lays off Twitter, he wont be presidential. You must agree with this on SOME level.
You idiots invented the trivial attack and are now reaping the benefits. How stupid does that make you guys. And yes, Hillary is much, much worse. We just dodged the socialism/communism bullet. But please feel free to join all of the other morons who left the country like they promised and paid their bets like they promised, oh wait....lefties don't tell the truth ever so, never mind. Lying is part of the manifesto, that is why Islamic terrorist are now part of your party.
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The only remaining question about the Trump presidency is how much more damage will he do before he is impeached? How far does our country devolve, how high does the temperature rise before our country's immune system kicks in and Trump is mercifully removed from office the same way Nixon was?

How high will the cost be to our country?

I disagree with Pence moreso than probably any other politician in this country, but we need to restore a compass point at a minimum. An understanding of where things are even if we couldn't disagree more. At least you can build from that point.

Right now we are perched atop a quicksand of lies as a nation. Nothing enduring may be created until Trump is impeached.