How will they rule ??!

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The only remaining question about the Trump presidency is how much more damage will he do before he is impeached? How far does our country devolve, how high does the temperature rise before our country's immune system kicks in and Trump is mercifully removed from office the same way Nixon was?

How high will the cost be to our country?

I disagree with Pence moreso than probably any other politician in this country, but we need to restore a compass point at a minimum. An understanding of where things are even if we couldn't disagree more. At least you can build from that point.

Right now we are perched atop a quicksand of lies as a nation. Nothing enduring may be created until Trump is impeached.
[laughing] This is like every other day with you. I guess if you say it enough you will think it happened and, you will see Hillary when you look at Trump. Then, every thing he does will make sense to you and you will support it.
The only remaining question about the Trump presidency is how much more damage will he do before he is impeached? How far does our country devolve, how high does the temperature rise before our country's immune system kicks in and Trump is mercifully removed from office the same way Nixon was?

How high will the cost be to our country?

I disagree with Pence moreso than probably any other politician in this country, but we need to restore a compass point at a minimum. An understanding of where things are even if we couldn't disagree more. At least you can build from that point.

Right now we are perched atop a quicksand of lies as a nation. Nothing enduring may be created until Trump is impeached.
That's very good, Z, now take your meds like the good nurse told you or no pudding after dinner tonight.
That was Freudian, Wall... you thinking about meat in your mouth:

"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
[laughing] This is like every other day with you. I guess if you say it enough you will think it happened and, you will see Hillary when you look at Trump. Then, every thing he does will make sense to you and you will support it.
You people were so tore up over Obama that any other GOP candidate would "save the country". You guys never stop and ask yourself if there is something off about the entitled way Trump runs the WH.
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That didn't happen though.
It happens, you just can't unmask it without authorization ostensibly in the form of a FISA order. Virtually every electronic communication in this country is recorded somewhere. That damn broke a long time ago. Only a matter of who can look at it so you better get used to it.
You idiots invented the trivial attack and are now reaping the benefits. How stupid does that make you guys. And yes, Hillary is much, much worse. We just dodged the socialism/communism bullet. But please feel free to join all of the other morons who left the country like they promised and paid their bets like they promised, oh wait....lefties don't tell the truth ever so, never mind. Lying is part of the manifesto, that is why Islamic terrorist are now part of your party.
The fact that you blame EVERYTHING on the democrats speaks a lot on your demeanor. Libs may not like the GOP, but at least it's only Trump at the butt of our jokes
You people were so tore up over Obama that any other GOP candidate would "save the country". You guys never stop and ask yourself if there is something off about the entitled way Trump runs the WH.
Surely you did not say entitled about Trump. You guys have been screaming that you were entitled so much now you can't get away from it. Hillary was so entitled to be president that when she lost you guys started crying so much Noah's descendants started building another ARK. You guys need to join the circus, at least then you would have jobs being the clowns you are.
Once again another fly by comes in and touts party lines to discredit Trump by bringing up GOP. For the 100000x very few on this board support the established 2 party system of illusion. Trump is the only candidate that has ever said anything about taking down the corruption of the establishment. Whether he does that or not who knows but at least we are talking about it.
The fact that you blame EVERYTHING on the democrats speaks a lot on your demeanor. Libs may not like the GOP, but at least it's only Trump at the butt of our jokes
I guess all of those attacks against Trump supporters and conservatives caught on video are just fake news.

P.S. Deplorable, Racist, Misogynist, white privileged GOP voters are the reason Trump is in office, or so you guys have told us countless times. So, you lie again. Are you guys ever going to learn that every thing you say can come back and bite you in the ass?
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Once again another fly by comes in and touts party lines to discredit Trump by bringing up GOP. For the 100000x very few on this board support the established 2 party system of illusion. Trump is the only candidate that has ever said anything about taking down the corruption of the establishment. Whether he does that or not who knows but at least we are talking about it.
The establishment is so ingrained in our country, it's extremely implausible for that to go away after 250 years. It can be used to our benefit when the head of government knows how to use his authority. Ever since Bush, executive orders have increased, ensuring either a far-left or far-right regime. No in-between
I guess all of those attacks against Trump supporters and conservatives caught on video are just fake news.

P.S. Deplorable, Racist, Misogynist, white privileged GOP voters are the reason Trump is in office, or so you guys have told us countless times. So, you lie again. Are you guys ever going to learn that every thing you say can come back and bite you in the ass?
It's funny how close-minded you are, also disturbing.. You really think Libs are the only problem in the country, and the conservatives are the blameless victim of the previous dictoral president.

Even if you call bullshit, you know that's the way you guys think. I know because my family is the same way. It's just a thought process passed through the generations. Guess it isnt all your fault.
It's funny how close-minded you are, also disturbing.. You really think Libs are the only problem in the country, and the conservatives are the blameless victim of the previous dictoral president.

Even if you call bullshit, you know that's the way you guys think. I know because my family is the same way. It's just a thought process passed through the generations. Guess it isnt all your fault.
You're correct. Conservatives are to blame... for letting the idiots on the left, have things their way for too long!
It's funny how close-minded you are, also disturbing.. You really think Libs are the only problem in the country, and the conservatives are the blameless victim of the previous dictoral president.

Even if you call bullshit, you know that's the way you guys think. I know because my family is the same way. It's just a thought process passed through the generations. Guess it isnt all your fault.
Let's see....Lying about a video, lying about emails, lying about Romney to get Obama elected and then saying "it worked didn't it?" Did not have sex with that woman. Fast and furious DOJ, meeting Bill on the Tarmac during Hillary's investigation DOJ, Anthony's Weiner, ensuring Hillary beats Bernie by cheating, conspiring with Russia with a hot mike, busing in demonstrators, we have to pass the worst healthcare law this country has had before we can see what's in it, the list is endless. For you to even feign ignorance is insulting. You guys on the left are following the manifesto of divide and conquer through lies and deception.

No, conservatives are not blameless but, we at least are trying to send a message to the GOP by electing Trump. He is not the established GOP nor is he completely conservative. The problem is, you talk as if you are different than your lying leaders when in fact, you seem to have taken a page right out of the liberal manifesto. Feign that you are only going after Trump but, it would not matter who was voted in from the right, you would attack them anyway.
Again, the only leaked emails were about the dnc rigging Hillary vs Bernie and John Podesta's recipes and disdain for Hillary.

Clearly this caused voters in Wisconsin/Michigan/Pennsylvania (lol still can't believe we won those) to switch their votes from Hillary to Trump. Clearly.

It was a tipping point for Charlie in Waukesha and what not for sure....
Trump doesn't look at the facts. The whole world saw it during the election and especially the debates. And don't give me the "Hillary's still worse" shit. She's not the president now is she? (Even if she won the majority of votes)

Until Trump stops his trivial attacks and lays off Twitter, he wont be presidential. You must agree with this on SOME level.
I love his Twitter. I wish he would bi pass the media all togather and just use Twitter. Not presidential? Who defines that? You? No thanks I can smell your bullshit a mile away
We are entering a new dark age of propaganda on a massive scale. Truth is not just elusive it has become indecipherable.

This right here basically sums everything up pretty well.

Z is so goddam stupid he just now thinks we're battling disinformation and propaganda.

Half the country knows everything that comes out of Washington is bullshit. The other half, like Z, is to goddam stupid to think for themselves and has to take the bullshit that's spoonfed by the left as fact.
I love his Twitter. I wish he would bi pass the media all togather and just use Twitter. Not presidential? Who defines that? You? No thanks I can smell your bullshit a mile away
They are angry now because, they cannot control the narrative and keep all of their lemmings in line. But, most like him will continue to vote for socialism because, they believe in it. The only ones they will continue to lose are the independents. Hopefully that will be enough to keep this country safe.
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Let's see....Lying about a video, lying about emails, lying about Romney to get Obama elected and then saying "it worked didn't it?" Did not have sex with that woman. Fast and furious DOJ, meeting Bill on the Tarmac during Hillary's investigation DOJ, Anthony's Weiner, ensuring Hillary beats Bernie by cheating, conspiring with Russia with a hot mike, busing in demonstrators, we have to pass the worst healthcare law this country has had before we can see what's in it, the list is endless. For you to even feign ignorance is insulting. You guys on the left are following the manifesto of divide and conquer through lies and deception.

No, conservatives are not blameless but, we at least are trying to send a message to the GOP by electing Trump. He is not the established GOP nor is he completely conservative. The problem is, you talk as if you are different than your lying leaders when in fact, you seem to have taken a page right out of the liberal manifesto. Feign that you are only going after Trump but, it would not matter who was voted in from the right, you would attack them anyway.
Jesus, again you proved my point for me. Listing nothing but democrats' scandals and not one republican.

Let me refresh your memory.. Mark Foley; similar to Anthony Weiner, except he sexted teenage boys. Tom DeLay; money laundering, broke campaign financing laws. Mitch McConnell; multiple bribery allegations. Bill Frist. Roger Wicker.
This right here basically sums everything up pretty well.

Z is so goddam stupid he just now thinks we're battling disinformation and propaganda.

Half the country knows everything that comes out of Washington is bullshit. The other half, like Z, is to goddam stupid to think for themselves and has to take the bullshit that's spoonfed by the left as fact.
Or you could understand what the word "scale" means but then that would render your entire little hissy-fit pointless.
Jesus, again you proved my point for me. Listing nothing but democrats' scandals and not one republican.

Let me refresh your memory.. Mark Foley; similar to Anthony Weiner, except he sexted teenage boys. Tom DeLay; money laundering, broke campaign financing laws. Mitch McConnell; multiple bribery allegations. Bill Frist. Roger Wicker.
Dennis "Denny" Hastert... he was a dandy. Here's the face most of those little boys the GOP loves so much saw when he counseled them:

Jesus, again you proved my point for me. Listing nothing but democrats' scandals and not one republican.

Let me refresh your memory.. Mark Foley; similar to Anthony Weiner, except he sexted teenage boys. Tom DeLay; money laundering, broke campaign financing laws. Mitch McConnell; multiple bribery allegations. Bill Frist. Roger Wicker.
Poor reading comprehension or just plain dishonesty as usual from you. I admittedly posted that conservatives were not blameless but, we were trying to send a message to the GOP by electing Trump that we are tired of the same old lie. You on the other hand continue to buy and seem to agree with the lefts agenda of socialism.

You really don't want to start comparing corruptness however, you would lose in a landslide of filth.

BTW, your point was full of hypocrisy given your postings.
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Or you could understand what the word "scale" means but then that would render your entire little hissy-fit pointless.

You're right. It was only the entire political establishment and main stream media before. Peanuts compared to a POTUS on Twitter.

Those rapid fire tweets from the POTUS account are massive scale propaganda we've never seen before.
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Poor reading comprehension or just plain dishonesty as usual from you. I admittedly posted that conservatives were not blameless but we were trying to send a message to the GOP by electing Trump that we are tired of the same old lie. You on the other hand continue to buy and seem to agree with the lefts agenda of socialism.

You really don't want to start comparing corruptness however, you would lose in a landslide of filth.
If you go back and read, you completely contradict yourself in those two paragraphs. "Democrats are littered with wide-scale corruption, and oh yeah conservatives have a few problems, I guess, sort of."
You're right. It was only the entire political establishment and main stream media before. Peanuts compared to a POTUS on Twitter.

Those rapid fire tweets from the POTUS account are massive scale propaganda we've never seen before.
From the most powerful bully pulpit in the world. When you have an American President that is a habitual liar and then all the government and press actions it sets in motion when he lies, then absolutely "yes" it is propaganda on a massive scale never seen before. The Office of the President of the United States being used over and over again to spread easily provable outright bald faced lies. That is a new era of propaganda on a scale never seen before whether you care to agree to it or not.
If you go back and read, you completely contradict yourself in those two paragraphs. "Democrats are littered with wide-scale corruption, and oh yeah conservatives have a few problems, I guess, sort of."
No contradiction at all, I agree you guys are worse. I simply posted that the right was not blameless. Simply made it clear that many of us were tired of it and that is why we voted for Trump. You guys are worse and there is no close comparison and to prove it, you guys have doubled down on what lost you control of all three branches of federal Government, and many other seats all over the country. You just can't see it because you buy the BS being sold to you. Think about how clueless you have to be for that.
Jesus, again you proved my point for me. Listing nothing but democrats' scandals and not one republican.

Let me refresh your memory.. Mark Foley; similar to Anthony Weiner, except he sexted teenage boys. Tom DeLay; money laundering, broke campaign financing laws. Mitch McConnell; multiple bribery allegations. Bill Frist. Roger Wicker.
Show us a list of people who defended those scandals from the right.

You can't. We on the right don't defend things like that. The left defends the left no matter what the scandal is.

Obama (or any democrat) could shoot a child on live TV, and drink his blood and people on the left would defend it.
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No contradiction at all, I agree you guys are worse. I simply posted that the right was not blameless. Simply made it clear that many of us were tired of it and that is why we voted for Trump. You guys are worse and there is no close comparison and to prove it, you guys have doubled down on what lost you control of all three branches of federal Government, and many other seats all over the country. You just can't see it because you buy the BS being sold to you. Think about how clueless you have to be for that.
Pay entire family is full of conservatives, I was fed same shit you were. When I got older I realized it didn't make a whole lot of sense. Stretched morals, excuses, arrogance, no accountability, I could go on about conservative morals.
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From the most powerful bully pulpit in the world. When you have an American President that is a habitual liar and then all the government and press actions it sets in motion when he lies, then absolutely "yes" it is propaganda on a massive scale never seen before. The Office of the President of the United States being used over and over again to spread easily provable outright bald faced lies. That is a new era of propaganda on a scale never seen before whether you care to agree to it or not.
Yes, how did Obama do that so easily? He had you guys on a trot line. He used sucker fish bait.
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